Yesterday I slipped in the shower (on some very expensive hair conditioner, what a waste) and banged my hip on the wall before sliding to the floor. It hurt. To compound my pain FoxNews was playing all sorts of "arthritis", "brittle bones" "getting older" commercials while I was dragging my poor self to my room. I have told various people and most have been very nice and sympathetic.
Not SB.
He called last night. I told him my tale of woe. I didn't detect the proper degree of sympathy, as a matter of fact there was much laughter. "I've fallen and I can't get up!" he crowed. So I pointed out that I could have broken my hip. "But you didn't." came his reply. I told him he had a poor attitude. He asked me of I was a PANSY!!!!!
Hey, fathead!!!!! I'm not supposed to be as tough as you. Pardon me if I'm not full of grapeshot from the Revolutionary War, like some people I could name!
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Monday, October 30, 2006
Tonight's Lecture....
.....was held at the JFK Presidential Library and Museum. The topic was the Progressive/Conservative Debate. "William Kristol, editor of The Weekly Standard, and John Podesta, President and CEO of the Center for American Progress, will debate the issues -- from stem cell research to the war on terror -- that define and often divide American politics today. Evan Thomas, Assistant Managing Editor of Newsweek, will moderate."
Podesta was an ass. I'm not just saying that because I am a huge fan of Kristol's. He was, Jen agreed. She pointed out that Bill Kristol noted good and bad points about both Clinton and Bush....yet Podesta did nothing but bash Bush. He also had written down little quotes that he had pulled out of Kristol's past. Clearly he was so intimidated by Kristol's superior intellect and self depreciating style that he felt the need to research him. Bill on the other hand was fabulous. He was witty and charming and unflappable.
Once again though.......crazy protesters. After the debate, Jen and I went up to speak to Mr. Kristol and a young man came up yelling and ranting. I don't even know what he was saying. Everyone just went on about their business and he was escorted away.
Jen and I got autographs and told Bill we were fans and conservatives and thought he did quite well. He was very gracious.
I also introduced myself to Evan Thomas and told him that I'd be at his appearance next week at the Harvard Coop. He seemed very pleased and Jen and I had to laugh. The JFK liason who introduced everyone on the panel failed to mention Evan's new book. He mentioned Evan's RFK bio.....from six years ago! I guess we can forgive them for being Kennedy-centric. Anyway, Evan seemed pleased that I knew and happy to discuss it.
Podesta was an ass. I'm not just saying that because I am a huge fan of Kristol's. He was, Jen agreed. She pointed out that Bill Kristol noted good and bad points about both Clinton and Bush....yet Podesta did nothing but bash Bush. He also had written down little quotes that he had pulled out of Kristol's past. Clearly he was so intimidated by Kristol's superior intellect and self depreciating style that he felt the need to research him. Bill on the other hand was fabulous. He was witty and charming and unflappable.
Once again though.......crazy protesters. After the debate, Jen and I went up to speak to Mr. Kristol and a young man came up yelling and ranting. I don't even know what he was saying. Everyone just went on about their business and he was escorted away.
Jen and I got autographs and told Bill we were fans and conservatives and thought he did quite well. He was very gracious.
I also introduced myself to Evan Thomas and told him that I'd be at his appearance next week at the Harvard Coop. He seemed very pleased and Jen and I had to laugh. The JFK liason who introduced everyone on the panel failed to mention Evan's new book. He mentioned Evan's RFK bio.....from six years ago! I guess we can forgive them for being Kennedy-centric. Anyway, Evan seemed pleased that I knew and happy to discuss it.
John Adams
My favorite American President was born on this day in 1735. Belligerent, and deeply principled, I admire him enormously. I am in awe of his personal courage. Who else would have represented the British soldiers accused in The Boston Massacre? Where would we be without Adams going to France and The Netherlands for help and funding for the Revolution? Don't forget he is the Father of the United States Navy!
Despite all that could have distracted him, he was devoted to his wife. All those accomplishments, and a great love story too. In a letter written in 1780 he signed himself off
My favorite Adams quote on politics was..........."I have come to the conclusion that one useless man is a disgrace, two men are called a Law Firm, and three or more are called a Congress."
Despite all that could have distracted him, he was devoted to his wife. All those accomplishments, and a great love story too. In a letter written in 1780 he signed himself off
"I shall write as often as possible: but Conveyances will be very rare, I fear.
I am as I ever was and ever shall be Yours, Yours, Yours."
My favorite Adams quote on politics was..........."I have come to the conclusion that one useless man is a disgrace, two men are called a Law Firm, and three or more are called a Congress."
Arnold "Red" Auerbach
A Nobel Prize Winner.......
.......worthy of the honor.
George Catlett Marshall was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize on this day in 1953. General Marshall was a man of many accomplishments, president of the American Red Cross, ex-Secretary of State and of Defense and Delegate to the U.N. But, of course, the most famous was "The Marshall Plan".
George Catlett Marshall was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize on this day in 1953. General Marshall was a man of many accomplishments, president of the American Red Cross, ex-Secretary of State and of Defense and Delegate to the U.N. But, of course, the most famous was "The Marshall Plan".

My Sunday

So Jen rolls up at 0800 so we can make Mass on time. Even with the clocks falling back an hour, it seemed too early. The church was cold...that always suits Jen! Before Mass I was reading the bulletin and there was an announcement about an upcoming event. There will be a talk in two weeks about the history of St. Francis, the second oldest church in Boston and the cemetary behind it. That's right up my church, I'll be front and center. After Mass Jen headed down to our parent's house and I went over to CCD. I told Jen I was starving and Grace better have some food when we got there! My class was great, I love their quick minds and they are learning despite being stuck with me for a teacher.
After class I was standing out front waiting for Jen to roll up and the wind! Holy Moly! Anyway, Jen pulls up and guess what?! She has a plate from my father with a pancake and some bacon! My Dad is the best! Off we go to Grace's. After a short stay there.....we're off to Kelly's play. This was not nearly as easy as it should have been. We pop into Stop & Shop to grab a bouquet of roses for the star and then head for a Route 93 north onramp................but no.............Houston we have a problem. Seems it was the 18th Annual Halloween Witch Hunt Run to Salem. Hundreds of motorcycles causing traffic and onramp closings up past 95. What a mess.
So we were a little late to the play, but we made it. It was funny, Kelly was great, she loved our flowers......success. Then on to our brother's house where we descended with pizza, soda, chips, cookies and caused chaos.
Last stop........the movies. We went to see "The Departed". My verdict....wicked pissa. Loved it.
A long day.
Frankie just made it home. I was holding my breath. He and his posse were at the Jamn 94.5 concert. Always glad when these things are over and my boys are back safe and sound.
I'm off to bed.
Saturday, October 28, 2006
I Think This Is Scarier.......
......than anything I will see on Halloween.
Over at OpFor there is a post up from LtCol P titled "A What-If on the Future of America".
Follow the links and then let me know how you sleep tonight.
Over at OpFor there is a post up from LtCol P titled "A What-If on the Future of America".
Follow the links and then let me know how you sleep tonight.
I'll Drink To That!
Friday, October 27, 2006
"No, I Represent The People."
Mitt is too funny! I know everyone is mad at him about being MIA and not helping Kerry Healey, but........listening to him slap down the press is still funny.
Thursday, October 26, 2006
Navy Day

Navy Day was established on October 27, 1922 by the Navy League of the United States. Although it was not a national holiday, Navy Day received special attention from President Warren Harding. Harding wrote to the Secretary of the Navy Edwin Denby:
"Thank you for your note which brings assurance of the notable success which seems certain to attend the celebration of Navy Day on Friday, October 27, in commemoration of past and present services of the Navy. From our earliest national beginnings the Navy has always been, and deserved to be, an object of special pride to the American people. Its record is indeed one to inspire such sentiments, and I am very sure that such a commemoration as is planned will be a timely reminder."
"It is well for us to have in mind that under a program of lessening naval armaments there is a greater reason for maintaining the highest efficiency, fitness and morale in this branch of the national defensive service. I know how earnestly the Navy personnel are devoted to this idea and want you to be assured of my hearty concurrence."
October 27 was suggested by the Navy League to recognize Theodore Roosevelt's birthday. Roosevelt had been an Assistant Secretary of the Navy and supported a strong Navy as well as the idea of Navy Day. In addition, October 27 was the anniversary of a 1775 report issued by a special committee of the Continental Congress favoring the purchase of merchant ships as the foundation of an American Navy.
Navy Day was last observed on Oct. 27, 1949.
Tin Can Sailors
My Dad was a Tin Can Sailor, so I would be remiss if I failed to mention today marks the anniversary of the end of the Battle of Leyte Gulf. Although this battle took place during World War II and my Dad served during the Korean Conflict, I was schooled in this as well as other great naval battles.
This is probably why I am so looking forward to an event I will be attending in two weeks. It's a discussion and book signing of "Sea of Thunder" by Evan Thomas. One of the four officers the author focuses on is Cdr. Evans captain of the destroyer USS Johnston, fought in the Battle of Leyte Gulf.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Tonight's Lecture
"The Shia Revival" (mentioned in this post), showed me that I really knew so much less about Islam than I ever realized, lol. There I was front and center (that's where the nuns always put me), drowning........

Anti-Terrorism Commercials
This morning Fox & Friends had a short segment on new anti-terrorism commercials showing on Arabic TV. I poked around online and found their website, "Terrorism Has No Religion". The commercials are interesting and thought provoking.
Fox had Col. Ralph Peters on to comment. He said these sorts of things are a good start, but it will take hundreds of commercials over many years to turn the tide.
Fox had Col. Ralph Peters on to comment. He said these sorts of things are a good start, but it will take hundreds of commercials over many years to turn the tide.
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
MG Rick Lynch
For no other reason than he is my favorite army guy.
Chuck Trout, MG Rick Lynch, and Jim Tiezzi
Here is a pic of Major General Lynch all dressed up for the 87th Annual Reunion of the 3rd ID. It was held in Nashville TN last month.

Here is a pic of Major General Lynch all dressed up for the 87th Annual Reunion of the 3rd ID. It was held in Nashville TN last month.
It's not like seeing my favorite Naval Consort in his whites, but Rick does look spiffy!
I'm not saying I have a crush on the guy or anything, but if you search this blog (search window in the upper left hand corner) for "Lynch".....he pops up in 15 posts! LOL
The Shia Revival: How Conflicts within Islam Will Shape the Future

As if this wasn't enough.......foreign affairs........Navy connection.......the event is cosponsored by the Kennedy School of Government's Dubai Initiative.
LOL Is there anything else to say?
Protesting and the 1st Amendment
Caught a repeat of "The Daily Show" last night where Jon Stewart discussed the students protesting Jim Gilchrist's appearance at Columbia. Here's a link to the YouTube video. For some reason I can't upload it directly since the crazy blogger beta thing....I digress.
I am astonished that these young people believe their right to protest trumps my right to listen or Dr. Brook's right to speak. I have been to many talks/lectures/panels that made my blood boil (P. Sabin Willet, lol), but never did it even occur to me to interfere. When someone I disagree with is going to speak, one of three things happens. A) I listen...steaming...but I listen. I express my displeasure by not applauding or commenting during the Q/A time (always courteously) B) I walk away or don't attend. C) I protest peacefully outside. It would never occur to me to subvert the 1st Amendment.
There is a saying that these children need to learn. your right to swing your arm, ends at the tip of my nose. They also need to familiarize themselves with the Bill of Rights. the 1st Amendment only works when you are prepared to respect the rights of those who would hold views antithetical to yours.
I am astonished that these young people believe their right to protest trumps my right to listen or Dr. Brook's right to speak. I have been to many talks/lectures/panels that made my blood boil (P. Sabin Willet, lol), but never did it even occur to me to interfere. When someone I disagree with is going to speak, one of three things happens. A) I listen...steaming...but I listen. I express my displeasure by not applauding or commenting during the Q/A time (always courteously) B) I walk away or don't attend. C) I protest peacefully outside. It would never occur to me to subvert the 1st Amendment.
There is a saying that these children need to learn. your right to swing your arm, ends at the tip of my nose. They also need to familiarize themselves with the Bill of Rights. the 1st Amendment only works when you are prepared to respect the rights of those who would hold views antithetical to yours.
Monday, October 23, 2006
October 23, 1983

John at The Castle got this up first. Go on over.
Never Forget.
Not to be too petty with those who say we are just stirring up a hornet's nest over in Iraq.....what were we stirring up that day?
Sunday, October 22, 2006
The Craziest Lecture I Have Ever Been To
Tonight's Ford Hall Forum presented Dr. Yaron Brooks. This was the last event of a weekend long Objectivist Conference "The Jihad Against the West: The Real Threat and the Right Response". I couldn't attend the conference itself, but I was at the the lecture at Faneuil Hall. Before the lecture began, the gentleman sitting beside me described the chaos of the previous Friday night when Dr. Brook spoke at Tufts. I could believe it. I kept asking him about it. Apparently students were disrupting the talk. I told him that I had been to lectures there and even though I disagreed with most of the speakers, I was always treated cordially. I couldn't imagine such a thing happening. It turns out the Dr. Brooks spoke just across the street from where I attended the EPIIC Symposium back in February. I was most assuredly the ultra conservative present and saw none of the intolerance this person was describing.
First, it was s completely unusual experience not to be the most conservative person in the room. Dr. Brooks talk was greeted with much applause and two standing ovations.
I've never been to a talk/conference/lecture that was dispurted. Several times young people stood and began singing. They had to be removed. Then during the Q&A several of the questions were rude, beligerent and in a few cases.......crazy.
Dr. Brooks talk was along these lines.....
What specific military actions would have been required post-9/11 to end state support of Islamic Totalitarianism is a question for specialists in military strategy, but even a cursory look at history can tell us one thing for sure: It would have required the willingness to take devastating military action against enemy regimes—to oust their leaders and prominent supporters, to make examples of certain regimes or cities in order to win the surrender of others, and to inflict suffering on complicit civilian populations, who enable terrorist-supporting regimes to remain in power.
Observe what it took for the United States and the Allies to defeat Germany and Japan and thus win World War II. Before the Germans and Japanese surrendered, the Allies had firebombed every major Japanese city and bombed most German cities—killing hundreds of thousands. Explaining the rationale for the German bombings, Churchill wrote, “. . . the severe, the ruthless bombing of Germany on an ever-increasing scale will not only cripple her war effort . . . but will create conditions intolerable to the mass of the German population.” And as we well know, what ended the war—and the Nazi and Japanese Imperialist threat to this day—was America’s dropping of two atomic bombs on Japan.
He wants to render every government hostile to the US harmless.......I don't know, but it sure was interesting.
First, it was s completely unusual experience not to be the most conservative person in the room. Dr. Brooks talk was greeted with much applause and two standing ovations.
I've never been to a talk/conference/lecture that was dispurted. Several times young people stood and began singing. They had to be removed. Then during the Q&A several of the questions were rude, beligerent and in a few cases.......crazy.
Dr. Brooks talk was along these lines.....
What specific military actions would have been required post-9/11 to end state support of Islamic Totalitarianism is a question for specialists in military strategy, but even a cursory look at history can tell us one thing for sure: It would have required the willingness to take devastating military action against enemy regimes—to oust their leaders and prominent supporters, to make examples of certain regimes or cities in order to win the surrender of others, and to inflict suffering on complicit civilian populations, who enable terrorist-supporting regimes to remain in power.
Observe what it took for the United States and the Allies to defeat Germany and Japan and thus win World War II. Before the Germans and Japanese surrendered, the Allies had firebombed every major Japanese city and bombed most German cities—killing hundreds of thousands. Explaining the rationale for the German bombings, Churchill wrote, “. . . the severe, the ruthless bombing of Germany on an ever-increasing scale will not only cripple her war effort . . . but will create conditions intolerable to the mass of the German population.” And as we well know, what ended the war—and the Nazi and Japanese Imperialist threat to this day—was America’s dropping of two atomic bombs on Japan.
He wants to render every government hostile to the US harmless.......I don't know, but it sure was interesting.
Saturday, October 21, 2006
October 21, 1797 1797, USS Constitution was launched in Boston. It took three attempts to set the immense ship, reinforced with heavy diagonal planking and copper sheathing, afloat. Shipyard officials warned townspeople to be prepared for a great wave when the boat was finally launched, but none appeared. Her greatest moment came during the War of 1812, when in less than 20 minutes her guns turned a British warship into a hulk, not worth towing to port. When British cannonballs appeared to bounce off her thick wooden hull, a sailor exclaimed, "Huzzah, her sides are made of iron!" Ever since, people have referred to the ship by her affectionate nickname "Old Ironsides." Berthed at the Boston Navy Yard, she is the oldest commissioned warship in the world.'s the *Charlestown* Navy Yard!
Also, for you limeys, it's also the anniversary of the Battle of Trafalgar.
In 1805, in one of history's greatest naval battles, the British fleet under Adm. Horatio Nelson defeated the combined French-Spanish fleet at Trafalgar off the coast of Spain.'s the *Charlestown* Navy Yard!
Also, for you limeys, it's also the anniversary of the Battle of Trafalgar.
In 1805, in one of history's greatest naval battles, the British fleet under Adm. Horatio Nelson defeated the combined French-Spanish fleet at Trafalgar off the coast of Spain.
Friday, October 20, 2006
Thursday, October 19, 2006
Today in History
The second most significant event...after Debbie's birthday..............
In 1781, Britain's Lord Cornwallis surrendered with more than 7,000 troops to Gen. George Washington at Yorktown, Va., effectively ending the American War of Independence.
Some people who are really, really into this are doing interesting things. One website worth visiting is the Washington-Rochambeau Revolutionary Route.
This picture was taken August 29, 2006 in Princeton NJ and shows some of the participants: Mike Fitzgerald, David Fagerberg, day-marcher Paul Hutchins, David Holloway, and Mathieu Petitjean, President of the American Society of the Souvenir Francais. They re-enacted Washington's march to Yorktown and are in yorktown for the 225th anniversary. It's a big 4 day event.
Jen and I watched "The Revolution" on The History Channel and I liked this part:
"In a breech of military etiquette, Cornwallis declined to attend the surrender ceremony, claiming illness. The second in command, Brigadier General Charles O’Hara, filled that role. To avoid the humiliation of turning over Cornwallis’ sword to Washington — known contemptuously to many British as “General Buckskin” — O'Hara attempted to present the token to General Rochambeau. The French commander refused to accept the sword and pointed to Washington. When O’Hara turned to make the presentation, Washington called on his second-in-command, General Benjamin Lincoln, to accept. Thus, General Buckskin won some satisfaction in the wake of his humiliation at the surrender of Charleston."
Here is a link to the History Channel's video on this event.
Also, let me point out, Rochambeau was one of the few useful Frenchmen in history.
In 1781, Britain's Lord Cornwallis surrendered with more than 7,000 troops to Gen. George Washington at Yorktown, Va., effectively ending the American War of Independence.
Some people who are really, really into this are doing interesting things. One website worth visiting is the Washington-Rochambeau Revolutionary Route.

Jen and I watched "The Revolution" on The History Channel and I liked this part:
"In a breech of military etiquette, Cornwallis declined to attend the surrender ceremony, claiming illness. The second in command, Brigadier General Charles O’Hara, filled that role. To avoid the humiliation of turning over Cornwallis’ sword to Washington — known contemptuously to many British as “General Buckskin” — O'Hara attempted to present the token to General Rochambeau. The French commander refused to accept the sword and pointed to Washington. When O’Hara turned to make the presentation, Washington called on his second-in-command, General Benjamin Lincoln, to accept. Thus, General Buckskin won some satisfaction in the wake of his humiliation at the surrender of Charleston."
Here is a link to the History Channel's video on this event.
Also, let me point out, Rochambeau was one of the few useful Frenchmen in history.
Happy Birthday Debbie!!

Today is my goddaughter's birthday. She turns 21. Congratulations and have a wonderful day.
She is beautiful and smart and has the same attitudes on chocolate, Bath & Body Works, and luxury as her godmother. Hmmmmm, how did that happen?
Monday, October 16, 2006
Mike Barnicle & WTKK
Most mornings I listen to NPR and the BBC on WBUR. Then at some point I switch over to WTKK and listen to Barnicle, unless he makes me crazy.........then it's Eagan & Braude who I love. So today in the car, I'm listening to Barnicle, Dan Shaughnessy and their guest Frank Rich of the NYT (I loathe him), and they are ranking on bloggers. We're all crazy, we're blogging in our fast food littered basements, in our pajamas, never seeing the light of day.
Then Shaughnessy reads an old Doonesbury comic strip mocking bloggers. So I called the station. I told them Doonesbury has a blog now! And by the way, it's good and you should check it out. The Princess' Grand Vizier has a post a up there. It's the wave of the future! So they point out that they know who Doonesbury is and they resent the anonymous ones. I responded that plenty of bloggers are quite open about their identities. I cited Blackfive and The Castle of Argghh as favorites, and snuck in a quick plug for Matty's book, "Blogs of War".
Their main objection was anonymity and the fact that bloggers can't devote the time and resources to researching a particular story. But bloggers can pull together threads from so many diverse sources. Why is it an either/or thing? I love blogging and reading blogs. I love listening to MSM. Having both makes me better informed. Where else would I have the chance to mention reading military history and have someone from the Pentagon recommend a particular translation on Clausewitz? Where else could I talk about The Chesapeake and have Commodore Barron's descendent comment on it? Nevermind having the chance to profess my love of all things Boston, all things Navy, and my favorite army guy MG Rick Lynch.
They asked if I had a blog? Yes, but I wouldn't identify it because I called into the show with my real name (again, as I have said before, if you think you know me and/or need to know who I am, email me, we'll discuss it).
They asked how I knew if anyone was reading me. I explained about sitemeter and the people it shows (although some military readers do not show up in sitemeter, hmmmm).
They asked if I had a job, I said yes, full time. Kids - yes, 2 and 2 extra. Life - yes, I pointed out I have called the show before and explained about the rotation (men in my orbit who vie for my attention with varying degrees of success).
They wanted to know how often I blogged - pretty much daily. About what? Nnonsense!!!!!! All nonsense!!!!!!
And for the record - no pajamas here. My computer at home is at the foot of my bed the rotation knows - there are no pajamas worn there.................
Then Shaughnessy reads an old Doonesbury comic strip mocking bloggers. So I called the station. I told them Doonesbury has a blog now! And by the way, it's good and you should check it out. The Princess' Grand Vizier has a post a up there. It's the wave of the future! So they point out that they know who Doonesbury is and they resent the anonymous ones. I responded that plenty of bloggers are quite open about their identities. I cited Blackfive and The Castle of Argghh as favorites, and snuck in a quick plug for Matty's book, "Blogs of War".
Their main objection was anonymity and the fact that bloggers can't devote the time and resources to researching a particular story. But bloggers can pull together threads from so many diverse sources. Why is it an either/or thing? I love blogging and reading blogs. I love listening to MSM. Having both makes me better informed. Where else would I have the chance to mention reading military history and have someone from the Pentagon recommend a particular translation on Clausewitz? Where else could I talk about The Chesapeake and have Commodore Barron's descendent comment on it? Nevermind having the chance to profess my love of all things Boston, all things Navy, and my favorite army guy MG Rick Lynch.
They asked if I had a blog? Yes, but I wouldn't identify it because I called into the show with my real name (again, as I have said before, if you think you know me and/or need to know who I am, email me, we'll discuss it).
They asked how I knew if anyone was reading me. I explained about sitemeter and the people it shows (although some military readers do not show up in sitemeter, hmmmm).
They asked if I had a job, I said yes, full time. Kids - yes, 2 and 2 extra. Life - yes, I pointed out I have called the show before and explained about the rotation (men in my orbit who vie for my attention with varying degrees of success).
They wanted to know how often I blogged - pretty much daily. About what? Nnonsense!!!!!! All nonsense!!!!!!
And for the record - no pajamas here. My computer at home is at the foot of my bed the rotation knows - there are no pajamas worn there.................
Sunday, October 15, 2006

Saturday, October 14, 2006
Yesterday, over at The Castle, Were-Kitten offered my an early birthday present. Not a bad thing to be thinking of getting ready for such a happy event (5 months and 6 days to go!). However, her gift was in jest since she knows it's not something I would ever use!
Today, I have offered something in return...........something much better. She will love it.
They're all a little young for the Princess.....I'm still hoping for an autographed pic of MG Rick Lynch! But for those so inclined........enjoy.
Today, I have offered something in return...........something much better. She will love it.
They're all a little young for the Princess.....I'm still hoping for an autographed pic of MG Rick Lynch! But for those so inclined........enjoy.
Friday, October 13, 2006
Quote Of The Week
"If we weren’t in Iraq, they’d find some other excuse because they have ambitions. They kill to achieve their objectives. The best way to protect America is to defeat these killers overseas so we don’t have to face them at home... Some people have guessed what’s in the [NIE] report and concluded that going in to Iraq was a mistake. I strongly disagree.” —President George W. Bush
Today Is
....the 231st birthday of the United States Navy.
"On Friday, October 13, 1775, meeting in Philadelphia, the Continental Congress voted to fit out two sailing vessels, armed with ten carriage guns, as well as swivel guns, and manned by crews of eighty, and to send them out on a cruise of three months to intercept transports carrying munitions and stores to the British army in America. This was the original legislation out of which the Continental Navy grew and as such constitutes the birth certificate of the navy."
Happy Birthday.
"On Friday, October 13, 1775, meeting in Philadelphia, the Continental Congress voted to fit out two sailing vessels, armed with ten carriage guns, as well as swivel guns, and manned by crews of eighty, and to send them out on a cruise of three months to intercept transports carrying munitions and stores to the British army in America. This was the original legislation out of which the Continental Navy grew and as such constitutes the birth certificate of the navy."
Happy Birthday.
Thursday, October 12, 2006
Non Sibi Sed Patriae
Not for self, but for country.
On October 12, 2000 the USS Cole was attacked. 17 sailors paid the ultimate price for your freedom. We should never forget. I am going to include a link that I am not sure will work. If it doesn't, go to Piano Lady's World and navigate from there (half way down and listed under "misc. pages"). It's worth the extra couple of seconds. Her photos show the recovery effort. The Armorer also has a very good post up.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006
Did You Miss Me?
This past weekend was "Girl's Weekend". My mother, my sisters and my nieces all went to the family cottage and hung out. We made the keepsakes, invitations and centerpieces for the Christmas party, and by "we" I mean "they" since we all know that I am without talent. We ate out, roamed through little shops, walked along the waterfront, watched old movies and had a great time. The weather was more than we could have hoped for. We wrapped up the festivities with dinner and cake back in Boston with the whole crew for my Dad's 72nd birthday.
So, as you can see, there was little time for this nonsense. LOL I still haven't watched Fox News Sunday yet!
So, as you can see, there was little time for this nonsense. LOL I still haven't watched Fox News Sunday yet!
Saturday, October 07, 2006
Today in Bullshit History
So this little history tidbit was posted as "Today In History" and I am throwing the bullshit flag. This is nowhere near enough info.
"In 1985, four Palestinian terrorists commandeered the Italian cruise ship Achille Lauro with 511 passengers and crew off Egypt and threatened to blow it up unless Israel freed Palestinian prisoners. The hijackers, who surrendered in Port Said two days later, killed an American passenger."
Why is this so whitewashed?
They didn't *kill* him....they *murdered* him! They (filthy, murdering, Islamic, nutjob terrorists) *murdered* an American. An American in a wheelchair, so add cowardly to the description above. And isn't it worth the effort to add his name? Christ! His name was Leon Klinghoffer.
Leon Klinghoffer, American.
"In 1985, four Palestinian terrorists commandeered the Italian cruise ship Achille Lauro with 511 passengers and crew off Egypt and threatened to blow it up unless Israel freed Palestinian prisoners. The hijackers, who surrendered in Port Said two days later, killed an American passenger."
Why is this so whitewashed?
They didn't *kill* him....they *murdered* him! They (filthy, murdering, Islamic, nutjob terrorists) *murdered* an American. An American in a wheelchair, so add cowardly to the description above. And isn't it worth the effort to add his name? Christ! His name was Leon Klinghoffer.
Leon Klinghoffer, American.
Friday, October 06, 2006
Judge Joe Feeney
From BostonBar.....Bankruptcy Law Association
From SouthBostonInfo
In May 19, 2006 Governor Mitt Romney signed a bill filed by State Representative Brian Wallace (D- South Boston) which designated the Court House ay 535 East Broadway in South Boston as the Feeney Court House.
Judge Joe Feeney sat as the Presiding Justice in the South Boston District Court from 1957 - 1980 . “He grew up in the lower end of South Boston and never forgot where he came from. My father and Joe Feeney were lifelong friends who grew up together and who ended up working at the South Boston District Court together until my father died in 1979,” stated Representative Brian Wallace.
“I want to thank my good friend Senator Jack Hart who helped me get this bill passed, and Gerry Ridge who first approached me about filing this bill. Joe Feeney was like an uncle to me and I am thankful to everyone who helped get us to this point. I look forward to the ceremony and invite everyone to join us at the new Feeney Court House.”
Chief Justice of the Supreme Judicial Court Margaret Marshall will also be coming to South Boston on October 6th along with the Honorable Robert A Mulligan the Chief Justice for Administration and Management of the Massachusetts Trial Court system. The Honorable Chief Justice of the Boston Municipal Court Charles R Johnson has also agreed to attend the dedication for Joe Feeney.
State Representative Brian Wallace, who filed the bill to name the Court House for Judge Feeney, stated, “I am glad that so many elected and appointed officials will be in attendance but I am most happy about the fact that another Judge Feeney will be speaking on that day. Joe’s daughter Joan, who is the Chief Judge of the United States Bankruptcy Court, will say a few words on behalf of the Feeney family. I am also glad that I have heard from so many former and present Southie residents who were somehow touched by Judge Feeney’s unique brand of justice and plan on attending the dedication.” Wallace stated.
“We are also thrilled to have the newest Southie singing sensation with us to open up the ceremony,” stated Rep Wallace. “If you havenÃt heard of young 10 year -old Cody Zimmer yet, you will soon. You may have seen him at Jack Hart’s St Patrick’s Day Breakfast last year when he brought down the house or you might have caught him at Fenway Park singing before a Red Sox game or with Johnny Maestro and Brooklyn Bridge at City Hall Plaza. He’s already sung in two St Patrick Day parades and at the Boys and Girls Club’s 100th Anniversary Celebration. Cody will open up the program with is incredible rendition of out National Anthem.”
You can also go to the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and listen to the oral history interview given by Judge Feeney.
Governor Mitt Romney recently signed legislation designating the South Boston Courthouse on East Broadway as the Chief Justice Joseph F. Feeney Court House “in honor of Chief Justice Joseph F. Feeney’s tireless dedication to the South Boston community and the judicial system in the Commonwealth.” Chief Justice Feeney was the father of Chief Judge Joan Feeney of the United States Bankruptcy Court for the District of Massachusetts.***********************************************************************************
From SouthBostonInfo
In May 19, 2006 Governor Mitt Romney signed a bill filed by State Representative Brian Wallace (D- South Boston) which designated the Court House ay 535 East Broadway in South Boston as the Feeney Court House.
Judge Joe Feeney sat as the Presiding Justice in the South Boston District Court from 1957 - 1980 . “He grew up in the lower end of South Boston and never forgot where he came from. My father and Joe Feeney were lifelong friends who grew up together and who ended up working at the South Boston District Court together until my father died in 1979,” stated Representative Brian Wallace.
“I want to thank my good friend Senator Jack Hart who helped me get this bill passed, and Gerry Ridge who first approached me about filing this bill. Joe Feeney was like an uncle to me and I am thankful to everyone who helped get us to this point. I look forward to the ceremony and invite everyone to join us at the new Feeney Court House.”
Chief Justice of the Supreme Judicial Court Margaret Marshall will also be coming to South Boston on October 6th along with the Honorable Robert A Mulligan the Chief Justice for Administration and Management of the Massachusetts Trial Court system. The Honorable Chief Justice of the Boston Municipal Court Charles R Johnson has also agreed to attend the dedication for Joe Feeney.
State Representative Brian Wallace, who filed the bill to name the Court House for Judge Feeney, stated, “I am glad that so many elected and appointed officials will be in attendance but I am most happy about the fact that another Judge Feeney will be speaking on that day. Joe’s daughter Joan, who is the Chief Judge of the United States Bankruptcy Court, will say a few words on behalf of the Feeney family. I am also glad that I have heard from so many former and present Southie residents who were somehow touched by Judge Feeney’s unique brand of justice and plan on attending the dedication.” Wallace stated.
“We are also thrilled to have the newest Southie singing sensation with us to open up the ceremony,” stated Rep Wallace. “If you havenÃt heard of young 10 year -old Cody Zimmer yet, you will soon. You may have seen him at Jack Hart’s St Patrick’s Day Breakfast last year when he brought down the house or you might have caught him at Fenway Park singing before a Red Sox game or with Johnny Maestro and Brooklyn Bridge at City Hall Plaza. He’s already sung in two St Patrick Day parades and at the Boys and Girls Club’s 100th Anniversary Celebration. Cody will open up the program with is incredible rendition of out National Anthem.”
You can also go to the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and listen to the oral history interview given by Judge Feeney.
South Boston Courthouse To Be Re-Dedicated

by Brian Wallace
Joseph F. Feeney was a poor boy from South Boston, who worked tirelessly to become a respected prosecutor, lawyer, jurist, and member of the South Boston community.
Born in South Boston, Massachusetts on May 26, 1918 to Irish immigrant parents, Michael Feeney and Mary Joyce Feeney, the family returned to Galway, Ireland while Joseph was an infant because Michael could not find work. They remained there for several years; indeed Gaelic was Joseph's first language. The family returned to America, however, Michael still could not find work and he left his wife and child in the United States. Mary, who worked as an office building cleaner, died of cancer when Joseph was ten. Having been orphaned and abandoned, Joseph was left homeless, and was taken in by several different relatives temporarily. After a year, he found a permanent home with an aunt. Ellen O'Malley, a widow, who raised him on E Street in South Boston as her own son with her other 6 children. While attending Boston English High School, from where he graduated, Joseph obtained a part-time job with then Congressman John W. McCormack, of the Ninth Congressional District, who became his surrogate father. After high school, Joseph became a full time aide to Congressman McCormack, who became Majority Leader and eventually Speaker of the House of Representatives. Joseph attended American University and Catholic University at night while working in Washington for the Congressman. He was appointed Legislative Clerk to Congress, in which capacity he was responsible for processing legislation in the House. Joseph enlisted in the United States Navy at the inception of World War II. He was assigned to the USS Wisconsin, saw active battle in the Pacific theater, and sustained injuries impairing his hearing in one ear. He achieved the rank of Lieutenant Commander. He remained in the Navy until the conclusion of the war, and was present at the execution of the surrender of Japan. Throughout his life Joseph remained active in the Veterans of Foreign Wars, the Fitzgerald Post, in South Boston and the Disabled American Veterans.
After World War II, Joseph returned to South Boston and continued to work in Congressman McCormack's office while putting himself through Boston University Law School at night. Upon graduation he passed the Massachusetts bar, and was appointed an Assistant United States Attorney. He subsequently became an Assistant District Attorney for Suffolk County, under then District Attorney Garrett Byrne. He was one of the prosecutors assigned to the Brink's robbery case and was instrumental in obtaining a confession from "Specs" O'Keefe, which led to the conviction of the Brinks robbers. That year the Great Boston Junior Chamber of Commerce named Joseph Feeney as one of the "Ten Most Outstanding Men in Boston." Joseph became was campaign manager for Foster Furcolo in his campaign for governor, and when Governor Furcolo was elected his first appointment to the judiciary was Joseph F. Feeney as a Special Justice of the South Boston District Court . At age 39, he was one of the youngest judges ever appointed in Massachusetts.
As a special justice, Judge Feeney was permitted to engage in the practice civil law, and he founded the law firms of Feeney & Malone, and then Feeney & Freeley, both in Boston, where he concentrated in personal injury and labor law, representing primarily railroad workers and longshoremen, many of whom were from South Boston. Judge Feeney developed a reputation as a tireless worker, sitting as a judge at the South Boston District Court during the day, including Saturdays, and then practicing law at night. Judge Feeney also continued to serve as Special Counsel to Speaker McCormack until his retirement in 1974. In South Boston, Judge Feeney developed a reputation for innovative sentencing, often sentencing defendants to community service in South Boston. He often would require young criminal defendants to work in the local churches and rectories, or require that they enlist in the armed forces. During the busing crisis in the early 1970s, Judge Feeney ruled that demonstrators had the constitutional right to freedom of assembly, and found not guilty those who demonstrated peacefully, which decision was heralded by many commentators as responsible for maintaining peace in South Boston during those turbulent times. Judge Feeney also sat in several other districts, including the Roxbury District Court and the Wareham District Court. In 1980, Judge Feeney was appointed an associate justice of the Boston Municipal Court, and he became Chief Justice of the BMC in 1986. He retired at age 70 as required by Massachusetts law, but was recalled and sat in the Quincy District Court for several years. During the last eight years of his career Judge Feeney worked full time while battling prostate cancer.
Judge Feeney married the former Joan Carroll in 1954 and they had four children. They lived in South Boston, then Dorchester, then Milton. Throughout his life Judge Feeney was very active in the South Boston community. He was the Grand Marshal of the St. Patrick's Day parade in 1960, when it had to be postponed twice due to snow, and he opened the South Boston District Court each year to the public during the St. Patrick's Day parade. He was a member of the South Boston Citizen's Association, the Knights of Columbus, and the Hibernian Society. He was also a member of the Clover Club. Judge Feeney was the founder of the Massachusetts Judges Conference, and was respected by his colleagues in the judiciary for his substantial efforts to obtain fair compensation and benefits for judges in Massachusetts. Judge Feeney died on May 16, 1991. He is remembered by many in South Boston community for his devotion to the community and compassion for its citizens.
Chapter 88 of the Acts of 2006
Whereas, The deferred operation of this act would tend to defeat its purpose, which is forthwith to designate the South Boston Court House as the Chief Justice Joseph F. Feeney Court House, therefore it is hereby declared to be an emergency law, necessary for the immediate preservation of the public convenience.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Court assembled, and by the authority of the same as follows:
The court house on East Broadway in the South Boston section of the city of Boston shall be designated and known as the Chief Justice Joseph F. Feeney Court House. The division of capital asset management and maintenance shall erect suitable markers bearing this designation in compliance with any applicable standards.
Approved May 19, 2006
Whereas, The deferred operation of this act would tend to defeat its purpose, which is forthwith to designate the South Boston Court House as the Chief Justice Joseph F. Feeney Court House, therefore it is hereby declared to be an emergency law, necessary for the immediate preservation of the public convenience.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Court assembled, and by the authority of the same as follows:
The court house on East Broadway in the South Boston section of the city of Boston shall be designated and known as the Chief Justice Joseph F. Feeney Court House. The division of capital asset management and maintenance shall erect suitable markers bearing this designation in compliance with any applicable standards.
Approved May 19, 2006
Thursday, October 05, 2006
The Problem With Cryptic Messages
Sometimes things are posted here in the open, but they are directed towards someone specific. That is the case with the post below this one. I have seen such messages in other blogs with a tagline like "Those who need to know........know."
So the post was put up Tuesday and Wednesday I spoke to the person it was directed toward. This person seemed to have no idea what I was talking about.
Me: Well, what's your response?
Other Person: My response to what?
Me: Haven't you been to the blog?
Other Person: Yes
Then I recited the message. The other person laughed.
Other Person: Oh, is that what it meant!
So........sometimes those who need to know.......don't.
So the post was put up Tuesday and Wednesday I spoke to the person it was directed toward. This person seemed to have no idea what I was talking about.
Me: Well, what's your response?
Other Person: My response to what?
Me: Haven't you been to the blog?
Other Person: Yes
Then I recited the message. The other person laughed.
Other Person: Oh, is that what it meant!
So........sometimes those who need to know.......don't.
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
My sisters and nieces went with me to the movies Sunday. Frankie called my just before we went, checking on me. He asked who was going and I told him. He laughingly called them my "posse". I wanted to see "The Guardian". The response was tepid. I had to bully Grace. I'm not ashamed, lol. The important thing is that I got what I wanted. So off we go to the movie. My mother put freshly baked brownies in a Ziploc bag (when we opened it in the movies, the smell was incredible) for us to smuggle in. We had M&Ms, Kissables, popcorn and Coke. Sunday was the last day before going back on Atkins. I am bereft. LOL The movie was good and everyone liked it. You know how I like that John Wayne-hero-good guy stuff! My sisters have similar views....imagine with a father like ours! Who would have guessed that little girls who saw every episode of "Victory At Sea" would feel this way? I pestered Grace until she admitted out loud that she liked it. I reported to SB that there was an eye-poke or two directed at the Navy......he was somewhat gracious.
Monday, October 02, 2006
This Day In History
"In 1780, British spy Maj. John Andre was convicted in connection with Benedict Arnold's treason and was hanged in Tappan, N.Y."
Jen and I watched the History Channel's "Revolution" series. All I have to say about this is....."In his boot? WTF? That was the best hiding spot he could come up with? His boot?"
Jen and I watched the History Channel's "Revolution" series. All I have to say about this is....."In his boot? WTF? That was the best hiding spot he could come up with? His boot?"
Sunday, October 01, 2006
Boston Firsts
This Wednesday, October 4th, there will be an event at The Old State House. That night Lowell Lecture series event will be Boston Firsts: From the Public Library and the Constitution to the Cream Pie and the Ready-made Suit.
Today is the anniversary of just such an event.
In 1903, the first World Series opened in Boston. The Boston Pilgrims of the American League defeated the Pittsburgh Pirates of the National League in the eighth game of a best-of-nine series.
Today is the anniversary of just such an event.
In 1903, the first World Series opened in Boston. The Boston Pilgrims of the American League defeated the Pittsburgh Pirates of the National League in the eighth game of a best-of-nine series.
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