Monday, January 04, 2010

Revisionist History

Now some of you have followed the CJ Grisham story through #MilblogsGoSilent movement here online. I appreciate your attention. This is a story which we should all keep our eye on.

CJ & Emily thought they should have a voice in how decisions were made at their child's public school. But their experience with the school administration and J.E. Williams Elementary PTA was very contentious.

As an example of the attitude they ran into, I give you Jennifer Dombrowski-Scott and her open letter on Facebook.

Did you read it? Probably not all of it huh? You started to get a headache, didn't ya?. We've been taking it piecemeal. You can read Jenn's take on our treatment on military detainees here.

BillT took a look at a different passage in the comments of the post below.
From the Screed of Jenn:
To those that did not know Mohammads first wife was actually a Catholic.
Heh. She has her own version of history, too...

Yup, Jenn is an expert in sooooo many things!

BTW, the first person who can tell me what either of these things - military detainees & Islam - have to do with parents having a voice at the PTA .....I'll happily buy you a drink!

****REMEMBER - This Jenn is not "our Jen" my very funny, smart sister****


  1. Islam, detainees, and the PTA...

    Sure! Indoctrination, incarceration, and the two organizations who enact such joined together :)

    But, seriously, you know she joined them together in an attempt to discredit someone. From her viewpoint, we are at war with Islam and detainees are illegaly held and denired their rights as American citizens.

    Yes, I know what I wrote in that last line. It's what I see as **her** viewpoint, not mine.

  2. LOL! Short answer is Jenn is crazy....but don't worry, I'd buy you a drink anyway.

  3. Ooooh! I got spotlighted!

    Much more soul-satisfying than being snarked for not having posted anything worthwhile at the Castle in weeks...

  4. My Darling Chief, you are always appreciated here.

  5. If she is in elementary or secondary education, this Jenn woman is likely somewhat left of Trotsky. Not that she knows much about who he was.

    Anathema is right. They do have rights as American citizens. We are all citizens of the world. It's just that only some of us pay the taxes...
