In the madness that is "
Superman Returns", which was very good by the way......Jen's boss has taken to signing his emails "L. Luthor". I need a good alter ego for my email signature. There is no really, truly stunning bad girl in Superman. Lex's girlfriend was not that bright, or brave, or hot. I want someone like Barbara Stanwyck in "
Double Indemnity" She needs to be evil and look fabulous while she rips out the hero's heart.

Stanwyck was good, but she is blonde. Lately, I am a redhead. I love how she looks at Fred McMurray, her partner in crime. You can see that she doesn't care who she takes down. Film noir is a genre filled with women I can soooooo identify with, lol.

My grandmother used to refer to me as Veronica Lake because I tend to wear my hair in a way that makes it fall across my face. Veronica was elegant and she was treacherous, but.........not evil. She was a girl you could count on for a good "bad" time. But again, Veronica was a blond. Blondes might have more fun, but I enjoy the comments I get with this red hair. Red hair = trouble!
SouthieBoy told me once that I reminded him of Rita Hayworth.....which I
llllllllloooooooooovvvvvvvvveeeeeee. She was a redhead and a bad girl, but is she evil enough?

someone visited this morning at 8:40 amd left this comment.
Anonymous said...
Rita Hayworth, "stunning" to say the least. 7 out of 10 on the evil scale. Ms. Maggie is an 8.5 on a regular basis. (I would know). Although she can go higher when necessary so whatever you do, DON'T TEMPT HER !!
Friday, June 30, 2006 8:40:41 AM
I thought it was SouthieBoy and I replied with a sulky pout. Turns out it was not SB. I should have known better he would never use "Ms.".
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