Friday, July 25, 2008

Donating to the Kendra Johnson Fund

*****UPDATE - Kendra's long road to recovery continues and her Dad updates us here.*****
I have several posts on this and I want to tie them together.

Supporting a Friend I Haven't Met Yet

Compounding A Tragedy

I Am Techno-capped

If you read them, you will see why you should seriously consider donating to the Kendra Johnson Fund.

Here's how -

Do you have a PayPal account?
Go and sign in.
Then click on the tab labeled "Send Money".
You will see a box labelled "To (email or mobile phone)", in that box type
Next, fill in an amount of money (Princess Crabby says "The bigger, the better!" Ok, just give what you can).
Under "Send money for" I choose "Services/Other", but I don't know that it wouldn't work anyway.
Then you hit "Continue".
The next screen is a review of what you want. It will show that your donation is going to and the address is listed as a "Business Partner".
Once you determine that everything is as you want it, hit "Send Money"
You can print the next screen for a receipt, but an email receipt will be sent to you anyway.

See? That was easy.

What if you don't have PayPal? Well you could consider signing up, but there are other options.

Navy Federal Credit Union.
You can go into any branch of the NFCU and tell them that you want to make a deposit into the "Kendra Johnson Fund" You can donate in this way even if you do not have an account with Navy Federal Credit Union. Just find a location near you at this link, walk in and fork over the money. The tellers will know what you mean when you tell them that you want to make a deposit/donation to the "Kendra Johnson Fund".

If you can't go in person, but you do online banking with NFCU, you can go online and transfer funds. The account number is 3014797462.

What if you don't have PayPal or NFCU? Well you can go to your own bank and they can help you wire the money into the NFCU account. Again, you will need the account number 3014797462 but you will also need NFCU's routing number 2560-7497-4. Print this page and bring it into the bank.

Ok? I can't make it much easier for you. Go, donate. And don't forget to keep Kendra and her family and those who love her in your prayers.

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