I was a tiny bit late, because I didn't read my own directions and headed over to Pier 4....where the German Naval ship is!
I was met by LCDR Brawley who was nice enough to get me onboard - thank you, sir! Once aboard, I was folded into the Navy League tour where Navy vets with caps that read USS Wasp, USS Clarke, USS Fred Berry, and USS Whale were reliving happy memories and in some cases showing grandkids about.
While our tour guide, a young ensign was showing us around the bridge...the CO joined us. Thanks for popping out to say hi, CDR Schmidt.
I'll write more later, but right now, Jen knows I am blogging and she is texting threats. I am off to meet my sisters and goddaughters for some rainy day fun.
Very cool, Maggie
I love the US Navy - of course without a doubt we have the best navy in the world. Thanks for posting and sharing your pictures. Vicki
Thanks for the pix. I spent alot of time aboard FFG-7, USS OLIVER HAZARD PERRY during her shock test off Key West in 1978. Brings back alot of memories.
Who was the ensign giving the tour so I can give him crap when he gets home...lol. My husband is stationed on the FFG40 so I'm glad you enjoyed your tour :)
Vicki - I'll have to give you more notice about the next one so you can make it up here.
Tom - thank you for your service
Anon - I do not remember his name, it's killing me! I did meet OS2 Jones in the CiC. I also met QM2 Jones, I remembered b/c my Dad was QM2 on the Norris & he was the second "Jones" they introduced. And the OOD was an LT, I think his name was Bingham or Binghamton.
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