Saturday, January 21, 2006

Frankie's birthday

Today my baby turns 18. He has been counting down since he was 10, lol. I was a different person back then. I look back and barely recognize myself. I had a regularly scheduled checkup that day and as we drove to the doctor's office I knew I was in labor. My doctor was very popular and there was always a huge wait to see him. Waiting an hour was very common. I always needed a ride because back then I didn't drive much. I got my license when I was pregnant (26) and stuck pretty much my own neighborhood. That really makes me laugh considering all the places I go by myself now. Anyway, when I got to the office I did the regular check in and didn't say anything about my labor pains. I was afraid of being wrong. I was afraid of cutting that huge line and not actually being in labor. It was just before 2 pm. As I sat in the waiting room for the next hour with my sister Grace (who was herself six months along with her Danny) and my ex-husband, other women became aware that I was in labor. Finally one of them went up and told the receptionist. I was wisked into the inner sanctum, mortified. The doctor gave me the most cursory exam and told me to get up to the hospital (1/2 mile away) pronto. Frankie was born less than three hours later. We all laugh about that now. Especially the part where I was nice, a little shy, deferential, afraid of being wrong. Who was that girl!


Happy Birthday Spankie! Love Mum

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