Thursday, January 20, 2011

Stuff You Can't Get On DirectTV

So my Dad has a bazillion channels on his big screen HDTVs. But some of the best stuff, some of the stuff I have the most fun with, comes through this laptop the Ripley family gave me last year.

This evening I watched ADM Harvey's remarks at the Surface Navy Association Symposium last week. Between the weather and the accelerated STC schedule, there was no chance for me to sneak down to DC for this. I'm not a member and I was going to have to crash....well... at this point, even I will admit, it's not crashing anymore. But, like I said, once the schedule was set, the chance of nipping down to DC for a Tuesday through Thursday symposium evaporated.

But thanks to SNA and SWOnet, I didn't miss out on ADM Harvey's really great remarks. I say that as a civilian who will never command anyone (I rule the Navy blogosphere, but that's different). If you don't get that this is a man who has loves his life in the Navy and is giving it the best a man has to give....well then you weren't listening. As a citizen and a taxpayer, I also thank Mrs. Harvey who gets a very appropriate shout-out.

You can watch by clicking this link. It may give you a Microsoft security message "There is a problem with this website's security certificate" , but choose "Continue to this website (not recommended)". Don't know what that's about, but it's SWOnet and it's safe.

It takes you to a page titled -
SNA National Symposium
Hyatt Regency Hotel, Crystal City, VA - January 11-13, 2011
"SURFACE NAVAL FORCES: Relevant Capabilities For A Challenging Future

The scroll down and ADM Harvey's speech is the second choice.

The photo array can be viewed here. I got the pics from ADM Harvey's blog.

I envy those who attended...but it was really meant for them anyway, lol! But fair warning SNA, I'm going next might as well just let me in!


  1. Maggie-Centric Warfare, here we come.

    The rest of the world is Maggie-Centric, so what the hell.

  2. Oh, and you should type it how you say it.

    "Admrul Hahhhveee."
