Thursday, June 04, 2009


I wouldn't know where to start. I am throwing things on Twitter as I remember them. Maybe I will just string them along and make post out of them.

I met so many people and had such a good time.


There is one person I must scold!

A gentleman came up to me and asked if I were perchance a milblogger. I smiled and put out my hand "I'm Maggie." He shook my hand and introduced himself as a reader here and at the Castle. (I will let him come out here and identify himself how he wishes) We barely exchanged a few words when I caught one of my invited guests trying to escape. While I was distracted with Lou (who is AMAZING and I am in love with him), my reader escaped!

So I see I must be very specific. When I tell you to come to my event.....and find me.....let me add.....DON'T LEAVE. I went looking for you for the cake cutting and you were gone!


  1. Hmmm....leaving before the cake is cut, eh?!?!?! Well, well, well...

  2. Notice I didn't say that *I* left before the cake was cut. LOL Because you would never have believed me.

  3. Sorry about that, Maggie. You were off talking to other folks you obviously knew very well; I had other things I needed to be doing; and I thought the ceremony was over. I don't remember anybody saying anything about a cake.

    (Not to mention the fact that I was there on my own, without anything resembling a formal invite, and was very nervous about whether I was breaking The Rules by being a non-Navy person at a Navy ceremony.)

  4. Ok, well I understand when you are not a professional party crasher like!

    But next time - stay!

  5. Maggie - thanks for coming and thanks for all your help.

    wolfwalker - with very few exceptions, everything Old Ironsides does is open to the public. You weren't breaking any rules - we're glad you came, and we need more like you to come in the future!


    CDR W. A. Bullard III
    70th in Command

  6. OK...something crazy is going on. Like the Earth is off its axis or something.

    My friend Sally is going to a birthday party tonite and posted on FB that she was going but wouldn't be there for the cake.


    People, the cake is the best part. Think about it...can you honestly say you have had horrible cake? NO!

    Life is short. Cake is delicious. Need I say more?
