Friday, March 30, 2007
Even I'm not that mean!
Thursday, March 29, 2007
Some People Think......
The Navy is just taking over the whole deal, baby!
Socom Leader To Retire; His Deputy Likely Successor
Army Gen. Bryan "Doug" Brown, commander of U.S. Special Operations Command since September 2003, will retire this summer after four decades in the military. His deputy, Vice Adm. Eric Olson, is the front-runner to replace him, according to officials familiar with the internal deliberations.
If Olson, who once ran the elite SEAL Team Six counterterrorist unit, is nominated by President Bush and confirmed by the Senate, Navy officers will be in charge of the two war fighting organizations most responsible for operations in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Adm. William Fallon was installed March 16 as commander of U.S. Central Command, which along with Socom is based at MacDill Air Force Base.
Grace Should Be Relieved......

Wednesday, March 28, 2007
I Am John Doe

Related story - Congress did the right thing!! Final vote: 304 Ayes, 121 Noes. Here in Massachusetts, my congressional delegation has one stand up guy........Stevie Lynch. I called his office and told the person who answered the phone that I thought Stevie was fabulous! He's from Southie, that explains it.
Howie Carr
Go read it.
Uncle Jimbo is involved. I love Uncle Jimbo.
I said "That's because you don't care about my problems." She answered "That is a true statement."
SB will like that one.
Jennifer and SB do not understand the proper way to show respect.
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
From Morning Edition: A top aide for Attorney General Alberto Gonzales says she will invoke the Fifth Amendment when testifying before the Senate Judiciary Committee. The committee wants to question Monica Goodling about the firings of eight federal prosecutors.
Ms. Goodling understands the wisdom of the great James Michael Curley
"Never write when you can speak, never speak when you can nod."
She saw what happened when Scooter tried to talk to a grand jury about a leak he wasn't responsible for. She knows that once a witch-hunt is on that just being not guilty of wrongdoing is no protection from persecution.
Good for you, Ms. Goodling.
Monday, March 26, 2007
Another Deval Debacle
WCVB, The Boston Channel reports
Gov. Deval Patrick launched a new page on his political Web site this weekend to organize supporters behind his issues, but Secretary of State William Galvin Monday asked the governor to take it down, fearing the identity of voters may be compromised.
Team 5 Investigates Janet Wu discovered that when people register to participate, it discloses their home address as listed in the Massachusetts voter database. Wu found that anyone could enter a name and a town and find the street address for any registered voter. For some searches, unpublished phone numbers were revealed.
Janet Wu posed this concern.
"I think we're all concerned about people's private information getting public. Just to be clear, this information did not come from my office," said Galvin. "We know elderly voters in particular (are) concerned about people finding their address, what apartment they're in."
The response form Ms. Morningstar on his behalf is stunning.
"It's information that's publicly available from your city, your city hall, your local voter registration, " said Liz Morningstar of the Deval Patrick Committee.
Team 5 Investigates entered the name of a woman with a restraining order against a stalker. Her full address popped up on the Patrick campaign Web site.
Morningstar said if anyone has a complaint to lodge, she welcomes them to go online and register their concerns, but she said the campaign has no intention of taking down the new page.
So, I go and sign up to say I agree with the people who want the website taken down.
This is being discussed on several blogs that do a better job than I do. Hub Politics, DevalPatrickWatch, New England Republican, and RedMass Group.
If you lilve in Massachusetts, go to and register and join in protesting this violation of our privacy.
The Truest Thing I've Read In The New York Times
I deal with insurance companies every day. Some are good, some aren't, but to some extent, all of them follow this maxim. There is an insurance company I deal with on a regular basis that routinely denies a certain percentage of "clean claims". That is to say, there's nothing special about them, they don't have any errors and when you call in to their provider service line, they say "My bad, we'll reprocess." The point of doing this is two fold. One, they got to keep their money in their accounts a little longer. Two, some of these claims will not be called on for several reasons and the insurance company will not have to pay. This is a big part of my job. It's my job because I can be persistent without being rude. I call these people and get claims reprocessed and I will keep at it and at it. Sometimes though, my boss will say, "Nevermind, the cost of your time vs. that claim isn't worth it." It's true the claim in question is usually short money, but multiply that out. How many companies? How many claims? Just by denying claims on the first and sometimes second level (which doesn't cost the insurance companies anything significant - just a form letter), how much are they making? It's fraud and there is nothing I can do about it. Every company does it, Medicare too.
I have no solutions, I have no answers. I am just venting.
This rant in no way endorses socialized medicine, Clinton medicine or Romney medicine. At least the way it's done now patients still get choice and quality and providers make money. We just get cheated a little. It's like having to kick up a little to the "boss".
Saturday, March 24, 2007
Wait, Wait Don't Tell Me
Justice Breyer goes 0-3 on NPR news quiz
Here's what Justice Stephen Breyer revealed about the Supreme Court in his appearance on a radio quiz show: His judicial robe gathers no lint because it's synthetic.
When it came to cracking wise, Breyer held his own with a panel of people who are paid to be funny on National Public Radio's "Wait, Wait ... Don't Tell Me."
Being the funniest Supreme Court justice, he said, "is like being one of the shortest tall people."
On why he even agreed to answer questions outside his area of expertise in the humbling, and often embarrassing, "Not My Job" segment: "Well, it was my sister-in-law who wanted me to do it, and I wanted peace in the family."
The show was taped Thursday and will air this weekend on NPR stations. NPR provided a transcript on Friday.
Breyer spent a half-hour or so chatting with host Peter Sagal and panelists Luke Burbank, Paula Poundstone and Mo Rocca.
In response to questions from Poundstone, Breyer let listeners in on the secret of his lint-free robe, purchased 25 years ago after he became an appeals court judge in Boston.
But Breyer struck out when it came to the "Not My Job" questions, failing to answer any correctly about strange moments in the lives of rock stars David Bowie, Ozzy Osbourne and Iggy Pop.
In the end, the NPR regulars confessed they were relieved that Breyer didn't know Bowie once tried to exorcise Satan from his swimming pool, Iggy Pop spent a year eating nothing but German sausages or Osbourne once asked for directions to the bar immediately after checking in to rehab.
"I feel more and more confident about your ability to protect our Constitution knowing that you didn't know the answers to any of those three questions," Poundstone said
I Have Been Very Productive Today.......
......unlike Pia yesterday. LOL Seriously, it's ok, she deserves it.
I got up at 0630 and did some laundry and some packing in case the USN decides my presence is required in Newport.
That's right, my stray is back stateside! Then into work for a few. At 1000 I was getting a burn permit for the monstrous pile of willow debris in my yard. A pitstop for new rakes, gloves, Dunkin' (can't get jack outta Frank without a bribe) and on to yard work. My face is still burning hot. Nothing blazes up like old dry Christmas trees and willow branches. Then I had to drag my smelly self into work to cover the rest of the day. We're closed, thank heaven, because I SMELL!
So, as I was leaving and giving Frank and the rest of the posse final instructions on the yard, this conversation takes place.
FX: What's the deal? What's your plan for tonight?
Me: Work until five, then maybe Newport.
He lights up, instantly picturing my living room turned into a FIFA video game tournament, complete with snacks and pizza.

Friday, March 23, 2007
I'm In Trouble Again!!
Here's the story.
We start with a local neurologist that my company occasionally does business with. We will call him Dr. X. Dr. X has won awards, has a thriving practice, etc. Personally, I found him to be a cold fish and autocratic, but whatever.
Fast forward to about 18 months ago, charges surfaced against Dr. X re: "inappropriate touching". I read the stories and based on my personal experience and cynical nature, jumped to the conclusion that it was a scam on the part of the two women and dismissed the story. After all he seems like the last person to want to touch someone.
Fast forward to about a month ago. Jen and I are discussing her neurologists. The first recommended another who specialized in Jen's condition, MS. The recommended doctor had a lot going for her (smart, world class hospital affiliation) but had a terrible bedside manner and didn't listen. Dr. C had a set agenda and stuck to it. *WE* didn't like her.
The next one we found via a friend of Jen's who casually said "I know the head of the MS Department at BI". Hi! Get us in! LOL Gary got us in. The new neurologist, Dr. V is just what we wanted. He's smart. He listens. He puts up with our crazy questions. Great guy, love him, but he is shifting his focus back to research and is less and less available. So Jen and I will soon be on the hunt again. She asks me about local guys. Lots of people ask because in my work I know the other good they are in responding to patient's to look up on the internet and see stuff about them. So I mentioned a few locals and said the smartest was probably Dr. X and reminded her of his award from the MS Society. We were both there the night he received it. I also mention the "cold fish" part and we dismiss him from further consideration. Bad bedside manner, been there, done that, all set.
Fast forward to a few days ago. The newspapers are full of stories about Dr. X pleading guilty to "inappropriately touching" 9 women!!!!!!!!! LOL They range in age from 32 to 78. Christ! I was shocked. Oh well.
Fast forward to dinner last night (Girl's Night) when the subject comes up and Jen starts ripping me a new one. "You were going to send me to "Chester-the-Molester"!!!!!! You were going to send me to some pervert? What part of a neurological exam requires humping someone from behind!" I am laughing too hard to defend myself. No one at the table is helping me.
Then she starts bringing out the big guns. "Wait until Sunday (another family birthday party - Grace and my nephew Frankie)! Wait till I tell our family that you were going to let me get molested. Wait till I tell Mum that you were going to take me to a pervert. What would you have done when I came out of that exam room covered with blood, looking for a shovel?"
I gasped that she is never in the exam room alone. I am always with her. She just rolls right over me. "You are in such trouble! Our family will rip her to shreds!" she tell the others. She is right, I am in such trouble. I will never win this. I will never live it down. Forever and ever, no matter what I do, I will be the one who tried to send Jen to a pervert doctor. Just tattoo the big "B" on my forehead for "bad sister".
Then, the unkindest cut of all. "Wait until I tell my friend, SB". Now I'm sunk. SB and Jennifer are always one against me. It is completely irrational. My only hope is the fact that I get to tell my side first.
Fast forward to this morning. SB calls. There are a million things I want to say. There are a million things he wants to say. "Wait, wait, wait. I must tell you this." I say. I tell him the story. Any rationale person can see that I did nothing wrong. Anyone can see that I merely suggested his name. That had we pursued this, I would have remembered the allegations and ruled him out.
When I conclude my case, he says............
"Well, I'll have to hear Jennifer's side of this............but it's not looking good for you."
Not looking good for me? Not looking good for ME!! What. The. Fuck. LOL This just isn't fair!
Thursday, March 22, 2007
JJ posted about Scooter and double standards, go read it here. Then go read the comments. This pretty much sums up my point of view.
I agree comparing Berger/Kennedy/Jefferson to Libby is a case of apples vs. oranges. Or, more to the point, actual crime vs. sneaky stupidity. Scooter was stupid. We (I use that in the royal sense) had the high moral ground. Joe Wilson is a lying weasel. Instead of standing up and condemning him in the hard, cold light of day.......Scooter was whispering. Not that it mattered, Armitage is the guy who let the cat out of the bag.
So.......Berger steals/destroys government property, Kennedy is caught OUI, Jefferson has 90 large in marked bills...........but Scooter faces JAIL for lying about a matter in which there was.... no..... underlying...... crime.....
Dustin Willis
Boston police confirmed last night that the body pulled yesterday from Boston Harbor was that of missing sailor Dustin Willis, a 26-year-old petty officer who had last been seen near Quincy Market during the snowstorm Friday night.
The conditions that night were terrible by the water. I had to cover my face leaving Jen's house, I couldn't see anything. Fortunately, I knew where I was going with my eyes closed.
This is a young man who had a spotless record," he added, adding that last week Willis was honored with a Navy achievement medal for superior performance.
What a sad, sad story. A tragic accident. This is a satellite photo of the area.
People are coming here by way of "googling" Dustin's name. They are sad and upset, some leave comments, some don't. I didn't know Dustin, I just posted because the story caught my eye, it was local, it involved the Navy, etc. But I want to say one more thing. A man, or a woman, is nothing more than what they leave behind. It is obvious that Dustin has left behind a loving family, good friends and shipmates who liked and admired him. I am sorry he did not get the fun night on the town he deserved after being underway for some time. But he left his mark on the world and he will be missed. That's not all bad.
Italy Screws The Pooch
An Italian journalist who was held hostage for 15 days by the Taliban in lawless southern Afghanistan was ransomed for five Taliban prisoners, the Italian government and Afghan officials confirmed Wednesday.
What the hell were you people thinking?
We think that the life of a person is very precious,” said Mr. Prodi’s spokesman, Silvio Sircana, who is also a friend of Mr. Mastrogiacomo’s. “So if there is a chance to save a life, we must do all we can do. And this was our very simple line, and not anything more.”
Well that will be cold comfort to all the people who are taken hostage by the terrorists whose hope you have renewed!
Wednesday, March 21, 2007

We loved it!
Again, I strongly recommend IMAX, some movies are best viewed on IMAX and this is definitely one of them.
Lots of this movie is overblown and larger than life, but it's based on a comic book. It is not a secret plot to convince people that "W" is right about the war on terrorism (even though I think he is). As the Armorer suggests "Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar".
If you want history, watch the History Channel......we do, but if you want entertainment, go see this movie.
Stelios: "Then we will fight in the shade."
Queen Gorgo: "Only Spartan women give birth to real men."
Both were delivered in a very understated way and therefore the most effective.
A Fantasy Crushed

Reported by Dal Cannady
When it comes to deployments, he is just as torn as his soldiers.
"I'm dreading leaving my wife. I'm dreading leaving my children. I'm dreading leaving my Labrador retrievers but, candidly, we do this in our profession. We go off to fight our nations wars," he explained.
Lynch says he and his soldiers are also anxious to make their country proud and show why the division is considered one of the best fighting forces in the world.
"I've never been part of an organization more prepared, more ready, and more focused on mission accomplishment," he noted with pride.
While he's proud of the men and women of the division, he's also proud of the community that cares for their families while they're gone.
"In 30 years, I've never seen a community, not just Hinesville but coastal Georgia, that reaches out to military families like they do here. We can go and fight our nation's wars and know our families will be okay," he added. "It's frustrating to me to look across the country and hear people say they support our soldiers but the words don't match their deeds. Here in Hinesville and liberty county, the deeds follow the words."
For their sacrifice to leave home and family yet again, Major General Lynch and the rest of the Third Infantry earns another WTOC Military Salute.
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Saying Goodbye to MG Rick Lynch

Thousands of dog-faced soldiers are already in Iraq, and Tuesday, their commander will join them.
Major General Rick Lynch leaves in the morning, and Monday, took the time to say goodbye to the community that's charged with taking care of Third Infantry Division families in the meantime.
At a ceremony Monday Hinesville, Liberty County and the community unveiled a pair of yellow ribbons on a great oak, and bid Major General Lynch a fond farewell.
"Keep your face to the fight, and know that we have your back," said Hinesville Mayor Tom Ratcliffe.
"Don't worry about us," replied Lynch. "We're trained and ready."
Lynch will be joining some 6,000 soldiers already deployed in Iraq, and says he can't wait to be reunited with them quickly.
"It's important for me as their commander to be on the ground with them, sharing the same hardships," Lynch told WTOC.
Lynch says those soldiers are already doing a good job, and he's eager to see how much more they're capable of.
"Your soldiers, your division are the most trained, best equipped, most prepared soldiers I've ever served with," said Lynch.
Major General Lynch says one thing he doesn't have to worry about with this deployment is his family. He says he's confident in Hinesville.
"Whenever I look around and I talk to soldiers and I talk to their families," said Lynch. "They tell me this community cares."
"We think that we are equally prepared and expectant of our responsibility as we attempt to support this division," said Ratcliffe.
It's something they've done before, and something they say they're prepared to do again.
"God bless you. God bless the troops. God bless America," said Liberty County Commission Chairman John McIver.
City officials say the metal ribbons will stay up for the next year, while the Third ID is deployed.
Reported by: Chris Cowperthwaite
GodSpeed, General!!!
Random Stuff

Today In History
Was it.....
In 1852, when Harriet Beecher Stowe's anti-slavery novel "Uncle Tom's Cabin" was published?
Was it.....
In 1916, when Albert Einstein published his theory of relativity?
Was it.....
In 1922, when the United States Navy commissioned the USS Langley (CV-1), the Navy's first aircraft carrier?
Was it.....
In 1896, when Marines land in Nicaragua to protect US citizens?
Was it......
In 1995, when 12 people were killed and more than 5,000 made ill by a nerve gas attack on the Tokyo subway system.
Was it.....
In 1942, when Gen MacArthur vowed "I shall return."?
It was 1961, silly! Now, give me a present. Read the post below and go over to Anthony's and make a donation.
Monday, March 19, 2007
Caitlyn McGuire
On May 19th, 2007 I will be taking part in the 3rd annual Sam Nutter Memorial 5K Run at Sea Girt, NJ. This year the run will be held to raise money for Caitlyn McGuire the daughter of a fellow soldier who is waging a battle against cancer. I am posting this and asking for your help in raising money for Ms. McGuire. to learn more about the run you can visit the Nutter Run Website. At the site, you can donate either by mailing in a donation or through PayPal. If you would like to sponsor me in the run, you can do so by e-mailing me. The Nutter Organization is a non-profit organization and your donations are tax deductible.
Thank you in advance for your support and, as always, prayers are appreciated too.
Then throw a few bucks in the kitty.
The Fudge is Put Away
So I wandered over to the Castle this morning and the Chief paid me a lovely compliment.
*Someone* has been reading The Book of Five Rings with one eye and Bored of the Rings with the other. Heh -- hang around with Maggie and you, too, will discover talents hitherto undreamed of...
Thank you Chief!
Now it's off to the shower where I will agonize over which of my presents to use first.

So, we went with The Body Shop coconut shower cream, scrub and body butter........the packaging says it's "Made with PASSION"........suits me!
Sunday, March 18, 2007
Rolling Victory Fast 2007
So today, I will fast. Some people over at Tanker Brothers write about how easy it is. It isn't for me. But it is important.
What A Great Day!

President Roy Loncon is to present the award to Lynch, who has Irish ancestry, at the Savannah Golf Club in recognition of the 3rd ID's upcoming third deployment to Iraq.
The shillelagh is inscribed: "The shillelagh in the hands of an Irishman is a fierce weapon."
Saturday, March 17, 2007
I Am So Steamed!
Families of fallen lament: Americans losing interest in the war in Iraq (it's a slow loading site)
So that in and of itself is bad enough, but this part killed me......
Shea’s son, Marine Lance Cpl. Jeffrey Burgess, a 2001 graduate of Plymouth South High School, was killed in Iraq on March 25, 2004, when his vehicle struck a land mine outside Fallujah.Shea, who now lives in the Sagamore Beach section of Bourne, was at a Memorial Day parade in Plymouth the year after her son’s death when members of a color guard made a point of snapping their heads in her direction in a sign of respect as they marched by.‘‘A week or two later, a woman brought that up and said, ‘Isn’t this carrying on a little too far?’’’ Shea remembered. ‘‘I told her that these are types of things I do not ask for, but this is the way my life has become. I did not ask to be a Gold Star Mother.’’
I am stunned and horrified. Words fail me. I say this not because Shea's son was killed in Iraq. I say this because the woman who said this to Shea is an asshat. Your child is your child and losing one is not something you "get over".
When I worked in the phone company (back in the day when there was only one) my friend Claire told me a similar story about her sister and nephew. The nephew had been killed by a hit-and-run drive while crossing a street in Boston. a year after his death Claire's sister met a casual friend who asked how she was doing. Claire's sister mentioned an upcoming memorial service for the nephew. The woman told the bereaved mother that she should "get over it". OMG! I can remember wanting to hunt down this woman and punch her in the face! Yes, that is completely useless and with's who I am.
Today, reading this story, I felt the same anger. I want to find that woman who had the nerve to say anything to Michelle Shea and punch her in the face.
Friday, March 16, 2007
SB's Excellent Adventure
This morning's text message from SB
"The start of another adventure"
My reply
"I wish you fair winds and following seas. Safe home to my bed. You are always with me and I am always with you."
People ask how I can stand it when he dashes off to place himself in harm's way. I just laugh. When he comes back from blowing things up or "screaming across the harbor with his hair on fire"....................he is ab-so-fuckin-lutely white hot! God! I can't wait!
Pia left this comment and I cracked up!
Tell it, sister. We seem to be like-minded when it comes to our freedom-fighters and their hotness. Woo hoo!! Here's to a righteous homecoming! : )
Whale Pusher Video
Happy 205th Anniversary, West Point!

I'm Exhausted
Then it was on to dinner where I was ripped by Jen over the firefighter story. I maintain that I was flirting and he was interested. Jen's view is that he was "frightened" by my "craziness". Whatever.
I was doing some light surfing and came across a few things that made me laugh. This tag line was one of them.
I drink in moderation. "Moderation" is an imaginary place that exists wherever I am.
I don't really drink, but if you substitute chocolate.......
Thursday, March 15, 2007
I'm Back
Came back to news that I now have a 5th wake to attend. A friend of Frankie's, young kid, only 23, killed on his motorcycle.
Don't stand too close to me. This is not how I want to spend the run up to my birthday next Tuesday. I wanted to blog about the rest of the EPIIC Symposium and the details of my mini-trip with my mother and sisters. I want to blog about my birthday wishlist and phone calls to SB where I torment him with tales of attentive firefighters. I hope this isn't a sign of how 46 is going to be for me.
I doesn't help that 20 minutes after telling me about his friend, Frankie mentioned wanting a motorcycle.
Ahh, the Ides of March.
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Joe Palombo

I am having a bad week. This will be the 4th wake in 8 days.
Monday, March 12, 2007
Happy 95th to the Girl Scouts
You know.........I was a Girl Scout.......
Well, I Certainly Understand
HOUSTON, March 11 — Halliburton, the big energy services company, said on Sunday that it would open a corporate headquarters in the United Arab Emirates city of Dubai and move its chairman and chief executive, David J. Lesar, there.
How I wish Halliburton needed me! LOL
Sunday, March 11, 2007
Major General Lynch & The 3rd ID
It was a day of celebrations and farewells at Fort Stewart. Four thousand 3rd Infantry Division soldiers have been deployed to Iraq since the first of the year. Another 1,000 soldiers - including the division headquarters- will be leaving by mid-March.
The community and fellow soldiers got a chance Thursday to say thanks to the many going back to the war zone. Several hundred soldiers attended a luncheon this afternoon and heard words of encouragement from University of Georgia's head football coach Mark Richt.
In addition to the luncheon, soldiers got a chance to party with their friends and family. A street dance included a live band, food, and lots of activities for children. Fort Stewart held the event for everyone to come together and just have fun.
One of the day's most emotional events was the Division Casing and Retreat Ceremony. The ceremony is very symbolic because it shows that the commanding general and his division are deploying from Fort Stewart. It may just seem like a bunch of flags to civilians – but for soldiers, it's much more.
"The heart and the soul of the third infantry division reside in those colors. You see, they're more than mere fabric. They represent the blood and sweat of all Marne soldiers who came before us," explains Major General Rick Lynch.
Now the division's colors are being cased for the trip to Iraq and many soldiers at the ceremony will soon be there, too.
"You always know that you're gonna go back over until they say that's it. We're done in Iraq and that the Iraqi people are really free," says Private 1st Class Anthony Bonvino.
"I hope people just look at it and realize that a lot of soldiers lost their lives to help our country and make the world a better place in general and a lot of young people did it, too," says Specialist Shawn Brouhard.
Major General Lynch told the crowd that the 3rd ID has a reputation of being the unit that America can depend on. Many soldiers are ready to show everyone just how true that reputation is.
"I just re-enlisted for six years. I love what I do and I love serving my country," says Sergeant Angelo Glover, and he'll soon have that chance. This ceremony and the casing of the colors marks a new chapter for the 3rd ID.
"They are a record of our past, the standard of our present and an inspiration to all those who will follow us in the future," says Major General Lynch. "You inspire us and we will not let you down."
In his speech, Major General Lynch asked the crowd to keep the 3rd ID in their prayers, help keep their families strong, and when the time comes – be back at Fort Stewart to welcome them home.
Will do, sir.
Friday, March 09, 2007
Should You Vote
Thursday, March 08, 2007
Mini Blog Meet

It was a true adventure, I had the Bosc Pear, Sweet Onion, Gorgonzola, EVOO, Toasted Walnuts, Dried Cranberries, Thyme, and Scallions pizza. It was delish!
SB - My car and it's Bush bumper stickers emerged unscathed despite being parked on Mass Ave for several hours.
I really enjoyed the evening - Thanks Sanger.

Wednesday, March 07, 2007
Charles "Red" Rizzo

Tuesday, March 06, 2007
Long Day
If you are bored here, head on over to Blackfive and watch Uncle Jimbo discuss Iran. He is a funny bastid.
Monday, March 05, 2007
EPIIC - Some of Saturday
Next up "Global Enviromental Crises: From Climate Change to Water Scarcity"
Leon Fuerth - Gore apologist, long pauses, made me sleepy.
Jin Zidell of Blue Planet Run Foundation - great speaker, great video, good points, good cause. He wants everyone to give just $25.00 to provide one person with clean, safe drinking water for life. He stated that 50% of hospital patients worldwide were there because of unsafe drinking water. I did my part.
Gwyn Prins - again, I adore him.
David Jhirad - Ethanol is not the answer, Bush took a hit. Carbon footprint needs to be reduced.
Overall, what you learn is that in the future water security is going to be as important as energy security and I've already heard this from SB (that SB is a smart cookie). Still, very interesting. Gore's film is premeiring on Flix Sunday night and Jen and I will watch it. I never said I wouldn't watch it, I said I wouldn't pay for it.
After this panel finished up, people were milling about while they set up for the next one. I looked up and saw Peter Roudik of the Library of Congress, (where he is a senior foreign law specialist). He came over to say hello. He absolutely stunned me when he asked about the blog and I realized he read it, lol. Yeah, that's right, I was speechless.......too bad the rest of you weren't there to enjoy it, it's a rare occurrence.
It's late and I will pick up with the next panel tomorrow.
EPIIC Thursday and Friday
Friday's first panel wasn't until noon and I still missed it. I am always tardy.
The second panel was "Cocaine and Kalishnakovs: How Illicit Trade Fuels Conflict". I am now more worried about MS13 than Al Qaeda. My favorite speaker in this panel was Paul Kan from the US Army War College. Another speaker was Moses Naim, the editor-in-chief of Foreign Policy magazine (I am a subscriber and a fan).
After a dinner break, during which I checked into the hotel Priceline picked out for me (Naval officers in the lobby, yum!), there was "Forward Engagement: Global Risks and Governance". Interesting topic and stimulating questions raised by William Moomaw. This one was quick and then we were onto "Democratization in the Middle East". Several interesting speakers and then,..........duh, duh, duh.......there's always one! On this night it was Tony Smith. What an asshat! According to him, America is a "rogue state". Yeah, whatever buddy. Don't get me wrong, everyone is entitled to their opinion. I go to these things deliberately to keep my mind open. I learn lots and lots of new things. I always come away the better for it. But how does it advance any discussion to spew such vitriol and hate? Bush is the imperial presidency or...wink, wink, nudge, nudge...... Cheney is the imperial vice-presidency. Yeah, pal, that's helpful, I'm really listening. Fortunately there were several speakers and they were all more reasoned even though pretty much everyone had a view to the left of mine.
So, back to the hotel, where I'm thinking that finding the bar in the lobby full of sailors would be nice.....but no. So I went to bed.
My Only Defense is Lack of Sleep
Wouldn't You Be Disappointed.......

Remember, history is important. American history is more important. Boston history is the most important. But some other stuff did happen on this day. Winston Churchill visited Westminster College in 1946.
Mr. Churchill painted a dark picture of post-war Europe, on which "an iron curtain has descended across the Continent" from Stettin in the Baltic to Trieste in the Adriatic
I'm Home
SB, I answered your MaryLou's girls comments. My arms are crossed. I am going to bed pouting.
Friday, March 02, 2007
No Blogging....

Thursday, March 01, 2007
But I should make all the others starting with "The Future of Nuclear Proliferation" at 1900 tonight.
Arthur Schlesinger
Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr., the historian whose more than 20 books shaped discussions for two generations about America’s past and who himself was a provocative, unabashedly liberal partisan, most notably in serving in the Kennedy White House, died last night in Manhattan. He was 89.
Camelot fades everywhere but in own hearts, huh Southie.
Dunkin' Donuts
Mom’s got it bad. Who can fault her for hoping to pin blame on nefarious additives for her daily five-mile trek to and from a Dunkin’ drive-thru for a fix in a Styrofoam cup? She’s not alone. Heck, she’s better off than a lot of people. Like the lady in the TV ad — based on one Brocktonian’s true story — who bushwhacks her way through what seems like miles of highway-side bramble, finally steps gingerly over a guardrail, and crosses three lanes of traffic to bring coffee to her gridlock-stuck carpool mates. Or the transplanted New Englander in Houston who drove 35 miles every weekend to the nearest Dunkin’ just for a cup of that sweet, creamy Arabica nectar.
It's the one aspect of Boston life I have always felt slightly removed from. I prefer tea and Dunkin' Donuts tea always seemed too weak compared to Irish breakfast tea......they don't have Chamomile and Starbucks Chai is better. As far as donuts go, Lori-Ann's on Bunker had incredible donuts that no other place could touch. Alas they closed a few years ago.
Dunkin' Donuts actually caused a low score for me in one of those online quizzes. "How Massachusetts Are You?" I only scored 84% because I missed all the Dunkin' questions (and I wouldn't own a T-Shirt with an obscenity on it, no matter how much I hate the Yankees).