Monday, May 07, 2012

Congratulations Captain Michael Junge, USN (sel)

Big news in my world!  And the Naval Blogosphere!  And probably Mike's house.....

Nomination: PN1472-112
Date Received: March 19, 2012 (112th Congress)
Nominee: One nomination, beginning with Michael Junge, and ending with Michael Junge
Referred to: Senate Armed Services

If you want to read some of Mike's musings you can head over to this guest post at Information Dissemination; or this article in USNI's Proceedings.  Then there's always his Navy bio

Mike is also husband to the lovely and talented Paulette and Dad to my pals, Eva and Ella.

His friendship is one of the greatest gifts the blogoshpere has ever given me.

I am thrilled and proud to say I will be front and center in Newport for his promotion.  My sisters already found the perfect gift.  Although we will spend from now until then trying to figure out how to wrap it.

There will of course be pics because both of the Junges are very talented photographers.


  1. Here here. Congratulations Captain Junge and family. Well deserved !!

  2. Didn't you forget to add your own role in the upcoming ceremony?

  3. Nope, I just felt this deserved it's own post without my nonsense.

  4. Congrats CAPT (sel) Junge!
