Saturday, March 30, 2019

My Friend Carrie

The internet has given me sooooo much.  But once in a while, it gives you a gut punch.

When I started blogging, technically I was a #Milblogger.  I had never served and I wasn't a spouse.  I fell into the category of #supporter.  And when #MilblogConferences started happening, I went for the parties.

And I met a ton of cool people.  Some of them are and will continue to be my life long friends.

One of the very best was Carrie Costantini.  Carrie was a "doer".  I wrote stuff, I followed other people's lead when i could.  Carrie got stuff done.  Not in a big showy way.  In exactly the right way.

One of the things Carrie and I talked about was Staunton, Virginia.  That's where my eldest son lives and Carrie went to Mary Baldwin College.  One of her first questions was had I gone to "Wright's Dairy Rite".  It's a burger joint, like an old fashioned car hop/drive-in place.   A working juke box. They opened it in 1952 and around these parts, it's local legend.

I'm about 50 or so hours past my latest Dara infusion.  I haven't written about it (or much of anything), but it's a biologic and your body tries to fight it.  My body mimics a really bad head cold.  So my ears, nose, and chest are stuffed up.

When the other half of #TeamM called to tell me that Carrie had passed away today, I tried to pretend my stuffed head got it wrong..

But I didn't.

So I got up and took a shower and went and got a burger and onion rings.  Here's to you Carrie.