Monday, September 10, 2007


on CSpan 3 right now........watching Rep. Ike Skelton talk.
8 minutes....25 seconds of Skelton explaining this will be bad news before Petraeus or Crocker open their mouths.
Now it Lantos, the bad driver.
Now it's Rep. Duncan Hunter giving Skelton and Lantos a hard time for talking smack before hearing what's going to be said.
Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen is up at bat.
Protesters ejected at 42 minutes! I missed some of it......darn it! Real life in the for of work interfering with live blogging!
1330 Petraeus gets to speak! Imagine that?
Skelton interrupts to say the members should have a copy of the chart in front of them. The one on the wall is difficult to see...........WTF? You interrupt for that?
More protesters! How do these people get past security? One minute interruption.
Petraeus concludes his remarks.
More protesters at 2:00 pm. She's a real screamer!
Now Crocker speaks.
Work is too much of a distraction. I'll have to listen to the replay later.
Here is the text of General Petraeus' remarks from

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