Saturday, July 15, 2006

Day 2 of The Milbloggers Shootout Weekend

We met for breakfast at Alfred's Cafe, next to the range. Then onto the range (Bulls Eye Indoor Range and Gun Shop) ............and...........I........shot.......stuff!

I will post more in depth with links, etc., but right now I am preparing for the event of the weekend where I will excel...the pub crawl!

I am meeting interesting people, fellow bloggers and Walt Gaya (of chocolate cake fame.......alright he is famous for something else, but you know how distractable I am). The cake was absolutely fabulous. if you can go, you should....Corina Bakery 510 6th Ave., Tacoma. Walt told us about an art gallery that was exhibiting his photos. We headed down there and that was just great. His photos are well worth seeing and the gallery, Art on Center, had another artist that I was really moved by. Cynthia Bittenfield's photo, "As You Were" really touched me.

I am exploring Seattle, Tacoma, and tonight Ballard.

After you hear the soundbites, if the Mistress of Argghhh is able to download them, you will be sorry you missed this.

********Keep watching the Tanker Brothers, scroll down for posts with links. we are still in the midst of our "Tanker Brothers Rolling Victory Fast 2006"!

P.S. I have checked in at home and still have a house and the boys are fine.


Trias said...

Well there you go Maggie. You're now an official guntota.

Anonymous said...

Way to go! Now I know where the moniker Boston Mag. came from ;)

BostonMaggie said...

I was always I'm armed and dangerous!

Anonymous said...

Now I really need a drink

BostonMaggie said...

That's fine Jim.....just get me one while you're at it.

Gunny John said...

Ok, I'm officially jealous. Milbloggers meeting, and guns? Crap.

Way to go Maggie.

Sam Fidler said...

Just wait until next year. We'll let milblogger talk on the East Coast; we'll shoot on the West side.

Mary said...

I'm a Charlestown gal too. Austin St. Elm Street and awhile in the Bunker Hill project. Married a Wasp sailor 50 yrs ago. Great guy.

Maiden name: Smith

Alex said...

Hi, Im 14, I live in Seattle, and i found your blog by searching good and plenty the candy on google images and it brought me here. Im eating some right as i type and i love them. I read some of your blog and i think your pretty cool and was wondering if you would marry me.

Anonymous said...

mary from charlestown,
did you know the fitzgibbons family.

Michael J McKenna said...


Michael J McKenna said...

I am from the north shore, the town I live in is full of people from charlestown, they used to be summer residents but they liked the town and became full time residents.I have read your weblog and I like it. I spent 3yrs at woods hole on a research ship. so I have spent a lot of time at sea.
Do you mind if I link to your blog??

BostonMaggie said...
