Thursday, April 19, 2012

More Pudding Notes

I laugh every day in this house. I know it's hard to read, but this another of my father's notes and it says "This pudding is not for consumption" But my mother wasn't funny. Last night when I came home from P.F. Chang's and told her I had a few drinks she said "Well you won't lose any weight this week. You'll gain a pound."

And I did! She's so mean!


  1. This is along the lines of Obi-Wan saying,

    " These aren't the droits you're looking for.... "

  2. She's not mean; she's a mother. Remember "If you keep making that face, it's going to freeze that way?" Mothers know the consequences of actions.

  3. Yeah-ha she's mean. That pound is still here!

  4. So what was the pudding for? Was he testing your resolve or something?

  5. What resolve?

    No he makes pudding for my Mum at least once a week.
