It's true Senator John McCain, R-AZ has let me down a time or two. Especially with our differing views on immigration policy.
He is exactly like a bad boyfriend. I love him. He lets me down. He makes it up to me. I take him back. But in the end, I love him.
I love him with my whole, tiny, blackened, shriveled heart.
I love him for many reasons, but mostly, he's got the balls to say what needs to be said.
Tuesday, September 2nd I had Fox News on in the background. It was Greta (who I am not that crazy about). But I hear her say that John McCain is coming on shortly. So I stop what I am doing in the kitchen and stroll toward the living room.
Greta: "Senator John McCain joins us. Good evening, sir."
McCain: "Good evening."
Greta: "ISIS. What are we gonna go about it?"
McCain: "Kill 'em."
It's at about the 2 minute 40 second mark of this video. There's more to the conversation. But really. That answer is all that matters.
I heard that "kill 'em" remark too, and it certainly caught my attention. Not enough to listen to the rest of what he said, though. I have a much less favourable opinion of McCain than you do, but every once in a while he says something like this and I think he does have some redeeming social importance.