Monday, August 24, 2015

Curses! Foiled Again!

There is a public pool in Staunton.  It's in Gypsy Hill Park and it's very nice.  Lots of little kids, but they stay in the shallow end near the slide or sit on the edges of the pool.  Long story short, the deep end is never crowded.

I got to this pool late in the season because someone told me it wasn't nice.  That's my own fault for not checking it out myself.

The official end of summer is upon us as Labor Day approaches, but that doesn't have a lot to do with the weather.  But those are the rules and the pool will close for the season on Tuesday the 8th.  So of course I want to take advantage of all the opportunities left, right?  So I rush through the things I have to do today, which of course means they all took longer than usual, right?  The hurrier I go, the behinder I get.

But I make it there by 4 and it closes at 6.
Yeah, not today.  And not tomorrow.  Because even though I read the signs and checked the website.....there is apparently a super secret rule.  Once school starts, the pool is closed during the week.

It's ok, I leave for Boston Wednesday.  We don't close the ocean.

1 comment:

  1. You don't close the ocean. No matter how many Great White Shaaaahhhks are eating swimmers.
