Saturday, November 25, 2006

Col. David Hunt

Col. Hunt is my sister's favorite army guy (mine is MG Rick Lynch, in case you forgot). He was the guest host on the Howie Carr show (WRKO) today. He is a howl. So, anyway, he gets on the crazy "Global Orgasm for Peace" thing and I called. First off, he couldn't say my name. How can you mispronounce Maggie? He kept saying it with a soft G, like DiMaggio. So, I laugh and say "Maggie"and I pitch him my "Orgasm for Victory" alternative. I tell him we have to "Be Sweet to the Fleet!" He laughs and keeps asking how they are going to measure their reaction in the Global Orgasm for Peace" camp. I tell him "We don't care. They are long haired, rope-smokin' Kerry voters!". He replies "Oh Moonbats?". "Yes" I tell him. I remind him that we met at the Milbloggers conference and this story is all over the blogs. You know he blogs, right? Then I harrassed him because he is always mentioning that he lives in Maine and is from Scituate. I asked why he never mentions Charlestown. He yells "My father is from Charlestown!" I tell him I know and that means he is from Charlestown, that's where his people are from. LOL Jeez! A few minutes later he mentions my "Orgasm for Victory Day" again.

Come on people! Practice, practice, practice!


  1. My mother once asked an RSM if he was "someone important around here" in the Sgts Mess.

    I'm getting a similiar sensation now for some reason.

  2. OF course I am someone important!
