Monday, May 15, 2006

I Always Have A Plan......

Tonight's plan.........the gym from 1900 hours to 2100 hours then off to see "24" with Jen. But I don't want to miss the President's speech. So after I drop off Trish's computer, I hit Circuit City. I explain that there are TVs at the gym and I need some receiver. The kid keeps trying to sell me an IPod. I keep explaining that I just want to listen to the TV. I finally decide on a two.....I owe Trish a birthday present and we are usually together at the gym. Dash home, change, dash to the gym, ask them to change TV #4 to FoxNews (looooove Brit Hume, Bill Kristol, etc.). I am on the treadmill 5 minutes ahead of the doesn't work! LOL

I had to call Jen and have her put the phone in front of the TV!

But the steam afterwards was sooooooo worth it!


  1. I hate to say it, but you seem like you are waaaaaaay addicted to tv.

    Oh well, better that than most "addictive" things.

    What type of receiver were you trying to get? I've never heard of anything like that (dumb Jarhead).

  2. Obviously I have no idea what type I was supposed to get......or it would have worked! Smart ass!

    Also, you never *hate* it when you get to pick on me!
