Thursday, November 23, 2006

Happy Thanksgiving

I will travel to my parent's house today. Yes, they are still taking care of me, lol! I will see all of my immediate family except for Tom who is in Viriginia. I am thankful for many things, chief among them, my family. I am reminded day in and day out how very lucky I am to have them. I am also grateful for my extended family, friends, and my blog family (as Andi put it over at FbL's place). I am grateful for SB and how he looks at me (was that sweet enough?). I am also grateful for those who are away from their families today because they service. Every holiday Father Mahoney would remind us to pray for those who serve. For those who set aside their own comfort to protect me.....police.....firefighters.....ER personnel.......and member of the US military.

Have a wonderful day.