Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Embarking On a Life Of Crime

Today I was listening to a local newscast when the subject turned to....what else?....#OccupyBoston

Occupy Boston: 'This is a movement of the mind'

"Protesters are hoping the conservancy will allow them to put a Gandhi statue and a plaque commemorating their time at Dewey Square."

Well, I better start saving my pennies now. I am going to rip it down and get arrested. I'll do it every day if I have to....or as often as I am out on parole.

Be sure to throw a few bucks in my canteen, so I have chocolate, thanks.


  1. Well, you gotta give them credit. They're half right, anyway.

    "Occupy" is a movement, to be sure. The kind associated with a fiber diet. About three and a half feet south of the "mind".

    Good luck with your life of crime. You can get pointers from your Aunt who used to run guns to the Sinn Feiners.

  2. I dies hard here. I was walking down Main Street and "Sinn Fein" was written on the sidewalk.
