Thursday, January 13, 2011

Decisions Were Made!

I was dithering, unable to make a decision between steak and chicken parm. A last meal before a long span where food might not taste good and/or I don't feel like eating, is a major issue for a "foodie" like me.

Then I thought....why choose? If I got Jennifer, Pat and Bette to go with me to Paparazzi in Hanover, I could have both and more. Jen is highly likely to order one or the other....then I will order whichever she doesn't pick.

I had a quarter serving of their melanzana fritta and passed the rest to Pat. Then I stole a few mouthfuls of Pat's insalata di campo. Bette shared her carpaccio. I didn't need whole servings, I need just a little bit of each. Or as Bette said, I wanted to graze, lol.

Then just one of the beautiful pieces of filetto balsamico, medium rare and few bites of Jen's pollo alla parmigiana. She actually wanted the veal......but she's a good egg!


1 comment:

  1. Sounds positively yummy. Great way to store up sensory memory for the 'drought' :-)
