"8:00 p.m.
Northeast Navy Showband Concert, Trum Field, Broadway, Somerville.
Vice Admiral McCoy to speak briefly. Navy Medal of Honor recipients Captains Tom Kelley and Tom Hudner will be attending.
Location: Trum Field Somerville"
- seemed an easy enough to get to.
My Dad used to take Jen to Trum Field when she was young so he could watch games. It was there that she acquired her love of Lyndell's almond discs. Lyndell's is right up the street. So that was the plan - 8 pm in Somerville.
I got an email today -
"Tonight's event has been shifted to the Somerville High Auditorium, 81 Highland Ave., Somerville"
Great! Good to have intel, right?
So I was a few minutes late getting there. LOL! Somerville High wasn't where I thought it was exactly (you know, as a Townie my Somerville escapades are limited to conferences at Tufts, wakes in Powder House Square, picking up pastries at Lyndells, etc). But I found it and after all, I'm always late.
I walk in and people are leaving. I am confused. I ask someone - "Did I miss it?" No I was assured, plenty more to see, this is intermission.
I walk down the center aisle. The Navy NorthEast Showband was packing up and they had a DJ playing WWII top Ten hits. People were dancing in front of the stage. I see a little knot of people off to the side. There's the mayor...some people shaking hands...and....some Sailors! LOL
I go up and greet LCDR Paul Brawley who's been keeping me in the loop with all the Navy week events. He's a Somerville native. Graduated from Somerville High in 1973.
I got to meet VADM McCoy and his wife (who I liked immediately). We could only talk for a few moments because their group was leaving. I was kidding about a mutual acquaintance who makes his own beer and Mrs. McCoy mentioned that Sam Adam's was popular in her family. I told her we'd have to get her a tour of the brewery and she'd be a rockstar in her family, lol.
VADM McCoy teased that he hoped I'd blog something nice about Navy Week (seriously? LOL! Who is more of a Navy girl than BostonMaggie!!!) Still, how cool was the bribe involved?!

Seriously, I was touched to receive the coin. Thank you, sir.
So, I did stay and I was glad I did. Once things started up again, Mayor Joseph Curtatone got up and said a few words and then introduced - The USO Liberty Bells! They were so cute in their little costumes. Then they started to sing and they were really good.
After the show I was waiting for the chance to ask some questions when the Mayor turned and thanked me for coming. I told him I had a great time. I asked if CAPTs Kelley and Hudner had showed up. He said that CAPT Hudner hadn't made it and CAPT Kelley had left earlier. He made me very sorry that I had missed the Navy band when he raved about their performance.
That's when I found out that this thing started at 6:45 pm..........seriously, the schedule said 8 pm. Look!
Classic Maggie, huh?
1 comment:
Looks like you almost had a Wild "Turkey" chase
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