Friday, April 19, 2013

Lindsey Graham Should Get A Fucking Grip

GOP SENATOR: Boston Suspect Should Be Held As 'Enemy Combatant' And Should Not Have Miranda Rights Read

This disregard for the US Constitution is far more frightening than anything a terrorist could do.

ANYONE who suggests that suspected terrorist Dzhokhar Tsarnaev should not be read his rights as enumerated under the Miranda Warning is an idiot.

Do I hope this guy doesn't "make it"?  Of course I do.  Do I hate him for what he has done?  Of course.

But like it or not, Tsarnaev is an American citizen.  He gets due process.  That's it.

If we abridge the Constitutional rights of this piece of shit, we will be doing more harm than he or his brother could have hoped for.

Everyone is talking about "Boston Strong".  If we sell the Constitution down the river out of petty vengence, what is there to be strong for?


  1. Definitely agree. Well said.

  2. This is one of those days I dislike defending the 8th Admend.
    But just dry him off, and put him in a dry shirt after questioning before allowing photos.

  3. Sorry Maggie,

    The Muslim terrorist should be summarily executed, imediately.

    Haven't you learned anything from the Fort Hood "workplace violance" hoodwink (pun) that Obama and his Liberal cronies pulled?

  4. SOMEbody cross-posted you.... :)

  5. Dear TJ,

    The lessons of Fort Hood are abundant.

    Fort Hood was not "workplace violence".

    Fort Hood could have been prevented if the process was not tainted with political correctness (superiors not wanting to tackle his nuttiness for fear of being labelled racist).

    However, none were related to giving Hassan due process.

    If you shred the Constitution in your quest for "justice"; there is no justice left.

  6. Is he a enemy combatant? Or just some misguided soul? To me he is worse than those overseas that attack us. He came here took advantage of everything that was offered him and then attacked us. I am glad he is alive so that we may question him. But lets be truthful here he is going to get death just going to take about 10 or 15 years. We are lucky that we live in a place that still has enough peace to make these choices. I wonder if everyone would feel the same way about the rights of people like him if we had one of these bombs going off every day or so on buses and public places?

  7. Dale, everything you say is most likely true. However, none of it is germane to my point.

    Once he is convicted of something we punish.

    Until he is convicted, he gets due process.

  8. I agree about due process but I can see the other side also. So no matter what he is innocent until proven guilty in a court? I have always had a problem with the way some portray people that commit crimes in this country. We can have someone on video shooting someone and they talk about him being innocent. I do think we go through the process but to be honest it really is a farce in this case. It's like saying were going to try you then kill you and that's what we are going to do. When they talked about some of the gitmo people getting tried they said before any trial that none of them were ever going to see the light of day again. I ask if you say that then what is the point of a trial? What if he is found innocent? Does everyone support letting him go?
