Monday, November 20, 2006

Orgasm for Victory Day

Ok, over at the Castle, JimB has something in the H&I Fires comments for 20 NOV 2006 that is making me crazy. These people are organizing a GlobalOrgasm. Ok, on the face of this, it sounds good. But no…’s a peacenik thing. These people (granolas, as my sister calls them) aren’t going to be happy until normal people have nothing left. No firearms, no smoking, no transfats…….now they want to interfere with my orgasms! I will not think about World Peace and they can’t make me. First off, it’s just silly. An orgasm is explosive thing, not a peaceful meditative thing as Ms. Sheehan states. Second, I can’t think of anything that would kill the deal faster than thinking of a woman named Sheehan. As Bosquisucio says “Sorry folks, but if Mrs. Sheehan is in the middle of that pile, my missiles won’t **er** launch.” Next, if you are achieving this orgasm with the assistance/thought of a man who blows things up, shoots things, drops out of airplanes, chases bad guys across the water with a fast ship it probably negates the whole deal. Like marrying a democrat, you cancel each other out.
So instead, I propose “Orgasm for Victory Day”. On December 22, 2006, when all the smelly, long-haired, rope-smoking, Birkenstock-wearing, moonbat, John Kerry supporting hippies are having their peaceful, blank, meditative state………..I propose that you cause and/or share an orgasm with a sailor, soldier, airmen, marine or veteran of the U.S. Military. Their website focuses on fleet buildup in the Persian Gulf, so please pay special attention to sailors and marines. To be sure that you achieve the best possible orgasm, please practice as much as possible in anticipation of the big day. The organizers believe that their movement can have global consequences. I want global movement, as in earth-shaking!!!!


Anonymous said...


BostonMaggie said...

Snicker this! Ya bastid! BCR wants to bill me for PG-17C mess. You started it!

FbL said...

Oh, that is hilarious!! Great idea, Maggie! *wicked grin*

Anonymous said...

Yanno Maggie some days you remind me of the sister I never had.

Famous quote from Sister Maggie, "It all started when he hit me back."

BostonMaggie said...

FbL - I knew you'd like it. Start practicing, it's your patriotic duty.

JimB - Who was the first person to post on this subject at the Castle? You. Your fault. And I don't think I like reminding you of any kind of sister. I have no use for men who look at me in a *sisterly* way.

Anonymous said...

I would like to second bostonmaggie's call for "duty"!

As a retired sailor, I can remember when I was a day or two from deployment, being single and alone. This call can really help the Fleet prepare for its mission.

So remember, be "sweet to the Fleet" and "rotten to the Corps"! Or vice versa!!

Anonymous said...

Great post Maggie! Good to see you're still trying to *ahem* calm things down;-)

Anonymous said...

I agree Maggie, be sweet to the fleet indeed!

Thanks for the comment :)


Anonymous said...

And, uh, exactly where does one sign up to be the safety officer or official observer of this evolution?

Just curious, you unnerstand...

Anonymous said...

Snicker Snicker.

BostonMaggie said...

Sgt. B - There are rigorous tests and criteria. Are you *ahem* up for it?

I am studiously ignoring JimB.

FbL said...

SGT B, "safety officer?" "Official Observer?"

Don't you have related responsibilities already? Hmmm... ;)

BostonMaggie said...

Pia - I've been to your blog and somehow I think you will muddle through!