Monday, October 17, 2011

Saturday From The Rose Kennedy Greenway

So, you have seen all the pics in the papers and on TV and on Howie Carr's page of #OccupyBoston on the rose Fitzgerald Greenway. But they are only on part of the Greenway. For those who don't know what the Greenway is, it's this public space that came about when they put the Expressway underground. The elevated highway that used to put this area in shadow all day was named after Rose's father, "Honey Fitz". And rose's son, Ted secured most of the pork to fund "The Big Dig", so I guess I am ok with the name, lol.

Anyway, I had been tweeting about #OccupyBoston. Some of their Twitter supporters said that couldn't talk about it if I didn't go myself. So Friday night and Saturday morning I did - two separate visits mind you......Princess Crabby doesn't camp.

I have no good pics from Friday night despite the fact that I used the flash, it was just the cell phone and not the camera. Plus it was raining and everything was blurry. By raining, I mean that at times it was like standing under a waterfall. I saw filth and garbage and ruined plantings. There were people dancing under a tarp and playing music and chewing up all the grass. There was every kind of tent and shanty. And there was a 3rd world stench. They are going to be lucky if no one gets cholera or malaria.

Saturday morning I walked from Aquarium on the Blue Line to South Station for the Red Line.

This is how it looks Little parks, all different but connected between traffic intersections.
A world of difference from when I was a little girl. Just lovely.
And at the last intersection, just before crossing Congress Street to where the #OccupyBoston encampment is, I found this guy -
"We honor those who serve" I introduced myself and asked why he was there. He said he wasn't there to pick a fight. But that the story of some from the #OccupyBoston camp verbally and physically assaulting a uniformed member of the Coast Guard has moved him to act. He said he was there in solidarity with her.
The first thing I did was send it to Blackfive because I knew he would get it online much faster than I could - I really need to get a fancy-schmancy phone.


  1. Hi Bostonmaggie. Thank you so much for sharing that photo. I recently got out of the service, and when I stumbled across the story of what those two men did, I was horrified. And I was disgusted by the way it was just blown off by the rest of the protestors. It is really encouraging to see someone take a stand. Thanks again for sharing.

  2. They are going to be lucky if no one gets cholera or malaria.

    Malaria, no; it's transmitted by mosquitoes, and mosquito season is over in New England. Cholera is a possibility -- it's transmitted through contaminated drinking water. It's also limited exclusively to 3rd World countries nowadays, and it's a really really nasty thing to have -- look up the symptoms if you don't believe me. At the risk of sounding vindictive, since these bozos want to reduce the US to a third-world economy, it'd be appropriate if they get a full taste of what that will really mean.

  3. Do we know who this person is? Saw this at Blackfive, and wanted to refer to it on other sites. -jordan

  4. No, I don't know who it is. I didn't press for his name. He was a little hesitant about having his pic taken.
