First stop.....Zume's Coffee House. I have sent out some tweets about this place because it's local. Today was my first visit. I loved my sandwich, Kanani loved hers....I was feeling pretty good about my tweets, lol.
I see a man who is clearly the manager or owner and I introduce myself. I tell him that I'm BostonMaggie and I tweet about his place, but now I'm here and I love it. He smiles. Then I start to explain the whole "real name" thing and his smile changes like I am saying something strange. So....I start father cousins are...... Finally, I give up and say "And your name is?" Now, he's laughing at me and says "John Doherty, Diane."
I was floored! We hung out in the same group for years! The same group that christened me "Maggie" in the first place! I jumped up out of my chair to hug him 27 times. What could we all do but laugh? That was what his smile was about.....he was waiting for my punchline.

What I want is to find ways to spread the word about the valuable work being down through places like "There & Back Again". So click the link, pass it along, help them out however you can.
"There & Back Again is a nonprofit organization that supports the well-being of service-members. Our mission is to provide reintegration support services to combat veterans of all conflicts"
And Kanani is fine....she'll sleep on the plane.
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