Thursday, December 01, 2011

For Those Of You Keeping Score At Home

I saw Dr. Miller & Kate today. Eight months post transplant, there is no sign of myeloma. I am considered in complete remission.

There is every indication that I should cruise easily to the eighteen month mark and beyond.

But you know that I only look at the short term. So we are just counting on the 18 months.

I am ten weeks out from the one year anniversary of the transplant. The months between the one year anniversary and the eighteen month mark should be mint! And they coincide with the #WarOf1812 stuff.


Sure, I can't get all my drugs. Sure, I have to fight the insurance company. Sure, the meds mess me up sometimes. Sure, I sleep 12 to 15 hours most days.

But still.......SWEET! LOL!


  1. Thank God! I am so happy for you and your family. And for the Navy, too.

  2. Sweet indeed! Remission is terrific news!

  3. No news can top this news. Diane, you are an amazing Lady.

  4. This makes my heart swell, Maggie. DOIN' DA SNOOPY HAPPY DANCE!!!!

  5. I love it when a plan comes together!!
    See you at the 1812 Commemorations.
    Merry Christmas and all the best, JCHjr

  6. Show it who's boss - Proof positive that Boston Maggie, is a force of nature!

  7. Looking at the short term works in the short term, but keep extending it by each day that passes.

    My "short term" was five years -- from 2002.


  8. Good news....I plan on being at the Tree Lighting on Sunday....I'll be wearing my USS CONSTITUTION crew member cap and a Navy jacket.....looking forward to seeing you there to give you congrats in person.

  9. That is the best news ever! In your honor, I shall go out and kiss a sailor ;-) Don't worry, I'll tell him you sent me.

  10. Good on ya Maggie!!

    Even us old Desert Sailors need you to stick around...a helluva lot longer than that!

    Continued prayers your way.
    Brad n family

  11. NICE! Keep up the good work and results.
    I am almost 3 and a half yrs out from my bladder removal and reconstruction which with associated crap took up a total of 12 surgeries. Thankfully, I'm coming up on 2 yrs since my last surgery and hoping to keep it that way.
    Oh, and no sign of the beast in all 3.5 year

  12. Thank you everyone. It's all easier with family and friends like you.

  13. SCORE!!! That is fabulously wonderful news!!! Throwing virtual confetti in this corner of the blogsphere!

  14. Outstanding news, Maggie!! Woot!!

  15. Outstanding news, Maggie! Woot!!

  16. Fantastic news! May you have a wonderful relaxed and very happy Christmas this year and then cruise on into next year the same way. WooHooooo!!!

  17. ok... you made me cry. tears of both thankfulness & joy. you are a treasure, Miss Maggie... we all knew if anyone was gonna kick butt, it was gonna be you!! WHOOOOHOOOOO!!

  18. Outstanding! Great news and what a blessing -- and a fantastic way to enter the coming season too. :)

  19. Best news I've had all day!! As we say in the Hog community, "Out-friggin'-STANDING!" (I paraphrase slightly.)

  20. Some of the best news I've had in a loooooong time! Congrats!

  21. God bless you! You are in my prayers, and I wish you a Merry Christmas and many healthy years ahead.

  22. Best news all week! So happy for you :)

  23. Great news! You made my week, you know. I love it when good things happen to (mostly) good people!

  24. Most wonderful news I have seen this month. Wonderful! Fantastic! Splendid!
