Sunday, January 28, 2007

Comparing Iraq to......

....whatever. Everyone's got an Iraq analogy. The antiwar people like to use Vietnam. I've recently heard it compared to Algeria (1954-1962). Now, Badgers Forward compares it to Malaysia in 1948 - 1960.

We Must Have A Plan, We Must Have A Man
In December 1951, Oliver Lyttelton, the British Colonial Secretary had a meeting withe Prime Minister Winston Churchill and Chief of the Imperial General Staff Field Marshal Montgomery. Lyttelton had just returned from Malaya. The British were tied down in a quagmire, a guerrilla war. They had been there for four years with no end in sight. Following the meeting Field Marshal Montgomery sent the Colonial Secretary this note:
Dear Lyttelton,
We must have a plan.
Secondly, we must have a man.
When we have plan and a man, we shall succeed; not otherwise.
Yours Sincerely,
Montgomery (F.M)
Read the rest here.

I sincerely hope he is right. I have high hopes for General Petreaus. I feel he is the man with the plan. We need to support the mission.

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