Wednesday, July 18, 2007

My Bad Boyfriend Is Back.....

......and I am weakening. I heard him on the's over at Salamander's place......they're writing about it in the's over at the Swamp. Damnit! It's all flooding back. I was a McCain girl for so long. I know it's wrong. But I am remembering the good times, like when he railed against naming the ISG as CINC. Why? Why? I know he will just break my heart again.


  1. Maggie,
    I am equally heartbroken over the return of John McCain. He will most undoubtedly lose, not because he isn't qualified or smart enough, but because he will not play the scumball game that you have to play to win. He could have beaten Bush in 2000, if he was willing to play the game. Rove sank him then and the Rovesque mentality will sink him now. Boo hoo!

  2. But Dave.....tell me it didn't make you smile to listen to the people on Fox talking about him like he has a chance!
