Saturday, September 30, 2006
Maggie's Favorite Army Guy
Marne 6 Sends
The CG Announces Marne Week Celebration
Maj. Gen. Rick Lynch 3rd Inf. Div. Commanding General
"Ours will be the family focused division. November gives us two great reasons to celebrate. You know that families will gather to give thanks for all the blessings of life on Thanksgiving Day. But did you know that our division was born in November? It was November of 1917. The doughboys of what would be known as the Marne Division formed to answer their call to duty in World War I. We are 89 years old. And it’s time to throw a birthday party to recognize our history of service to our nation during Marne Week.The 3rd Infantry Division has one of the most successful combat records of any U.S. Army division. It has paid a high price for this distinction, suffering nearly 35,000 wartime casualties. Fifty-one members of the 3rd Infantry Division have been awarded the Medal of Honor while serving our nation. I am proud to announce that we’re holding Marne Week Nov. 20 –22. Whether you are a Soldier, a family member, or a veteran, you are invited. Mark your calendars and let’s get ready for a fun-filled week. There will be sporting events for the very young and older alike. Athletic events are great for building esprit de corps and fitness. It will start with a division run on Monday. The streets around Fort Stewart will be filled with thousands of Dogface Soldiers singing cadence at the tops of their lungs. It will be a magnificent sight, the result of many years of fitness training and camaraderie. Marne Week will have a party atmosphere with fun and entertainment for all. So, if you are a participant or a supporter, you’ll find that our sporting events will be very rewarding.
The shooting in Marne Week will be of dodgeballs, basketballs and skeet. There will be a Golf Scramble, combatives, softball, tug-of-war, push ball, a stretcher run, chariot races and a one-mile family fun run — just to name a few of the sporting events planned.On Wednesday we’ll recognize all our champions with an awards presentation. And since it’s a big week nationally for football, it’s fitting that we hold our flag football championship. A special guest will be on hand to present a trophy to the Flag Football champion, and the game itself will represent this fine American tradition.Throughout the week there will be a parade and concert to thrill audiences with brilliant sights and sounds. If you have a skill as a musician you may even be able to join our division band or find a venue to share your gift. This is also a week without school and that means that our children can enjoy time with their Soldiers. We’re planning a carnival and opportunities for Soldiers to show their loved ones a little of the Army that they’d otherwise not see.Military equipment will be on display for families. It will be educational for all and personally rewarding to Soldiers. You’ll be able to show your loved ones the equipment we train with all the time and meet the men and women you work with.As three days of celebration comes to a close, we’ll enter the most festive season of the year. Food, relaxation, and a well-deserved break are the rewards of hard work and exceptional training. We train hard and it’s time to play hard. We’ll celebrate Marne Week in a safe, healthy, and family-friendly atmosphere. Rock of the Marne!"
I expect one of my regulars will email me and let me know what the phrase "Marne 6 Sends" means. LOL
Have I mentioned how much I miss him on Thursday mornings?
Friday, September 29, 2006
Tonight's Lecture
I was surprised there weren't more people buying the book. There were probably 50 or more people there and I would guess fewer than half got the book. Buying books there enables the Harvard Bookstore to continue such events. You have to really peeve me to keep me from buying the book.
When it was my turn to have my book signed, Ms. Richardson asked if she should personalize it. I said she could make it out to "the only Republican in the room". She laughed, as did the two girls from the Harvard Bookstore. Then I said I wasn't actually the only one, there was a man with very pressed pants and highly polished black shoes and his question had reflected my attitude. I said I thought I could spot "my own kind". She inscribed it "To one of the few Republicans in the room", Louise Richardson. LOL
I lucked into an on street parking spot, saving parking garage money, so I was in a great mood. I picked up Jen from her appointment and we headed off to dinner. I only got halfway through with my entree before I called it quits. I figured what was left would make a good lunch. A few minutes after I put down my knife and fork, Jen stabs my chicken, takes it to her plate and begins eating it. She laughs and says "You weren't planning on taking this, were you?". Guess not.
Concrete Bob has a big weekend planned and I am jealous.
Now, it's off to tomorrow.
Thursday, September 28, 2006
Go Visit The Castle

Today In Bullshit History.....
In 1987, a federal appeals court declared Boston public schools
officially desegregated after a 13-year effort.
I believe this should actually have said...........
A federal appeals court declared Boston public schools FUBAR and children no better off and certain neighborhoods needlessly damaged after 13 years of nonsense. All the result of thoughtless politicians and judges with no grasp on reality and acedemics in ivory towers.
Thanks W. Arthur Garrity! (Yeah, I know he's dead. Doesn't let him off the hook.)
Was that too bitter SB?
Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Last Night's Lecture
Now I went into this with preconceived notions. I don't know anyone who thinks the Boston Strangler was Disalvo. You could have knocked me over with a feather when I realized this guy believed it. We were so shocked, we didn't buy the book! We were sorry shortly after that at dinner, so I will get it next week when I go to the next lecture.
Boston Firsts: From the Public Library and the Constitution to the
Cream Pie and the Ready-made SuitWednesday, October 4, 6:30 pmBoston has been a
center of creativity and invention since its founding, and this book highlights
the diversity of that innovation. Lynda Morgenroth is the author of Boston
Neighborhoods: A Food Lovers’ Walking, Eating and Shopping Guide to Ethnic
Enclaves in and around Boston and a longtime Boston Globe contributor.
So we followed it up with dinner at the Chart House. I wasn't as impressed as the last time. My potatoes were lumpy, there was a fan blowing on us the whole time and the molten lava cake was so-so. I was cold, but Jen was happy. People who know me know that I favor the cold, being a New Englander. Jen puts me to shame. I wear shorts until it snows and skirts all year round. Jen want to move to Greenland. SB describes any room where I have control of the thermostat as a meat locker. In Jen's house I put an afghan on my knees.
Then it was home to a call from my son, the anarchist. He is always entertaining. My sisters and I are going down in November for Tom's 25th birthday. And no Bob, there will be no interacting with the farm animals (or animals of any kind).
Today in Bullshit History....
Hey Arlen! Magic bullet, my eye!
Monday, September 25, 2006
Random Happenings
During today's routine appointment, Jen's doctor needed some information from another facility. It was supposed to have been sent a while ago. So I walked out to the waiting room, made a phone call, issued my request, stood by the doctor's fax machine, then went back into his office with the info. He seemed surprised and complimented me. I think he needs better staff, it wasn't that big a deal. During the course of the conversation, he told Jen it was good that she had a strong support group and her mother wasn't oppressive. We thought yes, that's true but he's never met our mother...........then we realized......he thought I was her mother.....geez, thanks buddy! Jen is nine and half years younger and the doctor knows her age....that stung.
On the way out, they took some blood for tests, which made lunch interesting........I drove. On the way home amidst all our giggles, SB called. The conversation turned to different beers and I got tired of being the middle man and asked SB if I should just pass the phone to Jen. If he wasn't pressed for time, I think he would have said yes. Instead he told me about some news that may change his career path. He wants this passionately and I really want it for him. I said "Everyone should get what they want............speaking of which...." He cut me off "I know, Maggie......." LOL. Remember, in the end, it's all about me.
We watched the Massachusetts Gubernatorial Debate earlier this evening.........Kerry can't lose my vote, but I wish she'd be more aggressive. It's not enough to have the best policies and have to get that message across. We had a hard time keeping our laughter down about Grace Ross, the Green-Rainbow party candidate. Her mother has alledgedly described her as a "sex-pot". See what you think.......
We watched 3 episodes of "The Revolution" tonight. It's a series on the History Channel. We are both struck by how much we do not know. We love Major John Hall of West Point.
As Requested
I watched part of it yesterday as well as lots of commentary on other Fox shows. I also read some opinions online. The this morning while I ironed (yes, I ironed) I watched it again.
My conclusion is this. Bill Clinton is an excellent speaker. It's very smooth. As a politician he is without peer. If you do not go out and gather your own information, you can be swayed easily by his presentation.
I have gathered my own information. I don't stop at the soundbites. I am not swayed. It takes more that pretty words to impress me. When "W" tries to say nuclear, I cringe. When he stumbles and stutters, I sigh. But I do not judge based on appearance.
I am glad George Bush won in 2000 and 2004 (yes he won both, stop whining).
It was good television although I was bummed that Bill Kristol was on vacation.
SB - As always, your wish is my command.
Saturday, September 23, 2006
The Citgo Sign

Friday, September 22, 2006
Everything Is Fabulous In My World!
Have a wonderful weekend! I will!
This Day In History
In 1776, the British hanged American Revolutionary War hero and patriot Nathan Hale. His famous last words were, "I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country."
Thursday, September 21, 2006
A Royal Edict
Tonight I must go somewhere and be bright and happy and reassuring and a suitable distraction.
UPDATE - 1745
I am leaving now on my mission and thanks to quite a few people out here in the ether.....I have a smile on my face. Thank you all for the emails.....especially Bob, who sent six!
I am a great believer in the proverb "If everyone stood in a circle and threw their problems in the middle, you would take your own back." I know in the grand scheme of things, that I am very, very lucky.
If you need me, I have my cell.
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
I Was A Bad Girl
More Christian Leaders Back The Pope
Michelle Malkin has the story on the former Archbishop of Canterbury stepping up and doing the right thing.
H/T to Viper at the Lords of Kobol.
Monday, September 18, 2006
The Primary
We don't expect heavy turnout, so I should be able to get a lot of reading done. We are dropping one of our courses and now focusing totally on the elective Vietnam. I am currently reading "Street Without Joy" by Bernard Fall. I am more than halfway through Sun Tzu, but I have to take that in small doses. Plus the new issue of the Atlantic arrived the other day. If they set up a chaise and had a skylight, I could pretend to be at the beach.
All kidding aside, elections are important. I'm serious when I'm there and good at what I do.
So........miss me.
Sunday, September 17, 2006
His Holiness.....
This morning I read something very good on the Pope's remarks by Andrew Bostom.
The most important address commemorating 9/11/01 was delivered on 9/12/06, a day after the fifth anniversary of this cataclysmic act of jihad terrorism. It was not delivered by President Bush, and was not even pronounced in the United States. On September 12, 2006 at the University of Regensburg, Pope Benedict XVI delivered a lecture (“adding some allusions of the moment”) entitled, “Faith, Reason and the University”.
"Habemus Papam"
Saturday, September 16, 2006
Off To The Big Sleepover
Tonight will be dinner with my sisters, my nieces and my Mum. We will put the final touches to our plans for our family Christmas party. My mother has four brothers and each family takes a turn planning the party. 2006 is our year. We are all set except for centerpieces, my least favorite part. I don't have a creative bone in my body. As I have explained before, my sisters and mother and nieces all have talent....not me! The only purpose I serve is to set a bad example ( I stole that line from Concrete Bob.
YouTube: the Internet’s Tokyo Rose
Internet video is the new rage. Everyone’s gotta have it. In a world where everyone gets to be a star, everyone’s the media, everyone’s an artist and everyone’s a comedian, YouTube rules. Now it turns out, YouTube is the place where everyone gets to be a traitor.
Guess what’s hot on YouTube.
G.I. snuff films. Insurgent footage of Americans being killed in Iraq. Sometimes listed under "entertainment" and "comedy," with gleeful commentary, some of it apparently added by Americans. The Honolulu Star-Bulletin has the details, including a deafening silence from San Mateo-based YouTube on the subject. Dan at has a roundup.
H/T to GatewayPundit
Friday, September 15, 2006
National POW/MIA Recognition Day

The Pentagon Channel just reminded me that today is National POW/MIA Recognition Day.
"You Are Not Forgotten"
Pentagon Channel programming
1400 - The Face Behind the File - POWs: The Department of Veterans Affairs profiles former prisoners of wars. (30 min)
1430 - POW/MIA Pentagon Ceremony: Deputy Secretary of Defense Gordon England and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen Peter Pace host the Pentagon ceremony for National POW/MIA Recognition Day. Representative Rob Simmons is the guest speaker.
Thursday, September 14, 2006
This Is Bugging Me

Is this right or wrong? I haven't read enough Sun Tzu to know.
The U.S. military said Wednesday it is looking into the unauthorized release of a photo purportedly taken by an American drone aircraft showing scores of Taliban militants at a funeral in Afghanistan.
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
Today In History

O say, can you see, by the dawn's early light,
What so proudly we hail'd at the twilight's last gleaming?
Whose broad stripes and bright stars, thro' the perilous fight,
O'er the ramparts we watch'd, were so gallantly streaming?
And the rockets' red glare, the bombs bursting in air,
Gave proof thro' the night that our flag was still there.
O say, does that star-spangled banner yet wave
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave?
On the shore dimly seen thro' the mists of the deep,
Where the foe's haughty host in dread silence reposes,
What is that which the breeze, o'er the towering steep,
As it fitfully blows, half conceals, half discloses?
Now it catches the gleam of the morning's first beam,
In full glory reflected, now shines on the stream:
'Tis the star-spangled banner: O, long may it wave
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave!
And where is that band who so vauntingly swore
That the havoc of war and the battle's confusion,
A home and a country should leave us no more?
Their blood has wash'd out their foul footsteps' pollution.
No refuge could save the hireling and slave
From the terror of flight or the gloom of the grave:
And the star-spangled banner in triumph doth wave
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave.
O thus be it ever when free-men shall stand
Between their lov'd home and the war's desolation;
Blest with vict'ry and peace, may the heav'n-rescued land
Praise the Pow'r that hath made and preserv'd us a nation!
Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just,
And this be our motto: “In God is our trust!”
And the star-spangled banner in triumph shall wave
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave!
More Thoughts on Khatami
I feel Khatami's invitation to Harvard was a case of "the enemy of my enemy is my friend". The current administration has labeled Iran's government as evil, therefore Khatami is someone for the liberal elite to embrace (even if they have to hold their noses). The greatest irony of this is Bush is the one who ultimately approved that visa. Khatami would have been the first to squash any dissident speaker.
I frequently attend lectures in the Harvard Square area and Khatami is just an extreme example of the pervailing attitude; patriotism is for the simple minded.....nothing is black and white, everything is shades of gray....that taking a stand is being judgemental....
Sorry, sometimes a thing is just wrong, like Khatami speaking on the eve of 9/11. Sometimes a thing is just right, like protesting that event and Mitt taking a stand against it.
Monday, September 11, 2006
Sunday, September 10, 2006
My First Protest!
I met Solomon. I met Aaron of HubPolitics. I met Viper1 of Lords of Kobol.
The majority of the police I saw were "TPF". I was startled. TPF? LOL Whiskey Tango Foxtrot! Then I remembered I was in Cambridge not Boston.
Headed Off To Harvard Square
Saturday, September 09, 2006
Brad Pitt's Good For A Laugh
Brad Pitt, ever the social activist, says he won't be marrying Angelina Jolie until the restrictions on who can marry whom are dropped.
''Angie and I will consider tying the knot when everyone else in the country who wants to be married is legally able,'' Pitt tells Esquire magazine
I had to go find this article linked above so I would understand the nonsense over at Ace of Spades HQ.
Top Ten Other Brad Pitt, Super-Genius, Excuses Made To Women
10. "I cannot do a dish-washing until all minefields are cleared for the world's children."
Friday, September 08, 2006
Protesting Khatami
I am thinking of popping over.
Thursday, September 07, 2006
Harvard Defends Khatami Visit
Some people say......."What's the big deal?"
Some people say....."Freedom of speech!".
Some people say......."Harvard hosted Scalia." (that one boggles my mind!).
Here's why...........
Abbott, Terry W. .......... USMC ... CPL .... 10/23/1983
Alexander, Clemon S. ...... USMC ... LCPL ... 10/23/1983
Allman, John R. ........... USMC ... PFC .... 10/23/1983
Arnold, Moses J. Jr. ...... USMC ... CPL .... 10/23/1983
Bailey, Charles K. ........ USMC ... PFC .... 10/23/1983
Baker, Nicholas ........... USMC ... LCPL ... 10/23/1983
Banks, Johansen ........... USMC ... LCPL ... 10/23/1983
Barrett, Richard E. ....... USMC ... LCPL ... 10/23/1983
Bates, Ronny K. ........... USN .... HM1 .... 10/23/1983
Battle, David L. .......... USMC ... 1stSGT . 10/23/1983
Baynard, James R. ......... USMC ... LCPL ... 10/23/1983
Beamon, Jesse W. .......... USN .... HN ..... 10/23/1983
Belmer, Alvin. ............ USMC ... GYSGT .. 10/23/1983
Bland, Stephen ............ USMC ... PFC .... 10/23/1983
Blankenship, Richard L. ... USMC ... SGT .... 10/23/1983
Blocker, John W. .......... USMC ... LCPL ... 10/23/1983
Boccia, Joseph J. Jr. ..... USMC ... CAPT ... 10/23/1983
Bohannon, Leon Jr. ........ USMC ... CPL .... 10/23/1983
Bohnet, John R. Jr. ....... USMC ... SSGT ... 10/23/1983
Bonk, John J. Jr. ......... USMC ... CPL .... 10/23/1983
Boulos, Jeffrey L. ........ USMC ... LCPL ... 10/23/1983
Bousum, David R. .......... USMC ... CPL .... 10/23/1983
Boyett, John N. ........... USMC ... 1stLT .. 10/23/1983
Brown, Anthony ............ USMC ... CPL .... 10/23/1983
Brown, David W. ........... USMC ... LCPL ... 10/23/1983
Buchanan, Bobby S. Jr. .... USMC ... LCPL ... 10/23/1983
Buckmaster, John B. ....... USMC ... CPL .... 10/23/1983
Burley, William F. ........ USMC ... PFC .... 10/23/1983
Cain, Jimmy R. ............ USN .... HN ..... 10/23/1983
Callahan, Paul L. ......... USMC ... CPL .... 10/23/1983
Camara, Mecot E. .......... USMC ... SGT .... 10/23/1983
Campus, Bradley J. ........ USMC ... PFC .... 10/23/1983
Ceasar, Johnnie D. ........ USMC ... LCPL ... 10/23/1983
Cole, Marc L. ............. USMC ... PFC .... 10/23/1983
Coleman, Marcus A. ........ USA .... SP4 .... 10/23/1983
Comas, Juan M. ............ USMC ... PFC .... 10/23/1983
Conley, Robert A .......... USMC ... SGT .... 10/23/1983
Cook, Charles D. .......... USMC ... CPL .... 10/23/1983
Cooper, Curtis J. ......... USMC ... LCPL ... 10/23/1983
Copeland, Johnny L. ....... USMC ... LCPL ... 10/23/1983
Corcoran, Bert D. ......... USMC ... CPL .... 10/23/1983
Cosner, David L. .......... USMC ... LCPL ... 10/23/1983
Coulman, Kevin P. ......... USMC ... SGT .... 10/23/1983
Croft, Brett A. ........... USMC ... LCPL ... 10/23/1983
Crudale, Rick R. .......... USMC ... LCPL ... 10/23/1983
Custard, Kevin P. ......... USMC ... LCPL ... 10/23/1983
Cyzick, Russell E. ........ USMC ... LCPL ... 10/23/1983
Davis, Andrew L. .......... USMC ... MAJ .... 10/23/1983
Decker, Sidney James ...... USMC ... PFC .... 10/23/1983
Devlin, Michael J. ........ USMC ... PFC .... 10/23/1983
Dibenedetto, Thomas A. .... USMC ... LCPL ... 10/23/1983
Dorsey, Nathaniel G. ...... USMC ... PVT .... 10/23/1983
Douglass, Frederick B. .... USMC ... SGTMAJ . 10/23/1983
Dunnigan, Timothy J. ...... USMC ... CPL .... 10/23/1983
Earle, Bryan L. ........... USN .... HN ..... 10/23/1983
Edwards, Roy L. ........... USMC ... MSGT ... 10/23/1983
Elliot, William D. Jr. .... USN .... HM3 .... 10/23/1983
Ellison, Jesse ............ USMC ... LCPL ... 10/23/1983
Estes, Danny R. ........... USMC ... PFC .... 10/23/1983
Estler, Sean F. ........... USMC ... PFC .... 10/23/1983
Faulk, James E. ........... USN .... HM3 .... 10/23/1983
Fluegel, Richard A. ....... USMC ... PFC .... 10/23/1983
Forrester, Steven M. ...... USMC ... CPL .... 10/23/1983
Foster, William B. Jr. .... USN .... HM3 .... 10/23/1983
Fulcher, Michael D ........ USMC ... CPL .... 10/23/1983
Fuller, Benjamin E ........ USMC ... LCPL ... 10/23/1983
Fulton, Michael S. ........ USMC ... LCPL ... 10/23/1983
Gaines, William Jr. ....... USMC ... CPL .... 10/23/1983
Gallagher, Sean R. ........ USMC ... LCPL ... 10/23/1983
Gander, David B. .......... USMC ... LCPL ... 10/23/1983
Gangur, George M. ......... USMC ... LCPL ... 10/23/1983
Gann, Leland E. ........... USMC ... SSGT ... 10/23/1983
Garcia, Randall J. ........ USMC ... LCPL ... 10/23/1983
Garcia, Ronald J. ......... USMC ... SSGT ... 10/23/1983
Gay, David D. ............. USMC ... LCPL ... 10/23/1983
Ghumm, Harold D. .......... USMC ... SSGT ... 10/23/1983
Gibbs, Warner Jr. ......... USMC ... LCPL ... 10/23/1983
Giblin, Timothy R. ........ USMC ... CPL .... 10/23/1983
Gorchinski, Michael W. .... USN .... ETC .... 10/23/1983
Gordon, Richard J. ........ USMC ... LCPL ... 10/23/1983
Gratton, Harold F. ........ USMC ... LCPL ... 10/23/1983
Greaser, Robert B. ........ USMC ... SGT .... 10/23/1983
Green, Davin M. ........... USMC ... LCPL ... 10/23/1983
Hairston, Thomas A. ....... USMC ... LCPL ... 10/23/1983
Haltiwanger, Freddie Jr. .. USMC ... SGT .... 10/23/1983
Hamilton, Virgil D. ....... USMC ... LCPL ... 10/23/1983
Hanton, Gilbert ........... USMC ... SGT .... 10/23/1983
Hart, William ............. USMC ... LCPL ... 10/23/1983
Haskell, Michael S. ....... USMC ... CAPT ... 10/23/1983
Hastings, Michael A. ...... USMC ... PFC .... 10/23/1983
Hein, Paul A. ............. USMC ... CAPT ... 10/23/1983
Held, Douglas E. .......... USMC ... LCPL ... 10/23/1983
Helms, Mark A. ............ USMC ... PFC .... 10/23/1983
Henderson, Ferrandy D. .... USMC ... LCPL ... 10/23/1983
Hernandez, Matilde Jr. .... USMC ... MSGT ... 10/23/1983
Hester, Stanley G. ........ USMC ... CPL .... 10/23/1983
Hildreth, Donald W. ....... USMC ... GYSGT .. 10/23/1983
Holberton, Richard H. ..... USMC ... SSGT ... 10/23/1983
Holland, Robert S. ........ USN .... HM3 .... 10/23/1983
Hollingshead, Bruce A. .... USMC ... LCPL ... 10/23/1983
Holmes, Melvin D. ......... USMC ... PFC .... 10/23/1983
Howard, Bruce L. .......... USMC ... CPL .... 10/23/1983
Hudson, John R. ........... USN .... LT ..... 10/23/1983
Hudson, Terry L. .......... USMC ... CPL .... 10/23/1983
Hue, Lyndon J. ............ USMC ... LCPL ... 10/23/1983
Hukill, Maurice E. ........ USMC ... 2ndLT .. 10/23/1983
Iacovino, Edward F. Jr. ... USMC ... LCPL ... 10/23/1983
Ingalls, John J. .......... USMC ... PFC .... 10/23/1983
Innocenzi, Paul G. III .... USMC ... WO1 .... 10/23/1983
Jackowski, James J. ....... USMC ... LCPL ... 10/23/1983
James, Jeffrey W. ......... USMC ... LCPL ... 10/23/1983
Jenkins, Nathaniel W. ..... USMC ... LCPL ... 10/23/1983
Johnson, Michael H. ....... USN .... HM2 .... 10/23/1983
Johnston, Edward A. ....... USMC ... CPL .... 10/23/1983
Jones, Steven ............. USMC ... LCPL ... 10/23/1983
Julian, Thomas A. ......... USMC ... PFC .... 10/23/1983
Kees, Marion E. ........... USN .... HM2 .... 10/23/1983
Keown, Thomas C. .......... USMC ... SGT .... 10/23/1983
Kimm, Edward E. ........... USMC ... GYSGT .. 10/23/1983
Kingsley, Walter V. ....... USMC ... LCPL ... 10/23/1983
Kluck, Daniel S. .......... USA .... SGT .... 10/23/1983
Knipple, James C. ......... USMC ... LCPL ... 10/23/1983
Kreischer, Freas H. III ... USMC ... LCPL ... 10/23/1983
Laise, Keith J. ........... USMC ... LCPL ... 10/23/1983
Lamb, Thomas G. ........... USMC ... LCPL ... 10/23/1983
Langon, James J. IV ....... USMC ... LCPL ... 10/23/1983
Lariviere, Michael S. ..... USMC ... SGT .... 10/23/1983
Lariviere, Steven B. ...... USMC ... CPL .... 10/23/1983
Lemnah, Richard L. ........ USMC ... MSGT ... 10/23/1983
Lewis, David A. ........... USMC ... CPL .... 10/23/1983
Lewis, Val S. ............. USMC ... SGT .... 10/23/1983
Livingston, Joseph R. ..... USMC ... CPL .... 10/23/1983
Lyon, Paul D. Jr. ......... USMC ... LCPL ... 10/23/1983
Macroglou, John W. ........ USMC ... MAJ .... 10/23/1983
Maitland, Samuel .......... USMC ... CPL .... 10/23/1983
Martin, Charlie R. ........ USMC ... SSGT ... 10/23/1983
Martin, Jack L. ........... USMC ... PFC .... 10/23/1983
Massa, David S. ........... USMC ... CPL .... 10/23/1983
Massman, Michael R. ....... USMC ... SGT .... 10/23/1983
Mattacchione, Joseph J. ... USMC ... PVT .... 10/23/1983
McCall, John .............. USMC ... LCPL ... 10/23/1983
McDonough, James E. ....... USMC ... SGT .... 10/23/1983
McMahon, Timothy R. ....... USMC ... LCPL ... 10/23/1983
McNeely, Timothy D. ....... USMC ... LCPL ... 10/23/1983
McVicker, George N. II .... USN .... HM2 .... 10/23/1983
Melendez, Louis ........... USMC ... PFC .... 10/23/1983
Menkins, Richard H. II .... USMC ... SGT .... 10/23/1983
Mercer, Michael D. ........ USMC ... CPL .... 10/23/1983
Meurer, Ronald W. ......... USMC ... LCPL ... 10/23/1983
Milano, Joseph P. ......... USN .... HM3 .... 10/23/1983
Moore, Joseph P. .......... USMC ... CPL .... 10/23/1983
Morrow, Richard A. ........ USMC ... LCPL ... 10/23/1983
Muffler, John F. .......... USMC ... LCPL ... 10/23/1983
Munoz, Alex ............... USMC ... CPL .... 10/23/1983
Myers, Harry D. ........... USMC ... CPL .... 10/23/1983
Nairn, David J. ........... USMC ... 1stLT .. 10/23/1983
Nava, Luis A. ............. USMC ... LCPL ... 10/23/1983
Olson, John A. ............ USMC ... CPL .... 10/23/1983
Olson, Robert P. .......... USMC ... PFC .... 10/23/1983
Ortiz, Richard C. ......... USMC ... CWO3 ... 10/23/1983
Owen, Jeffrey B. .......... USMC ... PFC .... 10/23/1983
Owens, Joseph A. .......... USMC ... CPL .... 10/23/1983
Page, Connie Ray .......... USMC ... CPL .... 10/23/1983
Parker, Ulysses ........... USMC ... LCPL ... 10/23/1983
Payne, Mark W. ............ USMC ... LCPL ... 10/23/1983
Pearson, John L. .......... USMC ... GYSGT .. 10/23/1983
Perron, Thomas S. ......... USMC ... PFC .... 10/23/1983
Phillips, John A. Jr. ..... USMC ... SGT .... 10/23/1983
Piercy, George W. ......... USN .... HMC .... 10/23/1983
Plymel, Clyde W. .......... USMC ... 1stLT .. 10/23/1983
Pollard, William H. ....... USMC ... SGT .... 10/23/1983
Pomalestorres, Rafael I. .. USMC ... SGT .... 10/23/1983
Prevatt, Victor M. ........ USMC ... CPL .... 10/23/1983
Price, James C. ........... USMC ... PFC .... 10/23/1983
Prindeville, Patrick K. ... USMC ... SSGT ... 10/23/1983
Pulliam, Eric A. .......... USMC ... PFC .... 10/23/1983
Quirante, Diomedes J. ..... USN .... HM3 .... 10/23/1983
Randolph, David M. ........ USMC ... LCPL ... 10/23/1983
Ray, Charles R. ........... USMC ... GYSGT .. 10/23/1983
Relvas, Rui A. ............ USMC ... PFC .... 10/23/1983
Rich, Terrence L. ......... USMC ... PFC .... 10/23/1983
Richardson, Warren ........ USMC ... LCPL ... 10/23/1983
Rodriguez, Juan C. ........ USMC ... SGT .... 10/23/1983
Rotondo, Louis J. ......... USMC ... LCPL ... 10/23/1983
Sanpedro, Guillermo Jr. ... USMC ... LCPL ... 10/23/1983
Sauls, Michael C. ......... USMC ... LCPL ... 10/23/1983
Schnorf, Charles J. ....... USMC ... 1stLT .. 10/23/1983
Schultz, Scott L. ......... USMC ... PFC .... 10/23/1983
Scialabba, Peter J. ....... USMC ... CAPT ... 10/23/1983
Scott, Gary R. ............ USMC ... CPL .... 10/23/1983
Shallo, Ronald L. ......... USMC ... CPL .... 10/23/1983
Shipp, Thomas A. .......... USMC ... CPL .... 10/23/1983
Shropshire, Jerryl D. ..... USMC ... LCPL ... 10/23/1983
Silvia, James F. .......... USMC ... LCPL ... 10/23/1983
Sliwinski, Stanley J. ..... USMC ... LCPL ... 10/23/1983
Smith, Kirk H. ............ USMC ... LCPL ... 10/23/1983
Smith, Thomas G. .......... USMC ... SSGT ... 10/23/1983
Smith, Vincent L. ......... USMC ... CAPT ... 10/23/1983
Soares, Edward ............ USMC ... LCPL ... 10/23/1983
Sommerhof, William S. ..... USMC ... 1stLT .. 10/23/1983
Spaulding, Michael C. ..... USMC ... LCPL ... 10/23/1983
Spearing, John W. ......... USMC ... LCPL ... 10/23/1983
Spencer, Stephen E. ....... USMC ... LCPL ... 10/23/1983
Stelpflug, Bill J. ........ USMC ... LCPL ... 10/23/1983
Stephens, Horace R. ....... USMC ... LCPL ... 10/23/1983
Stockton, Craig S. ........ USMC ... PFC .... 10/23/1983
Stokes, Jeffrey G. ........ USMC ... LCPL ... 10/23/1983
Stowe, Thomas D. .......... USMC ... LCPL ... 10/23/1983
Sturghill, Eric D. ........ USMC ... LCPL ... 10/23/1983
Sundar, Devon L. .......... USMC ... LCPL ... 10/23/1983
Surch, James F. Jr. ....... USN .... LT ..... 10/23/1983
Thompson, Dennis A. ....... USMC ... CPL .... 10/23/1983
Thorstad, Thomas P. ....... USMC ... SSGT ... 10/23/1983
Tingley, Stephen D. ....... USMC ... PFC .... 10/23/1983
Tishmack, John J. ......... USMC ... LCPL ... 10/23/1983
Trahan, Lex D. ............ USMC ... PVT .... 10/23/1983
Vallone, Donald H. Jr. .... USMC ... PFC .... 10/23/1983
Walker, Eric R. ........... USMC ... CPL .... 10/23/1983
Walker, Leonard W. ........ USMC ... CPL .... 10/23/1983
Washington, Eric G. ....... USMC ... CPL .... 10/23/1983
Weekes, Obrian ............ USMC ... CPL .... 10/23/1983
Wells, Tandy W. ........... USMC ... 1stSGT . 10/23/1983
Wentworth, Steven B. ...... USMC ... LCPL ... 10/23/1983
Wesley, Allen D. .......... USMC ... SGT .... 10/23/1983
West, Lloyd D. ............ USMC ... GYSGT .. 10/23/1983
Weyl, John R. ............. USMC ... SSGT ... 10/23/1983
Wherland, Burton D. Jr. ... USMC ... CPL .... 10/23/1983
Wigglesworth, Dwayne W. ... USMC ... LCPL ... 10/23/1983
Williams, Rodney J. ....... USMC ... LCPL ... 10/23/1983
Williams, Scipio Jr. ...... USMC ... GYSGT .. 10/23/1983
Williamson, Johnny A. ..... USMC ... LCPL ... 10/23/1983
Wint, Walter E. Jr. ....... USMC ... CAPT ... 10/23/1983
Winter, William E. ........ USMC ... CAPT ... 10/23/1983
Wolfe, John E. ............ USMC ... CPL .... 10/23/1983
Woollett, Donald E. ....... USMC ... 1stLT .. 10/23/1983
Worley, David E. .......... USN .... HM3 .... 10/23/1983
Wyche, Craig L. ........... USMC ... PFC .... 10/23/1983
Yarber, James G. .......... USA .... SFC .... 10/23/1983
Young, Jeffrey D. ......... USMC ... SGT .... 10/23/1983
Zimmerman, William A. ..... USMC ... 1stLT .. 10/23/1983
These fine brave members of our armed services were murdered by Hezbollah.
What does Mohammad Khatami have to say about Hezbollah?
Even Iran's former president Mohammad Khatami, who used his eight- year presidency to try to moderate Iran's foreign policy, on Sunday likened Hezbollah to "a shining sun that illuminates and warms the hearts of all Muslims and supporters of freedom in the world."
Harvard should be ashamed.
The Blitz
"London was first bombed on the 7th. of September 1940, experienced continuous night raids until early November, and sporadic bombings until the Blitz finished on the night of the 11th. of May in 1941.
Over that period some 29, 890 Londoners were to die and another 50, 507 were admitted to
hospital as a result of these air raids.
Winston Churchill in his famous "WE will fight on the beaches!" speech said in part:-
"...... even though large parts of Europe
and many old and famous states have fallen
or may fall into the grip of the Gestapo
and all the odious approaches of Nazi rule,
we shall not flag or fail.
We shall go on to the end,
we shall fight in France.
We shall fight on the seas and oceans,
we shall fight with growing confidence
and growing strength in the air,
we shall defend our island,
whatever the cost may be,
we shall fight on the beaches,
we shall fight on the landing grounds,
we shall fight in the fields and in the streets,
we shall fight in the hills, WE SHALL NEVER SURRENDER."
The invasion never materialized.
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
I Love Grandstanding!
The Boston Herald reports
Gov. Mitt Romney is refusing to provide customary police escorts and VIP treatment for Mohammed Khatami’s controversial visit to Boston this weekend, citing the former Iranian president’s regime of terror and torture.
Romney, a likely 2008 GOP presidential candidate, has taken a stance against the Iranian leader’s speech at Harvard University’s John F. Kennedy School of Government Sunday, ordering state police not to assist in the security normally afforded visiting dignitaries. The U.S. State Department issued Khatami a visa to visit Washington, D.C. and Boston and will provide security.
“State taxpayers should not be providing special treatment to an individual who supports violent jihad and the destruction of Israel,” Romney said.
FoxNews reports.
BOSTON — Gov. Mitt Romney on Tuesday ordered all state agencies to refuse any assistance — if it is requested — when the former president of Iran visits Massachusetts this weekend.
The Republican chief executive, a potential candidate for his party's 2008 presidential nomination, said Mohammed Khatami oversaw torture and the murder of dissidents, as well as Iran's secret nuclear program, while in office from 1997 to 2005.
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
Vivien Leigh most beautiful British woman

Actor Cary Grant was voted most handsome man of all time in the poll of 1,000 people carried out for the Bottlegreen Drinks company.
Leigh, who died in 1967, was ahead of Elizabeth Taylor -- born to American parents in Britain -- in second place, and actress Catherine Zeta-Jones in third.
Princess Diana was in fourth place ahead of actresses Julie Christie and Honor Blackman, model Kate Moss and actresses Sienna Miller, Liz Hurley and Jane Seymour.
Monday, September 04, 2006
I Know It's Wrong To Feel This Way......
You get the idea.
Some stations want cursing out of '9/11'
By LARRY NEUMEISTER, Associated Press Writer Sun Sep 3, 10:41 PM ET
NEW YORK - Broadcasters say the hesitancy of some CBS affiliates to air a powerful Sept. 11 documentary next week proves there's been a chilling effect on the First Amendment since federal regulators boosted penalties for television obscenities after
Janet Jackson's breast was exposed at a Super Bowl halftime show.
Why would they think there would be a problem? Could it be this paragraph?
So far, about a dozen CBS affiliates have indicated they won't show the documentary, another dozen say they will delay it until later at night and two dozen others are considering what to do.
On Friday, Sinclair Broadcasting became the latest company to say it was delaying the broadcast until after 10 p.m. on its stations in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, and Portland, Maine, saying it was concerned it could face fines.
The announcement came as the Tupelo, Miss.-based American Family Association readied its 3 million members to flood the FCC and CBS with complaints after the documentary airs.
I want to scream. I probably would have watched anyway, but now, nothing can stop me from watching!
CBS will show it on Sept. 10 from 8 p.m. to 10 p.m. EDT, profanity intact.
The Princess demands that everyone reading this watch as well!
Sunday, September 03, 2006

Saturday, September 02, 2006
Stealing Stuff
So...........anyone surprised that this was my favorite?

Is Someone at State Paying Attention To This
Iraqi Arabs See Unlikely Haven With Old Foes
Along with a Ferris wheel and ice cream stands, the park at the heart of this Kurdish city has a monument listing the names of dozens of Kurds killed in a torture compound here by Saddam Hussein’s intelligence officers.
Yet, there was Sabah Abdul Rahman, a former intelligence officer, strolling just yards from the monument with his family on a recent evening.
Driven from Tikrit, Mr. Hussein’s hometown, by violence and their resentment of the American military, the family had arrived here that very day and found a $30-a-night apartment.
“This is the only safe place in all of Iraq,” said Mr. Abdul Rahman, himself a Sunni Arab, as children scampered around him. “There’s terrorism elsewhere and the presence of the Americans.”
This Day In History
Washington Commissions First Naval Officer 1775, General George Washington commissioned Nicholson Broughton
captain "in the Army of the United Colonies of North America." Broughton had a
novel assignment: The Marblehead man was to be master of the Hannah, the first vessel in what has come to be known as "George Washington's Navy." The General sent eight Massachusetts schooners to intercept vessels supplying British troops in Boston. This little fleet helped persuade the Continental Congress that the new nation needed a proper navy. On October 13th, Congress ordered that two large vessels be fitted out with guns. This is the date that the United States Navy considers its birthday. The Massachusetts schooners that captured 55 enemy ships in 26 months of service belonged to the Continental Army.
Speaking of the Navy. The Armorer has a great post about Glenn Ford, Captain (ret.) USNR.
Friday, September 01, 2006
September 1, 1939
****Update at bottom of post****
Covered by the fearsome Luftwaffe that bombed Polish cities beyond recognition, 58 German divisions cross the border into Poland on September 1, 1939. The Polish army fought bravely to defend the country against the invasion, but were hopelessly outmatched by Germany's modern technology and overwhelming numbers. Nazi leader Adolf Hitler expected appeasement from Britain and France—after all, those nations had given Czechoslovakia away to German conquest in 1938. However, neither Britain nor France was willing to allow Hitler's new violation of Europe's borders, and Germany was presented with an ultimatum: withdraw by September 3 or face war. Hitler refused, and Britain, France, India, Australia, and New Zealand declared war against Germany on September 3. The European chapter of World War II had begun.
by W. H. Auden
I sit in one of the dives
On Fifty-second Street
Uncertain and afraid
As the clever hopes expire
Of a low dishonest decade:
Waves of anger and fear
Circulate over the bright
And darkened lands of the earth,
Obsessing our private lives;
The unmentionable odour of death
Offends the September night.
Accurate scholarship can
Unearth the whole offence
From Luther until now
That has driven a culture mad,
Find what occurred at Linz,
What huge imago made
A psychopathic god:
I and the public know
What all schoolchildren learn,
Those to whom evil is done
Do evil in return.
Exiled Thucydides knew
All that a speech can say
About Democracy,
And what dictators do,
The elderly rubbish they talk
To an apathetic grave;
Analysed all in his book,
The enlightenment driven away,
The habit-forming pain,
Mismanagement and grief:
We must suffer them all again.
Into this neutral air
Where blind skyscrapers use
Their full height to proclaim
The strength of Collective Man,
Each language pours its vain
Competitive excuse:
But who can live for long
In an euphoric dream;
Out of the mirror they stare,
Imperialism's face
And the international wrong.
Faces along the bar
Cling to their average day:
The lights must never go out,
The music must always play,
All the conventions conspire
To make this fort assume
The furniture of home;
Lest we should see where we are,
Lost in a haunted wood,
Children afraid of the night
Who have never been happy or good.
The windiest militant trash
Important Persons shout
Is not so crude as our wish:
What mad Nijinsky wrote
About Diaghilev
Is true of the normal heart;
For the error bred in the bone
Of each woman and each man
Craves what it cannot have,
Not universal love
But to be loved alone.
From the conservative dark
Into the ethical life
The dense commuters come,
Repeating their morning vow;
"I will be true to the wife,
I'll concentrate more on my work,"
And helpless governors wake
To resume their compulsory game:
Who can release them now,
Who can reach the deaf,
Who can speak for the dumb?
All I have is a voice
To undo the folded lie,
The romantic lie in the brain
Of the sensual man-in-the-street
And the lie of Authority
Whose buildings grope the sky:
There is no such thing as the State
And no one exists alone;
Hunger allows no choice
To the citizen or the police;
We must love one another or die.
Defenceless under the night
Our world in stupor lies;
Yet, dotted everywhere,
Ironic points of light
Flash out wherever the Just
Exchange their messages:
May I, composed like them
Of Eros and of dust,
Beleaguered by the same
Negation and despair,
Show an affirming flame.***********************************************************
UPDATE: The Armorer writes that I have stolen his thunder with this post. My, my! He also alludes to the majority of denizens being "Polish Army" in the quiz (not me baby....American Army, thank you very much!) So, I thought I'd throw in some other stuff I read this morning relating to the Polish Army in specific and this day in general. I thought it was interesting and a good break from Sun Tzu.)****I was telling SouthieBoy about this in texts messages and he said "refresh my memory? start of WWII?" Ha! I am en fuego!