Tuesday, June 23, 2009

I Want To Go See This Movie

"Waves of Freedom"

It's showing at the MFA on Sunday

Boston Jewish Film Festival: Encores
Waves of Freedom
12:20 — 1:15 pm
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Remis Auditorium

Waves of Freedom (Becheshkhat Ha'galim) by Alan Rosenthal (Israel, 2008, 52 min.). Recruited in 1947 by the Haganah to break the British naval blockade of Palestine, Paul Kaye and twenty-five other American recruits set sail in a dilapidated ship, pick up 1,500 displaced persons in the middle of the night, and engage in a naval battle with three British warships. And that is just the beginning of their astounding true story.

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