My father said once that he'd really like to try knishes. So late last night I looked up "knish" on Yelp. The top three were in Coolidge Corner close to each other. I took the Green Line out to Coolidge Corner and my first choice, Michael's wasn't even a block away from the "T" stop.
They had four different types, potato, spinach, roast beef & pastrami. I got two of each.
I wanted to get some chocolates for my mother so I also picked a chocolatier from Yelp. The most interesting choice was Blue Tierra in South Boston. So there I went....into enemy territory. A Townie on the #9 bus riding down West Broadway.
Again, I was lucky and the bus stopped exactly across the street from the shop.

Then it was back on the bus to the Red Line to South Station. I was soooooo in the mood for a fruit smoothie and I like the place in South Station.
My final thing on the list was Easter cards. So I walked up Summer to CVS. I have their frequent customer card and my transaction spit out four coupons. One was for hair color. I walked up that aisle and picked my brand which was on sale. Then one coupon took $2 more off that and the $4 in "ExtraBucks" made it......FREE!

I walked up to the bus stop & didn't the 93 roll right up! It was perfect. I told the driver his timing was impeccable, I was tired & I only had a $1 left. He laughed and said "Thank you."
So everything is perfect, right? Not exactly. I signed my card for my parents and put it on the buffet with my Dad's bunny pop and my Mum's bag of nonpareils. My father walks out and asks who the non-pareils are for. When I tell him, he says "Mummy (this always cracks my up, we never called her Mummy, only he does when he talks to us) doesn't like them."
I go in the living room and ask her. She shakes her head and says no. "But I get them for you a lot." I say. She replies "I know."
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