Today the City of Boston held their annual
Pearl Harbor Day Commemoration. It's always the first Sunday in December. This year mark's the 70th anniversary. More reason than ever to turn out. I was just a few minutes late running through Faneuil Hall, slipping off my shoes so I didn't make noise sneaking in the back. The Faneuil Hall Armory is an old building with creaky wooden floors.

They were just singing the National Anthem and I was in my seat in time to join in. Once everyone was seated I whipped out the laptop, camera and cell phone (muted) so I could Tweet & Facebook the event live.

This is a shot of invited guests on the podium. There were representatives of the American Legion, AMVETS, Boston & Massachusetts Veterans' Services and others who work to make sure our veterans are remembered and taken care of in various ways. CDR Bonner, 72nd in Command and CDR Gillen, 59th in Command were on hand to represent USS Constitution.

This is CDR Bonner, US Navy addressing the audience.
The special guest speaker was Donald Tabbut, past Commander of Pearl Harbor Survivors. Read more about Radioman 1st class Tabbut

Then it was back to the Charlestown Navy Yard for USS Constitution's Annual Tree Lighting. The flip the switch just after evening colors.

This is the view from the ship when I turned away from the tree. Pretty awesome, huh?
I got to see CDR Bonner again, CMC Rhodes (she is friends with Santa); CDR Gillen; CDR Cooper, his wife Maryellen and their too cute for words daughter in her little pink mittens. Tom Rudden was there in his 1812 Marine Guard uniform for the festivities. I got to meet his wife Teri as well.

Which brings us to loot! The best adventures come with souvenirs. This is a coin from this to commemorate this year's US Marine Corps birthday. Thanks Tom!
I'm home, I'm exhausted. But I got everything done and in an unusual move, I stayed out of trouble. I'm told that there were #OccupyBoston protesters when people who were on time (yeah, I know that's not me) were entering the Faneuil Hall Armory and that's why there were extra cops.
Now had I been on time......there would have been some trouble. I am deeply troubled by the huge lack of respect the Occupy people are continually rubbing in our faces. They claim to want to open a dialogue for all Americans but they just keep irritating people.
1 comment:
You are very welocome and I am so happy Teri got to meet you!
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