Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Happy 100th Mama Kelley!

My mother's mother, a woman who was a huge influence in my life, was born 100 years ago today.

She went to go and join my grandfather in Heaven years ago, yet she is a presence in my life still.

I quote her so often that once, five years after she passed a work colleague told me she was confused, was Mama dead or alive.  That's how much she is still with me.

There was a time when the pain of losing her was so fresh I couldn't see today for what it always was and always will be - a celebration!

To celebrate I will go visit her on this beautiful sunny day.

This is my favorite pic of Mama & Papa dancing at my Uncle Frank's wedding.
We'll talk about the new Pope the Church has announced.  They picked a great day!  Normally you know that I would be glued to Twitter for such an event.  But I have a prior committment - see you soon Mama.

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