Saturday, January 14, 2012

Flying By The Seat Of My Pants


Andi & Mr. Andi invited me to come to their place in Virginia for a party tonight. Even though they invited me weeks ago, I couldn't say yes for sure for many reasons. Not the least of which was wondering if today would be a "I-can-go-places-day" or a "I-am-staying-in-bed-around-the-clock-day".

Then there was my stressful day yesterday.

So it was all up in the air until I woke up this morning.

We are a go!

I showered, dressed, packed, hunted the internet for a good last minute flight, booked a shuttle and jumped on the Bunker bus.

Here I am at Logan.

Soon I will be hanging with milblogger Illuminati and watching the Pats with my friend Mr. Andi.


  1. Yayyyy!!!!!!!!!
    See you this evening!

  2. I hope you have an awesome visit!!

  3. I got a bit lost with image of the seat of your pants... then I noticed your emphasis on the Pats?

    Have fun... until Tim does his magic.

  4. Next time, ask me for my special travel agent friend who does more than magic with her 30 years in the business...and you can call her if your flight gets cancelled at some layover place...saved me not only money, but time trying to be smarter than a professional.....and say "hi" to Andi for me!

  5. And wait til you see the surprise guest!

    : )
