Saturday, May 09, 2009

Milblog - Friday Evening

Our story so far

Thursday Night/Friday Morning - the drive down.

Friday Afternoon - Getting To The Pentagon

Friday Afternoon - The Pentagon

Now We Get To My Adventure In An Adventure

Which brings us up to arriving back at my hotel with just enough time to get ready for the screening of "At War" and the "Jail-N-Bail" cocktail party.

I asked Jen & Grace for all the ones and fives they had. The plan for the Jail-N-Bail was for people to swear out $5 warrants and the arrestees would have to post bail or beg others to post for them.

My sisters came down to the reception area with me, we were very early. I didn't want to miss that movie! So, Grace & Jen collapse into comfy club chairs because Grace had dragged Jen allllll over the zoo that day. Jen was too wiped out to avoid the monkeys.....Jen loathes monkeys. She won't even it the monkeys in the box of animal crackers.....more cookies for me.

Anyway, I introduced them to some SpouseBuzz babes before the collapse. After that, everything was seen from the "Statler & Waldorf" position.

First up, CJ Grisham. He was with me at the Pentagon and paid me a compliment about something that happened there. Jen & Grace look skeptical. Suddenly they decide that the reason I needed ones and fives is so I can pay people to say nice things about me.

Next ConcreteBob! He whoops. He runs. He hugs - Grace and Jen never got over how much I let people touch me this weekend, we are not touchy-feely people. When I introduce ConcreteBob. Jen and Grace nod knowingly to each other. They have heard me speak of him and know he is over-the-top. But they smiled, there was approval.

Then we get a three-fer - Mrs. Diva, Toni of Bear Creek Ledger and someone who's name escapes me now. Not to worry, Mrs. Diva will come out in the comments and remind me.

I left them and popped in to see if Troy needed any help setting up the movie. He was very distracted. I guess it's tough being a perfectionist.....I wouldn't know, lol. So I got barely a glance when I asked what I could do. So I walked out the CJ and helped him put Bouhammer cards on each chair. I came up short and stuck my head behind the curtain. I announced I needed four more cards. Somehow, with those words "four more cards" Troy realized who I was and I got a hug. LOL I wonder what it was?

I went out and got Jen & Grace because people were starting to file in. TSO grabbed me for a minute, he wanted to introduce me to elaine of NavyNorthwestNews. Now Fuzzy Bear Lioness had just told me something and it was my turn to be distracted. LOL, I'm sorry Elaine! I buzzed by Jack Holt, asked a question, but then the movie started.

I went back to where Grace & Jen were sitting and they laughed.....apparently I wasn't supposed to do that. They were sitting in the back row in case they wanted to escape. But as it turned out, that never came up.


  1. Uuuuuuuhhhhhh....

  2. Yankee Mom?

  3. Honey I wish I would have had more time to socialize. It was that way in Vegas too, and I said after Vegas I would try and take more time to get to talk to people. Sorry we did not get more of a chance, cause you are one cool chick. Yeah is was the word "caaads" with a slight hint of an R that made me realize it was you.
