**05/09/11 UPDATE - Frankie has moved up from #41 to #27!
~ Go Frankie! Go Bruins!***
My brother Frankie (as opposed to my son, my Dad, my uncle....well you know) is participating in the Boston Bruins Beard-A-Thon. It's a fundraiser for "One Mission", a childhood cancer foundation dedicated to enhancing the lives of pediatric cancer patients and their families, by way of the Boston Bruins Foundation.

This is a crappy picture, but my niece Kelly promises a better one soon.
My brother Frankie has a 5 o'clock shadow by noon most days. And he's always looking for an excuses not to shave, lol. Funny thing is, I think we have secretly discovered his best look!
So please consider going to his profile on the Bruins website and sponsoring him. One Mission is a great cause. If you can't make a pledge, at least vote for him and pass the link around.
I voted, but you must know that it is not an endorsement of the Bruins.
Hey hey Tampa Bay!
Go Bolts!!
I'm voting every day and have asked others to do so, too.
Go Frankie Go!
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