Sunday, April 07, 2013

Farewell, Matthew Colin "Big" Darne

Matt Darne, "BigDarne" or just "Darne" to some of his friends was a presence in the lives of many people.  Not the least of which were his fellow correctional officers at Augusta Correctional Facility in Virginia.  I know this because my son Tom is a fellow officer and among those mourning Matt.
Matt Darne graduated from McLean High School, and enlisted in the US Marine Corps.  He served a tour in Iraq and saw action in The Battle of Fallujah.  Matt was also at one point stationed in Korea.  My Tom recalls Matt's humor fondly; citing some of Matt's "When I was in Korea...." quips.

When you read Matt's obit and "guest book" entries, you see that many are recalling that very sense of humor that they all feel the loss of.  But it's not lost, as long as you remember it.

You will think of Matt and when you do, smile and be grateful that he was in your life for a time.  Because Matt was grateful for you as well.  I found an online profile that read;

"Hi my name is Matt. But to the people who know me I am Darne. I am a 24 year old former Marine. I am a combat vet. I saw action in the Battle for Falluja. I was an 0341/0331. That means I was a Grunt / Ass Kicker / Ground Pounder. To some I maybe crazy and to others I maybe the coolest guy in the world, but what matters to me is what I think of myself and thats it. I like to work out alot and I do various forms of martial arts but my real love is for the outdoors... Hunting, Fishing, Camping, Hiking... theres no greater thrill in the world. For me, family and friends are the most important thing to me... I would do anything for them, ANYTHING..."


  1. Matt was my husband, and one of the most amazing people I have ever met. When he said he would do anthing for his family and friends he meant it, even up to the day he died.

    Matt was always the life of the party, and you could sense his presence in a room within minutes of his arrival. It wasn't because he was arrogant; it was because he was hilarious, caring, friendly with everyone, and LOUD. :) Our personalities were completely different, and we balanced each other. He had the personality I wished I had, and I will miss it so much.

    He was loved by almost everyone he met, and the world is dimmer from his passing. May God grant Matt the peace and love he has bestowed on so many.

  2. Stephanie, you have my most sincere condolences. My son Tom worked with Matt and spoke so highly of him.

  3. Stephanie, i am very sorry.

    I was in C co 1/3. Fished and drank beer with him.

    S/F Darne

  4. Stephanie, I am deeply sorry for ur lose my deepest condolenses to u and ur family. I was one of the many the many that served with him in weapons co 1/3. Those times were the best especially when we drank cause I always thought I could take him but always failed miserably. He was always full of life and many jokes which this came in great shock and I could say the say for everyone else in the plattoon. My he find peace and know that we all would see each other again.. RIP BROTHER!

  5. God bless Matt and his family. Semper Fi, Marine. . .

  6. Losing Matt is a heartbreak his Dad and I will always have to live with.

    "...we never ever thought we would lose our son. Not a day goes by that we don't think of him and miss him more than words can express.


  7. Dear Carole,

    I am so sorry for your loss.

    I have presumed to edit your comment because I think the deleted line is very private. I was afraid that later, after some reflection, you would regret my publishing it.

    I hope you can forgive me for taking the liberty. Please feel free to contact me anytime regarding this or any other matter.

  8. I worked with matt when he was learning to be a electrician . He was a force of nature. We were very good friends. He always told me he just wanted to move to a cabin in the mountains marry a chubby girl and have chubby children. He was funny and caring. I was saddened to hear of his passing.
