Tuesday, April 03, 2007

So, I've Had This Cold......

....on and off for a few weeks. I drown it in pineapple juice, garlic and chicken soup (no, not combined), but I can't quite kill it. So, last night, in anticipation of tonight's lecture, I bought some hard candy to keep the cough at bay. But, of course, I forgot it. The woman barely got rolling and I had to dash from the room. Now if you are seated at the back of the room, this is no big deal. But I was seated front row dead center. That's where the nuns used to put me and there was a reason for that. So after I bolt down two flights of a spiral staircase to the ladies room in the basement and pull myself together......I have to sneak back in. What I did hear of the lecture, I liked. The differences between the various black populations, West Indian, blacks from the south, pre-Revolutionary population, Civil War era immigrants, was not something I ever considered. I think it will be an interesting book.

Tomorrow night's lecture may have to be shelved. After dinner I got a call from Grace and she wants to go to dinner tomorrow with Frank and Jen. Oh well.....Grace does trump Ali Allawi.


  1. Maggie, I totally relate. Nobody wants to sit next to me on the trains. I sound like I have consumption.

  2. Consumption, lol. I haven't heard that word in ages! But it does cover it.
