Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Big Changes

I have moved to Virginia.

For a while.

It's been the plan for a while.

I loved this last five months in Hull.  I wanted to stay until at least the fall.  But things happen and I am here in Staunton now.

I will go back often.  My parents are there.  I am not leaving Doctor Miller and my wonderful medical team who have seen me through this far.

I will be very lonely here in the land where no one understands me when I speak........


  1. But your fantastic Boston accent should immediately make you some new friends. :) Best of luck. I miss random things about Virginia everyday, it's really not so bad.

  2. This "land where nobody understands you when you speak" consists of the entire of the world's land masses east of Boston Harbor and west of Route 128.

    But you will make friends.

  3. I must disagree, there are many wonderful things about Virginia. 1) the wonderful Naval history 2) the wonderful Civil war history 3) the wonderful Chesapeake Bay and Eastern Shore and 4) the wonderful residence of Warrant Diver.
    See? Wonderful stuff in Virginia

  4. You have a friend in Wisconsin, who is sure you will make many friends in VA. A woman who can befriend a badger should have no problems.

  5. Best wishes to you. You will make friends wherever you are; your personality will ensure it. Look how many friends you have made outside Boston over the years. You will, however, have to update your blog profile ("I was born and raised in Boston and can not conceive of living anywhere else." is no longer accurate.)

  6. Thanks everybody. And it will be fine, I am madly exaggerating the situation.

    But Sandi's right, I have to do something with the profile.

  7. "Madly exaggerate"? You? Say it isn't SO!!!!
