MoH sailor who rescued 15 airmen dies

By Jon Gambrell - The Associated Press
Posted : Wednesday Sep 10, 2008 6:48:01 EDT
LITTLE ROCK, Ark. — Nathan Green Gordon, a former Arkansas lieutenant governor whose under-fire rescue of 15 downed airmen in World War II earned him the Medal of Honor, has died. He was 92.
Gordon died Monday night at the University of Arkansas for Medical Science hospital in Little Rock while being treated for pneumonia and other ailments, nephew Allen Gordon said. Though becoming forgetful with age, Gordon continued to charm and debate the news with those who spoke with him, his nephew said.
Family members said Gordon didn’t speak much about his service as a Navy pilot during World War II, fighting across the Pacific Theater in a Consolidated PBY Catalina flying boat, a large plane no faster than a high-powered automobile. However, until his final days, he would tell anyone who asked about the rescue mission in the Bismarck Sea that brought him national acclaim, his nephew said.
“He would always tear up,” Allen Gordon said.
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Damn, we keep losing our warriors and our nation focuses on Lindsay Lohan and her girl phase... am I fighting on the right side?
All we can do is point it out. That whole lead a horse to water.
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