Tuesday, August 11, 2009

I Live To Serve!

First, go visit the TankerBabe. She has requested the assistance of yours truly and I am happy to help.

It's cute, it's fun.

Then go read the comments at BlackFive, where BlackFive actual linked.

I am more evil than I ever hoped.

Caution - viewing the picture I linked in BlackFive's comments may cause nausea, anxiety, Tourette's, depression, and suicidal tendencies.


  1. Words fail. Nasty. Just nasty.


    B. Walthrop

  2. Tourette's, definitely Tourette's, Code Pink is great a great organization, but I swear it's not me. You're an evil woman. I like that in a person...

  3. Boston Maggie evil? NEVAH! :)

    Maggie, you're the bestest! Many, many thanks for your assistance with Uncle Jimbo. He is a handful isn't he?
