If you follow me on Twitter & Facebook, you know that recently I attended a "sneak peek" of the soon-to-be-released movie "Warrior".
I started Tweeting about it as soon as I hit Kenmore Station - tweeting & walking can be dangerous. Although I can talk and walk so I didn't wait to talk to Frankie. I had asked if he wanted to go with me and he couldn't make it. But I told him, that as soon as it's released.....we're going.
There aren't that many things I will make multiple trips to the movie theater for, but this movie is definitely one.
It has everything, a loving family angle, a dysfunctional family angle, reconciliation, a military angle, a universal villain, and a teacher who inspires his students.
So, some people are looking at this and thinking "Gee Maggie, you are not even mentioning the mixed-martial-arts part." Well, that wasn't the draw for me. If you are an MMA fan, you are going to love this movie. The young men who were clearly MMA fans in my showing were whooping and cheering. I'm here to tell you that if you don't know MMA from "Fight Club", this movie will still entertain you.
Just as non-boxing fans loved "Rocky" and non-Navy history buffs loved "Master & Commander". Non-pugilists will find something to cheer for in this movie.
Not the least of which is a really fabulous performance by Nick Nolte.
So - don't want to wait until September 9th? Here you go -
What: Sneak Peek of Lionsgate's Warrior starring Tom Hardy, Joel Edgerton, Nick Nolte and Jennifer Morrison
When: Sunday, September 4th, 7 PM
Where: At 500 theaters nationwide
Where to get tickets: Moviefone.com, Fandango.com or for all the details, click here: http://bit.ly/Warriorsite
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
"She's Had A Busy Week"
I'm not big on gambling, but when I am somewhere that there is Keno, I play my grandmother's birthday. Jen & I refer to it as "Seeing if Mama Kelley wants to send us some money" It's just three numbers.
So last night when I was out with Grace and her friends at District 7 in Malden. I played my grandmother's birthday and won $30. I sent Jen a text "Mama Kelley bought my dinner!"
Jen replied "Nice! She saved the cottage too! She's had a busy week."
This hunk of maple fell during Hurricane Irene, but missed the cottage.
Thanks Mama Kelley!
So last night when I was out with Grace and her friends at District 7 in Malden. I played my grandmother's birthday and won $30. I sent Jen a text "Mama Kelley bought my dinner!"
Jen replied "Nice! She saved the cottage too! She's had a busy week."

This hunk of maple fell during Hurricane Irene, but missed the cottage.
Thanks Mama Kelley!
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Today Is Great & Covered In Awesome Sauce!
So, after all my adventures since Friday, you know Hurricane Kanani.....I mean Kanani's visit & Hurricane Irene with a dash of the Freedom Trail thrown in......I slept for eleven hours.
Then my Dad drove me over to Grace's to lounge by her pool. I am earning my keep by skimming the Hurricane Irene debris out of the pool. Taking a break right now to post this
This isn't the greatest pic, I may change it later. But once my crap is out of the way, all there is to see is a nice table and chairs in a yard surrounded and shaded by Rose of Sharon bushes and Grace's garden. The pool isn't big....but it's just me, so it's awesome.
It's 72 and sunny. Nice and dry.
Bonus! My nephew Dan was here to solve my computer problem. Grace has secured wi-fi and I am never able to get in with the laptop. I say never, you know I only tried twice and gave up. Anyway, he solved it and I am online with a strong signal, next to the pool with my ice tea.....
My Marine says I am living the life of a house cat. Yeah, I am!
Oh and Grace is going to dinner with work friends....and I am crashing it.
Then my Dad drove me over to Grace's to lounge by her pool. I am earning my keep by skimming the Hurricane Irene debris out of the pool. Taking a break right now to post this

It's 72 and sunny. Nice and dry.
Bonus! My nephew Dan was here to solve my computer problem. Grace has secured wi-fi and I am never able to get in with the laptop. I say never, you know I only tried twice and gave up. Anyway, he solved it and I am online with a strong signal, next to the pool with my ice tea.....
My Marine says I am living the life of a house cat. Yeah, I am!
Oh and Grace is going to dinner with work friends....and I am crashing it.
Monday, August 29, 2011
I Ran Kanani Ragged!
Today was Kanani's last day in Boston, so she came over to Charlestown to meet up with me.
First stop.....Zume's Coffee House. I have sent out some tweets about this place because it's local. Today was my first visit. I loved my sandwich, Kanani loved hers....I was feeling pretty good about my tweets, lol.
I see a man who is clearly the manager or owner and I introduce myself. I tell him that I'm BostonMaggie and I tweet about his place, but now I'm here and I love it. He smiles. Then I start to explain the whole "real name" thing and his smile changes like I am saying something strange. So....I start babbling.....my father is......my cousins are...... Finally, I give up and say "And your name is?" Now, he's laughing at me and says "John Doherty, Diane."
I was floored! We hung out in the same group for years! The same group that christened me "Maggie" in the first place! I jumped up out of my chair to hug him 27 times. What could we all do but laugh? That was what his smile was about.....he was waiting for my punchline.
Ok, so now we know my official FAVORITE Charlestown restaurant. It's a few doors down from Sue Lynch's Charlestown Yoga Studio/"There & Back Again". Sue, of course was an important part of this weekend's "War Photographers' Retreat".
So we started out in Thompson Square and toured the old Charlestown Savings Bank building, before heading up Warren Street. I gave my history of Charlestown that runs from the Revolution to the BRA the the El to ........ well, me. Because in the end, it's all about me. you knew that, right?
Next, it's over the North Washington Street Bridge to the North End. Copps Hill, the old North Church, Paul Revere Mall, North Square *deep breath*, North Square, Paul Revere's House and the famous "bed wrench".....love that story.
But you know where we ended up? Of course! Modern Pastry Shop! That's where we met Sam and Louis! Two gentleman (an Army vet and an Air Force vet) who were enjoying their pastries. We had a lovely chat with them about life, pastry, the North End and Charlestown.
After that it was back to my parent's house to put our feet up before joining friends for dinner.
What I want is to find ways to spread the word about the valuable work being down through places like "There & Back Again". So click the link, pass it along, help them out however you can.
"There & Back Again is a nonprofit organization that supports the well-being of service-members. Our mission is to provide reintegration support services to combat veterans of all conflicts"
First stop.....Zume's Coffee House. I have sent out some tweets about this place because it's local. Today was my first visit. I loved my sandwich, Kanani loved hers....I was feeling pretty good about my tweets, lol.
I see a man who is clearly the manager or owner and I introduce myself. I tell him that I'm BostonMaggie and I tweet about his place, but now I'm here and I love it. He smiles. Then I start to explain the whole "real name" thing and his smile changes like I am saying something strange. So....I start babbling.....my father is......my cousins are...... Finally, I give up and say "And your name is?" Now, he's laughing at me and says "John Doherty, Diane."
I was floored! We hung out in the same group for years! The same group that christened me "Maggie" in the first place! I jumped up out of my chair to hug him 27 times. What could we all do but laugh? That was what his smile was about.....he was waiting for my punchline.

What I want is to find ways to spread the word about the valuable work being down through places like "There & Back Again". So click the link, pass it along, help them out however you can.
"There & Back Again is a nonprofit organization that supports the well-being of service-members. Our mission is to provide reintegration support services to combat veterans of all conflicts"
And Kanani is fine....she'll sleep on the plane.
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Races I'm Not Running
But I will be attending.
First - Sunday, September 11, 2011 to observe the tenth anniversary of the 9/11 attacks -
United We Stand 9-11 'Moving Tribute', Boston
All the details are available on their Facebook page. Get over there and "Like" it if nothing else. But if you are in the area that day, I'd like to ask that you attend as well. If you can't, then just "Like" the FaceBook page and share it with your friends.
Next - Sunday, November 6, 2011
3rd Annual John Ripley Memorial Race
Again, all the details are available on their Facebook page. Same deal, get over there and "Like" it and spread the word. Run if you can or sponsor a runner or team. This is a fundraiser
"After 11 years of continuous, worldwide combat operations, nearly 45,000 soldiers have been wounded – and many returning veterans come home to new challenges. We believe that as citizens, we share an obligation to take care of these men and women, to honor the sacrifices they have made. Our mission is to step in where government leaves off. Established in 2009, the Ripley Race raises awareness, money and support for America’s veterans. Join us by making a tax-deductible donation or registering for the race"
First - Sunday, September 11, 2011 to observe the tenth anniversary of the 9/11 attacks -
United We Stand 9-11 'Moving Tribute', Boston
All the details are available on their Facebook page. Get over there and "Like" it if nothing else. But if you are in the area that day, I'd like to ask that you attend as well. If you can't, then just "Like" the FaceBook page and share it with your friends.
Next - Sunday, November 6, 2011
3rd Annual John Ripley Memorial Race
Again, all the details are available on their Facebook page. Same deal, get over there and "Like" it and spread the word. Run if you can or sponsor a runner or team. This is a fundraiser
"After 11 years of continuous, worldwide combat operations, nearly 45,000 soldiers have been wounded – and many returning veterans come home to new challenges. We believe that as citizens, we share an obligation to take care of these men and women, to honor the sacrifices they have made. Our mission is to step in where government leaves off. Established in 2009, the Ripley Race raises awareness, money and support for America’s veterans. Join us by making a tax-deductible donation or registering for the race"
Friday, August 26, 2011
Atkins #FAIL
I've been sooooooo good for 18 days. Meat, salads, lots of water. Yoga and pilates and walking.
Then tonight I met up with Kanani Fong who is in town for the "War Photographers' Retreat"
First there was a delicious salad at Life Alive Urban Oasis & Organic Cafe. No meat in the place and my totally awesome Mystic Mountain Salad had apples and hummus. Bad, bad, bad.
But it didn't stop there. We went off in search of pastry. I know jack about Central Square except that it's a munchy-crunchy-granola-whale pushing place. So I stop in front of this club that has a line to get inside. I ask the woman standing closest to me - "Where would you go for drop dead pastry?" She says "Maria's in the North End."
I start laughing and almost slap my forehead. We are right next to the Central Square T station.
I turn my little group, Kanani & Jillian back toward the subway station and we were off.
We hopped on the Red Line, transfer at Park for the Green Line and come out at Government Center. I pointed out City Hall and Quincy Market, Faneuil Hall, the Sam Adams Statue (more than just a beer); the Curley Statue, Union Oyster House, Haymarket, the Rose Kennedy Greenway....whew. Then we head up Hanover Street. I text "The Guy From Boston" and ask where we can go to sit down. He recommends Cafe Vittoria, but by then we were in the Modern Pastry line. I text him thanks, but we are at Modern, he laughs, it's the same pastry.
It was fabulously delicious.....I am on such a sugar rush right now!
Then tonight I met up with Kanani Fong who is in town for the "War Photographers' Retreat"
First there was a delicious salad at Life Alive Urban Oasis & Organic Cafe. No meat in the place and my totally awesome Mystic Mountain Salad had apples and hummus. Bad, bad, bad.
But it didn't stop there. We went off in search of pastry. I know jack about Central Square except that it's a munchy-crunchy-granola-whale pushing place. So I stop in front of this club that has a line to get inside. I ask the woman standing closest to me - "Where would you go for drop dead pastry?" She says "Maria's in the North End."
I start laughing and almost slap my forehead. We are right next to the Central Square T station.
I turn my little group, Kanani & Jillian back toward the subway station and we were off.

It was fabulously delicious.....I am on such a sugar rush right now!
The War Photographers' Retreat
Is happening now in Boston!
You can read about it more here.

For me the bestg part is, this event has brought my friend Kanani Fong to Boston & I get to see her!
Thursday, August 25, 2011
When I Hit the Numbah.....
(Someone once asked me what that phrase meant, maybe it's a Boston thing - it means to win the lottery)
When I hit the numbah, every day will be like this.
I got up and read and surfed.
I did an hours worth of yoga and some light exercises.
I showered with fabulous body scrub.
Then I had a lovely relaxation massage at Beacon Massage on Newbury. Thank you Patrick! And thank you Bloomspot for the fabulous deal. Although it was so good, it would have been worth paying full price.
I walked across the Public Gardens and the Common on my way to and from. Had an interesting conversation with Emma, an Amnesty International volunteer. I explained that while her organization did many good things, they lost me with their holding countries that torture their citizens as morally equivalent to the US.
On my way home I stopped into Lamberts on Tremont and got fabulous roast beef which I took home and used to make carpacchio for dinner.
Every day should be like this.
When I hit the numbah, every day will be like this.
I got up and read and surfed.
I did an hours worth of yoga and some light exercises.
I showered with fabulous body scrub.
Then I had a lovely relaxation massage at Beacon Massage on Newbury. Thank you Patrick! And thank you Bloomspot for the fabulous deal. Although it was so good, it would have been worth paying full price.
I walked across the Public Gardens and the Common on my way to and from. Had an interesting conversation with Emma, an Amnesty International volunteer. I explained that while her organization did many good things, they lost me with their holding countries that torture their citizens as morally equivalent to the US.
On my way home I stopped into Lamberts on Tremont and got fabulous roast beef which I took home and used to make carpacchio for dinner.
Every day should be like this.
Happy Birthday to My Darling Chief!
Readers of this blog may or may not know the reason I set up "BostonMaggie". Well for those who don't - it was because of Bill & John at "The Castle Argghhh!!!". I needed an identity to begin commenting.
My first comment (I was a lurker) was in response to a Christmas post. I said something to the effect of "Thanks, I love you guys. Merry Christmas". Bill emailed me. I didn't recognize the address and said "Who is this?" He replied teasingly that he was Bill from the Castle and shouldn't I be more careful telling strange men that I loved them?
Well you know me, I am never gonna stop telling strange men that I love them if the spirit moves me!
Bill also teased that there was no content on my blog and I should get going.
So if you like this blog, you owe thanks to Bill & John.
So get on over to The Castle and say Happy Birthday!
My first comment (I was a lurker) was in response to a Christmas post. I said something to the effect of "Thanks, I love you guys. Merry Christmas". Bill emailed me. I didn't recognize the address and said "Who is this?" He replied teasingly that he was Bill from the Castle and shouldn't I be more careful telling strange men that I loved them?
Well you know me, I am never gonna stop telling strange men that I love them if the spirit moves me!
Bill also teased that there was no content on my blog and I should get going.
So if you like this blog, you owe thanks to Bill & John.
So get on over to The Castle and say Happy Birthday!
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Reality & Staying Ahead On The Point System
Remember the immortal words of George Koztanza "It's not a lie if you believe it!" I live by those words. It's how I bullshit my way through life. I "fake it till I make it".
But once in a while some piece of reality pierces my protective bubble.
I have recently felt so well, so healthy, so ALIVE, that I had once again convinced myself that I am not that sick. I've done it before, reality knocks me down, I get up and start again.
Lately my Multiple Myeloma email group is discussing statistics on longevity and our various and collective prognoses. Some people are getting upset that we are having the discussion. I understand their point. It's hard to pretend you are not dying if you are getting dozens of emails citing studies that say only 40% of us will make the five year mark.
So I had once again succeeded in getting into that head up my ass position. Where I almost felt guilty about people's sympathy. I was almost waiting for someone to call my bluff and say "Get off your ass, you faker! Get back to work!" I was acting like my slow stroll around Boston was like running a 5K - like my hour of yoga was like an 8 hour day at work. See what I can do!!!
But yesterday I got an envelope from the Social Security Administration.
You know they have 4 months before they have to even answer a disability claim. And something like 50% of applicants are rejected out of hand and have to fight for it. Some people have to go in and be interviewed by doctors.
But there was that envelope, less than four weeks after my paperwork was complete.
I shouldn't have been surprised - Dr, Miller said that I "wasn't up for discussion". Everyone, even the SSA interviewer agreed I should have done this long ago.
I opened it and walked out in the kitchen to tell me Dad..........and I started crying "I don't want to be this sick!" So of course, the practical Frank says "None of us want this. But there is nothing we can do. So concentrate on what you have control over. Do positive things."
So that's what I did. I helped tourists with the Charlie Card machine; I gave directions to a woman who was trying to find the Theater District; and was positive and smiling to everyone I came in contact with. When I was waiting for the (very slow, aggravating) bank teller in Citizen's to process my mind boggling transaction/sarcasm....I heard this woman next to me. She was overdrawn and distressed and babbling. Finally she said "I can only give you enough to cover the amount overdrawn." She was so upset, there was a line forming because she kept counting money and rifling her handbag....and my clerk kept saying "Ummm." At long last, my bank teller figures out how to accept my check for deposit and give me a hundred dollars out of the total. I take my cash, walk over to the woman, putting a twenty on her pile "Here deposit this too."
God knows I have to hurry up gathering these points or I'll never get out of purgatory. Grace says it's not a point system.....but I can't count on that.
But once in a while some piece of reality pierces my protective bubble.
I have recently felt so well, so healthy, so ALIVE, that I had once again convinced myself that I am not that sick. I've done it before, reality knocks me down, I get up and start again.
Lately my Multiple Myeloma email group is discussing statistics on longevity and our various and collective prognoses. Some people are getting upset that we are having the discussion. I understand their point. It's hard to pretend you are not dying if you are getting dozens of emails citing studies that say only 40% of us will make the five year mark.
So I had once again succeeded in getting into that head up my ass position. Where I almost felt guilty about people's sympathy. I was almost waiting for someone to call my bluff and say "Get off your ass, you faker! Get back to work!" I was acting like my slow stroll around Boston was like running a 5K - like my hour of yoga was like an 8 hour day at work. See what I can do!!!
But yesterday I got an envelope from the Social Security Administration.
You know they have 4 months before they have to even answer a disability claim. And something like 50% of applicants are rejected out of hand and have to fight for it. Some people have to go in and be interviewed by doctors.
But there was that envelope, less than four weeks after my paperwork was complete.
I shouldn't have been surprised - Dr, Miller said that I "wasn't up for discussion". Everyone, even the SSA interviewer agreed I should have done this long ago.
I opened it and walked out in the kitchen to tell me Dad..........and I started crying "I don't want to be this sick!" So of course, the practical Frank says "None of us want this. But there is nothing we can do. So concentrate on what you have control over. Do positive things."
So that's what I did. I helped tourists with the Charlie Card machine; I gave directions to a woman who was trying to find the Theater District; and was positive and smiling to everyone I came in contact with. When I was waiting for the (very slow, aggravating) bank teller in Citizen's to process my mind boggling transaction/sarcasm....I heard this woman next to me. She was overdrawn and distressed and babbling. Finally she said "I can only give you enough to cover the amount overdrawn." She was so upset, there was a line forming because she kept counting money and rifling her handbag....and my clerk kept saying "Ummm." At long last, my bank teller figures out how to accept my check for deposit and give me a hundred dollars out of the total. I take my cash, walk over to the woman, putting a twenty on her pile "Here deposit this too."
God knows I have to hurry up gathering these points or I'll never get out of purgatory. Grace says it's not a point system.....but I can't count on that.
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Now Hear This!
The Order Of The Day for 21 AUG 2011
I am headed over to Grace's to hang with my nieces by the pool. I will pop on the Internet if the spirit moves me, but I have some varied reading......Vanity Fair Magazine, Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell and Dereliction of Duty by McMasters....if I had a Stephen King book it would be something for every mood!
Charity - I most certainly remember him, we sat across from each other at dinner and he was charming and witty.....good catch. Email me! You are "one of us" now. I am on gmail and yahoo as BostonMaggie.
I will be back and in front of my computer for MIDRATs #BlogTalkRadio at 1700 hours
MIDRATs will be followed by Pundit Review Radio on WRKO AM Radio 680, which you can listen to online with a link from their website. I'm pretty psyched about tonight's show because Kevin is having two political commentators I really like, Dennis Miller and Mark Steyn. That's in addition to his star event - every week Bruce McQain gives us "Someone You Should Know".
That is all. Have a great Navy Day!
I am headed over to Grace's to hang with my nieces by the pool. I will pop on the Internet if the spirit moves me, but I have some varied reading......Vanity Fair Magazine, Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell and Dereliction of Duty by McMasters....if I had a Stephen King book it would be something for every mood!
Charity - I most certainly remember him, we sat across from each other at dinner and he was charming and witty.....good catch. Email me! You are "one of us" now. I am on gmail and yahoo as BostonMaggie.
I will be back and in front of my computer for MIDRATs #BlogTalkRadio at 1700 hours
MIDRATs will be followed by Pundit Review Radio on WRKO AM Radio 680, which you can listen to online with a link from their website. I'm pretty psyched about tonight's show because Kevin is having two political commentators I really like, Dennis Miller and Mark Steyn. That's in addition to his star event - every week Bruce McQain gives us "Someone You Should Know".
That is all. Have a great Navy Day!
Saturday, August 20, 2011
Rainy Monday Aboard USS Constitution
Monday my friend, CDR Junge, USN, came to Boston.....so we hit all the best Navy sites!
We met up at the edge of the North End and walked back over the Charlestown Bridge to the Navy Yard. CDR Junge is friends with the 72nd in Command of USS Constitution, so that was our firsts stop. I made a point of being the one who checked into the gate so CDR Junge could be a little surprise.
CDR Bonner graciously received us in his office. You can't imagine the view! Old Ironsides and the water, the skyline. On any day, rainy, sunny, snowy, it's beautiful.
Then the three of us walked over to the ship. I stayed topside (me and stairs you know). I had my Dad's camera, which takes way better pics than my cell phone.
Several Sailors were pushing water off her decks, because it was really coming down!
After leaving CDR Bonner and his beautiful ship, we headed over to check out the work being done on the USS Cassin Young, DD 793. The Cassin Young was put in dry dock on August 9th, I was there! CDR Junge is a fabulous photographer, although not as good as his wife (*wink*), so I asked for a few pics on behalf of My Marine. The ship has certain areas open during this project, but was closed for the day. So we snuck around some barriers (Ssshhh!) so we could get pics of the screws.
After that it was over to the USS Constitution Museum. It's right across from Old Ironsides, with Cassin Young in Dry Dock #1 in the middle. Right there in the Navy Yard there is so much to see and we didn't even hit everything. For example, the Commandant's House.
But there was the Museum, open and waiting for us! Touring the USS Constitution Museum put everything aboard America's Ship of State in context. Artifacts, displays, a movie....two floors of things to engage the curiosity of visitors of all ages.
We barely had time for a quick run through of the museum because we were lucky enough to have a little "behind the scenes" tour of the archives. But that's ok, I made Mike promised to come back with his wife and daughters.

After that it was over to the USS Constitution Museum. It's right across from Old Ironsides, with Cassin Young in Dry Dock #1 in the middle. Right there in the Navy Yard there is so much to see and we didn't even hit everything. For example, the Commandant's House.
But there was the Museum, open and waiting for us! Touring the USS Constitution Museum put everything aboard America's Ship of State in context. Artifacts, displays, a movie....two floors of things to engage the curiosity of visitors of all ages.
We barely had time for a quick run through of the museum because we were lucky enough to have a little "behind the scenes" tour of the archives. But that's ok, I made Mike promised to come back with his wife and daughters.
Thursday, August 18, 2011
I Love It!
I poached this from Chelle's FB wall. "If there is someone behind you and no one in front of you, then get out of this lane"
This is one of my biggest driving pet peeves. I rant about it so much to the boys. When Frankie and Danny were going to driver's ed, Bill and I went to pick them up. I said "If there's one thing I want to tell you about driving...." - they cut me off with a chorus of "If you are not the fastest moving car on the road, move over!"
I used to make me crazy when I would drive with someone who wouldn't move from the left hand lane and comment "I'm already doing 5/10/15 miles over the speed limit."
Who are you to decide how fast traffic should move! Argghhh! Unless you have a gun and a badge, talk to my rear bumper!
I used to make me crazy when I would drive with someone who wouldn't move from the left hand lane and comment "I'm already doing 5/10/15 miles over the speed limit."
Who are you to decide how fast traffic should move! Argghhh! Unless you have a gun and a badge, talk to my rear bumper!
OK, So I Lied
Last night I told My Marine that I was going to finish the post about "The Juicer" and start reading "Dereliction of Duty: Johnson, McNamara, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and the Lies That Led to Vietnam" by H. R. Mcmaster.
But instead I watched "Durham County" and went to bed.
So now I sit with my lunch and I am about to crack open the book.
Is this going to spoil my appetite?
But instead I watched "Durham County" and went to bed.
So now I sit with my lunch and I am about to crack open the book.
Is this going to spoil my appetite?
Saving Face vs. Saving Lives
Sometimes you've got a problem. Sometimes you can't solve it yourself. Sometimes, not even your friends can help you. So you have to reach out beyond your circle for help. Asking for help is hard. But if you are concerned enough about your problem, you're going to do what it takes.....right?
Well, London is burning. That's a big problem. Now there are many smart, capable people in Great Britain. Those people are all doing their best to solve it. I'm sure they love their country as I love mine. But so far, it hasn't worked. And the longer it goes on, the harder it's going to be to return to normalcy.
So, I've got this guy. He's a Dot Rat. That means he was born in the Boston neighborhood of Dorchester. But he is my fellow Bostonian and in such policing matters as these......he is *the* man. He has a resume as long as your arm in law enforcement. William J. "Bill" Bratton started out as an MP in the United States Army. He returned to Boston and joined the BPD. He rose quickly through the ranks, well on his way to becoming Commissioner when Bill was burned by a political dustup and briefly exiled. But when Boston needed him again .....Bratton was called home.
He later left for New York to be their transportation police, but returned home to become the Police commissioner of Boston. He is a recipient of the Schroeder Brothers Memorial Award, named for Patrolman Walter and Detective John Schroeder who were both shot and killed in the line of duty in the 1970's. It's the BPD's highest honor. It can only be given to one recipient in a year and if no one is worthy, it won't be given in that year.
So, anyway, then Bill goes on the be a star in New York until Rudi Guiliani (who I love, but he does have an ego) decided Bill was getting too much attention. Then it was on to LA. And there was private consulting. There was even international consulting. Queen Elizabeth gave him a C.B.E. which means (insert her voice here) "We are so pleased with your service to the Crown that if you weren't an American, I'd knight you. Since I can't - have this."
Turns out there are some very smart people in Britain. And they thought "Who's that guy the Queen nearly knighted for being a brilliant cop? Bratton? Get him over here." So Bill drops what he's doing and heads over. Smart move. They were the people who realized that what's happening right now in London is a complex problem; that Bill Bratton & his "Broken Windows" mentality (Bill's the civilian Gen Petraeus) can solve complex problems. there is no one solution in London, despite the fact that My Marine says "Bullets".
In London you need a guy with a proven track record at comprehensive, innovative plans. Plans that aren't just going to help you solve your current crisis, but also help you move on and heal.
But this woman, Home Secretary Theresa May has said no.
"The Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police has a "unique policing role in relation to national security" and that is why it has always been held by a British national, Mrs May said"
Seriously? You're turning down the best man for the job because you don't want people saying later that an American solved your problem? I've never heard of anything so childish and petty.
Well, London is burning. That's a big problem. Now there are many smart, capable people in Great Britain. Those people are all doing their best to solve it. I'm sure they love their country as I love mine. But so far, it hasn't worked. And the longer it goes on, the harder it's going to be to return to normalcy.
So, I've got this guy. He's a Dot Rat. That means he was born in the Boston neighborhood of Dorchester. But he is my fellow Bostonian and in such policing matters as these......he is *the* man. He has a resume as long as your arm in law enforcement. William J. "Bill" Bratton started out as an MP in the United States Army. He returned to Boston and joined the BPD. He rose quickly through the ranks, well on his way to becoming Commissioner when Bill was burned by a political dustup and briefly exiled. But when Boston needed him again .....Bratton was called home.
He later left for New York to be their transportation police, but returned home to become the Police commissioner of Boston. He is a recipient of the Schroeder Brothers Memorial Award, named for Patrolman Walter and Detective John Schroeder who were both shot and killed in the line of duty in the 1970's. It's the BPD's highest honor. It can only be given to one recipient in a year and if no one is worthy, it won't be given in that year.
So, anyway, then Bill goes on the be a star in New York until Rudi Guiliani (who I love, but he does have an ego) decided Bill was getting too much attention. Then it was on to LA. And there was private consulting. There was even international consulting. Queen Elizabeth gave him a C.B.E. which means (insert her voice here) "We are so pleased with your service to the Crown that if you weren't an American, I'd knight you. Since I can't - have this."
Turns out there are some very smart people in Britain. And they thought "Who's that guy the Queen nearly knighted for being a brilliant cop? Bratton? Get him over here." So Bill drops what he's doing and heads over. Smart move. They were the people who realized that what's happening right now in London is a complex problem; that Bill Bratton & his "Broken Windows" mentality (Bill's the civilian Gen Petraeus) can solve complex problems. there is no one solution in London, despite the fact that My Marine says "Bullets".
In London you need a guy with a proven track record at comprehensive, innovative plans. Plans that aren't just going to help you solve your current crisis, but also help you move on and heal.

"The Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police has a "unique policing role in relation to national security" and that is why it has always been held by a British national, Mrs May said"
Seriously? You're turning down the best man for the job because you don't want people saying later that an American solved your problem? I've never heard of anything so childish and petty.
Some Brits are calling it "morally repellent". Yes, it is.
Well...........no matter. Let London burn! After all the British burned my town to the ground once upon a time. Yeah, I know, at the time, my people were bogtrotting in Ireland, but Charlestown is where I was born. Acquire the loyalty, acquire the grudges.
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
I Know! I Know!
Where have I been?
I've been having fun and doing yoga and hiding from Hershey Nuggets with toffee.
Sunday I was lost.....there was no "Falling Skies", no "Walking Dead", no "The Killing". My Marine told me to stop pouting and go read.
Monday, my good friend CDR Mike Junge came up to Boston, but that will be it's own post.
Yesterday was very productive. I cleaned my room, washed the windows, got on my hands and knees and wiped all the baseboards. Followed by a mini spa.
Today was just regular yoga and a trip to Thompson Square. I picked up lemons and tea to make my own iced tea. I wanted to see if it was cheaper. I don't think it is when you factor in the cost of Splenda.
So last time I used the Barry's Tea, but it was a little too strong. This time is just regular orange pekoe. I was about to squeeze the lemons - which is damn near impossible with my hands - when I remembered the juicer we had when I was little. I figured it was long gone, but my day must have some kind of gadget.
I walked upstairs and asked if he had a juicer and he said "Downstairs in the chimney. Silver handle." So off I go down to the cellar where there is a niche from a chimney that was removed. I start looking and open a bag.........and....lo and behold, there was the original juicer.
My mother came out to the kitchen, laughing at my glee. She said "You know where that came from?" I didn't so she told me. Nana (my father's mother) was working for a woman named Mrs. Sweeney. Mrs. Sweeney asked my grandmother if her newly married son and his bride could use this juicer she was getting rid of.
So it's older than me....
And it works!!
So I had this delicious iced tea with freshly squeezed lemons. It was the perfect accompaniment to my two petite filet mignons, medium rare, topped with boursin cheese. On days like this - I love Atkins!
I've been having fun and doing yoga and hiding from Hershey Nuggets with toffee.
Sunday I was lost.....there was no "Falling Skies", no "Walking Dead", no "The Killing". My Marine told me to stop pouting and go read.
Monday, my good friend CDR Mike Junge came up to Boston, but that will be it's own post.
Yesterday was very productive. I cleaned my room, washed the windows, got on my hands and knees and wiped all the baseboards. Followed by a mini spa.
Today was just regular yoga and a trip to Thompson Square. I picked up lemons and tea to make my own iced tea. I wanted to see if it was cheaper. I don't think it is when you factor in the cost of Splenda.
So last time I used the Barry's Tea, but it was a little too strong. This time is just regular orange pekoe. I was about to squeeze the lemons - which is damn near impossible with my hands - when I remembered the juicer we had when I was little. I figured it was long gone, but my day must have some kind of gadget.
I walked upstairs and asked if he had a juicer and he said "Downstairs in the chimney. Silver handle." So off I go down to the cellar where there is a niche from a chimney that was removed. I start looking and open a bag.........and....lo and behold, there was the original juicer.

So it's older than me....
And it works!!
So I had this delicious iced tea with freshly squeezed lemons. It was the perfect accompaniment to my two petite filet mignons, medium rare, topped with boursin cheese. On days like this - I love Atkins!
Saturday, August 13, 2011
A Relaxed Saturday!
Got in some yoga. Stuck to Atkins despite my father eating ice cream, lol! Read stuff in books and online.
Now I am watching the end of "The McKenzie Break" on the Military Channel. They have this weekend thing called "Officer and a Movie". Since "The McKenzie Break" is about a British POW camp in World War II, their guest is a military policeman. And a famous on at that. MajGen David Quantock, USA is the commanding general of the Fort Leonard Wood, MO . Although in the general public, he may be better known as the guy they sent in to clean up Abu Ghraib.
It's a good movie but I am having trouble with the subtitles. I don't know if it's the movie format or my TV, but they cut off at the bottom.
But I love Brian Keith enough to just deal with it. I watched this when I was in my teens with my Dad. We watched LOTS of war movies. But I must say, watching it tonight - I "get it" more. It's based partly on the WWII POW Rebllion in the Bowmanville Camp in Canada/
Now I am watching the end of "The McKenzie Break" on the Military Channel. They have this weekend thing called "Officer and a Movie". Since "The McKenzie Break" is about a British POW camp in World War II, their guest is a military policeman. And a famous on at that. MajGen David Quantock, USA is the commanding general of the Fort Leonard Wood, MO . Although in the general public, he may be better known as the guy they sent in to clean up Abu Ghraib.
It's a good movie but I am having trouble with the subtitles. I don't know if it's the movie format or my TV, but they cut off at the bottom.
But I love Brian Keith enough to just deal with it. I watched this when I was in my teens with my Dad. We watched LOTS of war movies. But I must say, watching it tonight - I "get it" more. It's based partly on the WWII POW Rebllion in the Bowmanville Camp in Canada/
Friday, August 12, 2011
Nothing Productive!
I got nothing done today!
It was ridiculous. I planned to hitch a ride over to my sister Grace's house and lounge by her pool. I was going to bring my Atkin's lunch - it's Day 4!. Grace has Wi-Fi, although for some reason, I can never get into it with this laptop. But so what? Grace has a computer.
So I got up earlish...9 or so. Did morning stuff. Emails, pills, breakfast...... then I went downstairs, bathing suit and jacket and bag yada yada. But my Dad was in the middle of a project. I decided instead I would go up to the Bunker Hill Pool.
I was sitting with my mother on the 1st floor for a bit talking. Then I went online.........
My nieces called separately, was I coming over? No, we'd pick a day next week.
My father came down, project finished, dressed for the weekly Friday lunch with my mother and aunt and uncle.
"The pool isn't here." he gestures around the living room.
I laugh and say I am going to get going soon.
My parents come back from lunch and I am in the same position! On the love seat in the parlor on the laptop.
My father comes in and asks "Was it a refreshing dip?". He knows I haven't moved. I laugh.
My mother comes in and settles on the other love seat. My Uncle Frank had some news at lunch. He had run into their (my Mum & Uncle Frank) cousin Ronnie. Ronnie's grandmother and their grandmother were sisters. He had sad news, Ronnie's brother Ralph had passed away. Ralph was my uncle Walter's age.....the oldest brother, George is my uncle Frank's age....Madeline was younger than Walter and passed away a year or two ago.
It's a sad thing, but it makes you remember........
Ralph & Ronnie & George & Madeline's mother was my "Aunt Mil". She wasn't really an aunt, she was Mama Kelley's cousin's wife. And my goodness! Was she fun? Like nobody's business! She would visit us, we would visit her. And every visit was fun. Aunt Mil and Mama Kelley together were literally a laugh a minute. They would tell stories and jokes and I can't tell you how much I loved it.
I spent the rest of the day on the love seat, yakking with my mother, playing on Ancestry.com. I've been playing with it for a bit. When we were in Rocky Nook, Grace said she wanted to start a journal of all the details and stories my parents and relatives tell us. And all the stories we can remember from those we've lost.
Then my cousin Ellen popped up in the blog and that spurred me on.
A few days ago, Grace wnated me to remember the name of Sr. Terence's friend Sr. Avilino. For the life of me I couldn't. My mother, my father, my father's sister Teresa, Grace.....all going crazy! But it was Ellen to the rescue with Sr. Avilino's name and given name, Sr. Rita Morrissey. My aunt and Sr. Avilino had grown up together on Prospect Street and entered the convent together. Tom and I walked down to Prospect Street yesterday and I took pictures.
If I have this right, my father's father's family (including Sr. Terence) lived in the house on the right and Sr. Avilino and her family lioved across the alley on the left.
So I spent the day in my swimsuit and never left the house.
It was ridiculous. I planned to hitch a ride over to my sister Grace's house and lounge by her pool. I was going to bring my Atkin's lunch - it's Day 4!. Grace has Wi-Fi, although for some reason, I can never get into it with this laptop. But so what? Grace has a computer.
So I got up earlish...9 or so. Did morning stuff. Emails, pills, breakfast...... then I went downstairs, bathing suit and jacket and bag yada yada. But my Dad was in the middle of a project. I decided instead I would go up to the Bunker Hill Pool.
I was sitting with my mother on the 1st floor for a bit talking. Then I went online.........
My nieces called separately, was I coming over? No, we'd pick a day next week.
My father came down, project finished, dressed for the weekly Friday lunch with my mother and aunt and uncle.
"The pool isn't here." he gestures around the living room.
I laugh and say I am going to get going soon.
My parents come back from lunch and I am in the same position! On the love seat in the parlor on the laptop.
My father comes in and asks "Was it a refreshing dip?". He knows I haven't moved. I laugh.
My mother comes in and settles on the other love seat. My Uncle Frank had some news at lunch. He had run into their (my Mum & Uncle Frank) cousin Ronnie. Ronnie's grandmother and their grandmother were sisters. He had sad news, Ronnie's brother Ralph had passed away. Ralph was my uncle Walter's age.....the oldest brother, George is my uncle Frank's age....Madeline was younger than Walter and passed away a year or two ago.
It's a sad thing, but it makes you remember........
Ralph & Ronnie & George & Madeline's mother was my "Aunt Mil". She wasn't really an aunt, she was Mama Kelley's cousin's wife. And my goodness! Was she fun? Like nobody's business! She would visit us, we would visit her. And every visit was fun. Aunt Mil and Mama Kelley together were literally a laugh a minute. They would tell stories and jokes and I can't tell you how much I loved it.
I spent the rest of the day on the love seat, yakking with my mother, playing on Ancestry.com. I've been playing with it for a bit. When we were in Rocky Nook, Grace said she wanted to start a journal of all the details and stories my parents and relatives tell us. And all the stories we can remember from those we've lost.
Then my cousin Ellen popped up in the blog and that spurred me on.
A few days ago, Grace wnated me to remember the name of Sr. Terence's friend Sr. Avilino. For the life of me I couldn't. My mother, my father, my father's sister Teresa, Grace.....all going crazy! But it was Ellen to the rescue with Sr. Avilino's name and given name, Sr. Rita Morrissey. My aunt and Sr. Avilino had grown up together on Prospect Street and entered the convent together. Tom and I walked down to Prospect Street yesterday and I took pictures.

So I spent the day in my swimsuit and never left the house.
Thursday, August 11, 2011
It's Here!
It's here! It's here!
My laptop AC power has arrived!!
I am freely back online. No scrounging from others. Yay!
My laptop AC power has arrived!!
I am freely back online. No scrounging from others. Yay!
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Tuesday, August 09, 2011
Everywhere I Look. People Are Trying to Aggravate Me!
First, as you know I went out to buy a power cord for this laptop. EBay wanted .49 to $1.99 plus $8 to $10 in shipping. But I'd have to wait a week.
I thought it was worth the time to pay a little more at Staples or Best Buy. So my Dad took me over to Best Buy at Wellington - $49.99! Whiskey....Tango...well you know the rest.
We went to the Staples in Assembly Square, same deal plus ZERO customer service. Four unhelpful people. The exact opposite of the Staples downtown on Court Street. Lots of cheerful help and the service I needed, printing something......11 cents.
Anyway, screw this, I just bid on an EBay, brand new 12 month warranty......49 cents. Overnight shipping, $29 dollars. I save $20 and they bring it too me.
And that other trouble maker? NavyCS....I emailed him a question, which he very kindly answered. Then he made a joke about M&Ms. I said not to talk about M&Ms because today was the first day of Atkins. This is his reply -
"I will make every effort not to mention M&M’s again, or I will at least try and tone down the M&M speak until Atkins has been dismissed, then, I will again bring up M&M’s, although I may leave out any conversation relating to orange M&M’s, not sure I like his attitude. But anyway, from this point forward I will not speak of M&M’s...much.
Please pass our best to M&Mike – we look forward to seeing him and his wife (and of course you and your sistas) again during the next M&Milblog.
Your M&M eating friends,
Tom&m and Bonnie"
Why do I think that if he was here, he would be wiggling those cupcakes in front of my face?
I thought it was worth the time to pay a little more at Staples or Best Buy. So my Dad took me over to Best Buy at Wellington - $49.99! Whiskey....Tango...well you know the rest.
We went to the Staples in Assembly Square, same deal plus ZERO customer service. Four unhelpful people. The exact opposite of the Staples downtown on Court Street. Lots of cheerful help and the service I needed, printing something......11 cents.
Anyway, screw this, I just bid on an EBay, brand new 12 month warranty......49 cents. Overnight shipping, $29 dollars. I save $20 and they bring it too me.
And that other trouble maker? NavyCS....I emailed him a question, which he very kindly answered. Then he made a joke about M&Ms. I said not to talk about M&Ms because today was the first day of Atkins. This is his reply -
"I will make every effort not to mention M&M’s again, or I will at least try and tone down the M&M speak until Atkins has been dismissed, then, I will again bring up M&M’s, although I may leave out any conversation relating to orange M&M’s, not sure I like his attitude. But anyway, from this point forward I will not speak of M&M’s...much.
Please pass our best to M&Mike – we look forward to seeing him and his wife (and of course you and your sistas) again during the next M&Milblog.
Your M&M eating friends,
Tom&m and Bonnie"
Why do I think that if he was here, he would be wiggling those cupcakes in front of my face?
What's The Title Of this Blog?
Oh yeah, "BostonMaggie - Inappropriate & Unprepared"
So Sunday night was the season finale of "Falling Skies" my favorite summer "post Apocalypse" show. It's actually my bookmark until "AMC" brings back "Walking Dead". Anyway, "Falling Skies" has a little Twitter community that makes if even more fun for me. The show is supposedly set in Boston, but no one even tries to fake a Boston accident or make the locations work with the map, so no harm no foul. I loathe shows that try to fake it, lol.
Well to get ready for the big two hour finale I made a big fat salad....yeah, that still excites me post-transplant with craisins and walnuts and mesclun and homemade croutons.....all out (except onions, Dad was still awake). A nearly frozen Coke. Annnnnddddd chocolate cupcakes with chocolate frosting and marshmallow filling that I made myself!
So, it's all good except for one problem, the power adapter on the laptop has been on the fritz. I have noticed that once in a while even though I was plugged in...the battery was showing. I would wiggle the cable and it would be fine. It got steadily worse. Then it didn't work. I had to get through Pundit Review Radio with nothing but my phone to tweet with!!!
But I gave it one more try when the show came on and viola! If I held it just right and ate and typed with one hand, I had everything! Well, everything until I realized that I left the cupcakes in the kitchen. During the second hour, when the longing for cupcakes was too great to bear, I did make a break for it and successfully got back on.
Cupcakes were fabulous. Facebook & Twitter were fun. Show had a great cliffhanger....you knew Pope would come through, you knew Weaver would snap out of it and you knew Tom was gonna go where they asked to save his sons. Loved it!!!!
So back to the first paragraph as I sit here using the last of my battery to type (my Dad is driving me to Staples within the hour).
Yesterday was great but something sucky really drained me...more than the humidity and there was no sitting, relaxing and eating a cupcake. My parents each had one.
So there are like 20 cupcakes on the counter............and now, today I have decided to go back on Atkins.
Yeah, timing, not my strong suit.
Is there a pound of hamburger in the fridge? No, 20 cupcakes on the counter.
I've been putting it off since May because post transplant I just kept loosing weight no matter what I ate. But the two weeks I spent in Kingston was apparently my tipping point. there I was on one side of the see-saw with my smaller, post-transplant stomach.....and on the other side.....bags and bags of Hershey nuggets, glasses of icy Coca-cola and numerous dinners out with friends and family. I gained four pounds! Sure now that I am back in Charlestown it's gone again. But this was a wake up call.
So if you are in the neighborhood, stop by and grab some of these cupcakes, so I have a fighting chance.
So Sunday night was the season finale of "Falling Skies" my favorite summer "post Apocalypse" show. It's actually my bookmark until "AMC" brings back "Walking Dead". Anyway, "Falling Skies" has a little Twitter community that makes if even more fun for me. The show is supposedly set in Boston, but no one even tries to fake a Boston accident or make the locations work with the map, so no harm no foul. I loathe shows that try to fake it, lol.
Well to get ready for the big two hour finale I made a big fat salad....yeah, that still excites me post-transplant with craisins and walnuts and mesclun and homemade croutons.....all out (except onions, Dad was still awake). A nearly frozen Coke. Annnnnddddd chocolate cupcakes with chocolate frosting and marshmallow filling that I made myself!
So, it's all good except for one problem, the power adapter on the laptop has been on the fritz. I have noticed that once in a while even though I was plugged in...the battery was showing. I would wiggle the cable and it would be fine. It got steadily worse. Then it didn't work. I had to get through Pundit Review Radio with nothing but my phone to tweet with!!!
But I gave it one more try when the show came on and viola! If I held it just right and ate and typed with one hand, I had everything! Well, everything until I realized that I left the cupcakes in the kitchen. During the second hour, when the longing for cupcakes was too great to bear, I did make a break for it and successfully got back on.
Cupcakes were fabulous. Facebook & Twitter were fun. Show had a great cliffhanger....you knew Pope would come through, you knew Weaver would snap out of it and you knew Tom was gonna go where they asked to save his sons. Loved it!!!!
So back to the first paragraph as I sit here using the last of my battery to type (my Dad is driving me to Staples within the hour).
Yesterday was great but something sucky really drained me...more than the humidity and there was no sitting, relaxing and eating a cupcake. My parents each had one.
So there are like 20 cupcakes on the counter............and now, today I have decided to go back on Atkins.
Yeah, timing, not my strong suit.
Is there a pound of hamburger in the fridge? No, 20 cupcakes on the counter.
I've been putting it off since May because post transplant I just kept loosing weight no matter what I ate. But the two weeks I spent in Kingston was apparently my tipping point. there I was on one side of the see-saw with my smaller, post-transplant stomach.....and on the other side.....bags and bags of Hershey nuggets, glasses of icy Coca-cola and numerous dinners out with friends and family. I gained four pounds! Sure now that I am back in Charlestown it's gone again. But this was a wake up call.
So if you are in the neighborhood, stop by and grab some of these cupcakes, so I have a fighting chance.
Sunday, August 07, 2011
There's Really Nothing To Be Said
What happened Friday night has overwhelmed the weekend. We will mourn and be hurt for a long time. We are haunted by memories of Operation Redwings.
I've been on Twitter, retweeting supportive words about the incident, the SEALs and the other service members (1st I heard US Army, but now they may be National Guard) lost in this tragic incident.
I couldn't watch any of my Sunday morning talk shows for fear some politician would say something assinine and I would smash a TV.
Jeff Emmanuel says "The questions arising from the Afghan tragedy are (1)natural, & (2)highly reflective of influence media & H'wood have on public information"
He's 100% correct, but jeez it's still aggravating. Why wasn't America paying more attention to our military before this? Why are the asking stupid questions and saying stupid things.
Yeah, I know my view is completely unrealistic. But I'm so angry. Sure I'm angry at the Taliban, but that's war. I expect the Taliban to try and sometimes succeed. But my fellow Americans should be better than some of the shit I've seen on Twitter.
I've been on Twitter, retweeting supportive words about the incident, the SEALs and the other service members (1st I heard US Army, but now they may be National Guard) lost in this tragic incident.
I couldn't watch any of my Sunday morning talk shows for fear some politician would say something assinine and I would smash a TV.
Jeff Emmanuel says "The questions arising from the Afghan tragedy are (1)natural, & (2)highly reflective of influence media & H'wood have on public information"
He's 100% correct, but jeez it's still aggravating. Why wasn't America paying more attention to our military before this? Why are the asking stupid questions and saying stupid things.
Yeah, I know my view is completely unrealistic. But I'm so angry. Sure I'm angry at the Taliban, but that's war. I expect the Taliban to try and sometimes succeed. But my fellow Americans should be better than some of the shit I've seen on Twitter.
Friday, August 05, 2011
I Must Be A Grown Up Now
My parents keep some papers in the top drawer of the buffet in the dining room.
When I was growing up it was the one place guaranteed to have working pens and sharpened pencils. No matter where anyone in the house was, if you opened that drawer, one of my parents would say...."What are you doing?"
Today I went to get a pen.

Today I went to get a pen.
Thursday, August 04, 2011
I Was A Good Bostonian Today

I am almost finished mt Tet Offensive book and my Marine has piled more on top. No "taking it slow" with him. Pushy bastid.
I was a good girl. Now I am relaxing on my freshly laundered sheets.
Wednesday, August 03, 2011
"What Are You Doing Today?"
My father greets me with this question as I eat Apple Jacks on the loveseat opposite my Mum.
"Ok, when you get dressed, I want milk and carrots." He is on his way out the door to meet the electrician around the corner at the other house my parents own. Then he tacks on.....
"And chocolate chip ice cream. That will make you walk faster."
So I shower, dress and head for Thompson Square. Remember, when I started these treks it was taking me 20 minutes, a rest on a bench, then 20 minutes back. Today I get to Thompson Square and there are three female USS Constitution Sailors rocking their digi-blues. We chit-chatted for a bit. I always meet somebody in Thompson Square. Then I picked up another script in CVS before heading into Johnnies Foodmaster.
Ice cream in hand, huff puff, huff puff, got that ice cream home in 9 minutes!
Later I took the Bunka bus over to Staples on Court Street. On the way MBTA Operator #68053 took the time to be really nice to some tourists in City Square. She was pleasant to everyone, but that was the highlight. I spoke to her briefly before I exited, she was a Townie.
I got my stuff at Staples, walked around the area, grabbed some cupcakes at Sweet Cupcakes and this time I remember to stop in the Old South Meeting House to get some Boston Tea Party Tea. You see Old South Meeting House was tweeting about the cupcakes at Sweet. So I went and grabbed a few. When I tweeted that I got them......Old South immediately comes out and says "Why didn't you get some tea from us to go with them?" So today I got both. I have to put it out on Twitter.
Dinner was reheated Papa Gino's Rustico pizza w/meatballs...........mmmmm.
Overall, a productive day.
"Ok, when you get dressed, I want milk and carrots." He is on his way out the door to meet the electrician around the corner at the other house my parents own. Then he tacks on.....
"And chocolate chip ice cream. That will make you walk faster."
So I shower, dress and head for Thompson Square. Remember, when I started these treks it was taking me 20 minutes, a rest on a bench, then 20 minutes back. Today I get to Thompson Square and there are three female USS Constitution Sailors rocking their digi-blues. We chit-chatted for a bit. I always meet somebody in Thompson Square. Then I picked up another script in CVS before heading into Johnnies Foodmaster.
Ice cream in hand, huff puff, huff puff, got that ice cream home in 9 minutes!
Later I took the Bunka bus over to Staples on Court Street. On the way MBTA Operator #68053 took the time to be really nice to some tourists in City Square. She was pleasant to everyone, but that was the highlight. I spoke to her briefly before I exited, she was a Townie.
I got my stuff at Staples, walked around the area, grabbed some cupcakes at Sweet Cupcakes and this time I remember to stop in the Old South Meeting House to get some Boston Tea Party Tea. You see Old South Meeting House was tweeting about the cupcakes at Sweet. So I went and grabbed a few. When I tweeted that I got them......Old South immediately comes out and says "Why didn't you get some tea from us to go with them?" So today I got both. I have to put it out on Twitter.
Dinner was reheated Papa Gino's Rustico pizza w/meatballs...........mmmmm.
Overall, a productive day.
Tuesday, August 02, 2011
Dear E. Devine,
Yes, I am your cousin. I was at the wake. Please feel free to contact me anytime.
I am "BostonMaggie" at Yahoo; at GMail; at LinkIn; at Google+ & AboutMe.
However, my given name is Diane, so on Facebook I am Diane Maggie McInnis Miller.
Also thanks for reminding me that I made a mistake in that post, I listed Virginia as a sister, but she is Elizabeth's daughter. Your mother Therese was his sister.
I am "BostonMaggie" at Yahoo; at GMail; at LinkIn; at Google+ & AboutMe.
However, my given name is Diane, so on Facebook I am Diane Maggie McInnis Miller.
Also thanks for reminding me that I made a mistake in that post, I listed Virginia as a sister, but she is Elizabeth's daughter. Your mother Therese was his sister.
Monday, August 01, 2011
Trying To Pull Myself Back Together
Getting back from Rocky Nook late Friday night; dashing out to a big family party on Saturday (thanks Kathy & Mike); sleeping too, too late on Sunday......all with no pain pills. I was so messed up. No yoga, no sleep, I was a wreck.
But I was thinking that I should just suck it up until my Tuesday appointment. So I called Kate my NP, to "invite her to my internal debate". She of course filled the script for me. I knew she would. I know it's my own nonsense about these damn pills. It's so obvious. I function better on them. Friday, without them, I started to slip and flounder. Exercise gone, sleep messed up, accomplishing nothing.
So I finally got on the Bunker bus and headed over to Dr. Miller's office. I dawdled a little on the way so they had time to fill the actual script. I had seen these two plaques on Franklin Street. Today I stopped and looked at them.
This plaque commemorates the first location Cathedral of the Holy Cross in Boston.
This plaque is for Franklin Place.
This is the view up Hawley Street from Franklin as I cut behind the old Filenes toward Jordan Marsh/Macy's.
Then I turned up Summer toward Washington.
I got the script, took one on the way home like an addict, and felt much better. Frankie brought me a cell phone charger, the location of mine is in dispute, lol! He also brought my black bookcase. I know I have been here since November, but a lot of that time I was useless, lol. I am kinda living out of blue totes. So I'd like to get more organized. for one thing, there is no real clear spot for yoga. Down the cottage, there was loads of room, the yard, the back porch, the living room. But in my room, I am always a little cramped.
Tomorrow is my actual appointment with Dr. Miller for my monthly check-up. But if I go to bed now, I can work on the room a little, go to the appointment and go swimming.....if the weather cooperates.
But I was thinking that I should just suck it up until my Tuesday appointment. So I called Kate my NP, to "invite her to my internal debate". She of course filled the script for me. I knew she would. I know it's my own nonsense about these damn pills. It's so obvious. I function better on them. Friday, without them, I started to slip and flounder. Exercise gone, sleep messed up, accomplishing nothing.
So I finally got on the Bunker bus and headed over to Dr. Miller's office. I dawdled a little on the way so they had time to fill the actual script. I had seen these two plaques on Franklin Street. Today I stopped and looked at them.
This plaque commemorates the first location Cathedral of the Holy Cross in Boston.

Tomorrow is my actual appointment with Dr. Miller for my monthly check-up. But if I go to bed now, I can work on the room a little, go to the appointment and go swimming.....if the weather cooperates.
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