I got it just over two weeks ago. I read it every day. It's on my desk at work.
I came home from work on the 9th and there was a FedEx letter. I wasn't expecting anything but I recognized the name on the return address. Pia of Fatekisminy (she has a private blog) had asked for my address. Inside was this card.

Finally, Frankie looked over at me and asked me if I was staying. I looked over at him and read the card to him. He took the card and read it himself.
I called Jen and read it to her.
Pia had written this funny note about her secret mission. Pia's been reading me for a while and we've met. She is a huge Sox fan so there was a trip to Boston in the summer of '07. I couldn't pass up that chance, I drove in to meet them. They were just what I thought they'd be like and it was an enjoyable evening (have I told you yet today how much I love the Internet?).
Pia wrote that she and seven other people had gotten together through a secret blog "Just Shut up and Take The Gift". It's gone now, but you can see the cached version of the first page by clicking on the link.
Inside the card was a very generous check. I still can't get over it. The funny thing is, I never realize how stressed I am until something relaxes me. Up until that moment, I had been deliberately putting Christmas out of my mind. I didn't want to try to figure out what I was going to do in two weeks. So I wasn't thinking about it.
I know it's exaggerated in my mind, but it feels like I have been sick and broke for so long. Really it hasn't been that long. Really lots of people are so much worse off. Really, my lot is better than many. But that wasn't how I felt before I opened that card. Before I opened that card, I was feeling pretty down.
Then eight people I would never have met without blogs reached out and lifted me up.
That's pretty amazing, huh?
Pia also added a small religious medallion that was blessed by Pope John Paul II (good juju) and a Marine/US flag pin (she is a Marine wife).
So far only Sarah of "Trying to Grok" has given Pia permission to reveal her identity. Sarah is having a pretty great Christmas herself......her early Christmas present showed up on the 19th.
Thank you Pia.
Thank you Sarah.
Thank you to six other mystery people who I hope tell me who they are.
Merry Christmas.
Merry Christmas and best wishes for the New Years to you and yours, Maggie!
Merry Christmas, Maggie. All the best.
Oy, does that make me look like a heel for not remaining anonymous? I didn't mean it that way. I just wanted you to know that even people who don't regularly read your blog wanted to help, just because you're One Of Us. Merry Christmas.
Sarah! That's not how I meant it. I was glad you let me know it was you and I am hoping everyone else reveals themselves.
Although in some cases I have my ideas. Before Pia shut the other blog down, I saw the sitemeter.
Dang! So much for OPSEC.
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