Thursday, August 25, 2011

Happy Birthday to My Darling Chief!

Readers of this blog may or may not know the reason I set up "BostonMaggie". Well for those who don't - it was because of Bill & John at "The Castle Argghhh!!!". I needed an identity to begin commenting.

My first comment (I was a lurker) was in response to a Christmas post. I said something to the effect of "Thanks, I love you guys. Merry Christmas". Bill emailed me. I didn't recognize the address and said "Who is this?" He replied teasingly that he was Bill from the Castle and shouldn't I be more careful telling strange men that I loved them?

Well you know me, I am never gonna stop telling strange men that I love them if the spirit moves me!

Bill also teased that there was no content on my blog and I should get going.

So if you like this blog, you owe thanks to Bill & John.

So get on over to The Castle and say Happy Birthday!


  1. LOL I thought the Chief was your husband. Sorry I haven't been reading here for a log time.

  2. Husband? What is this "husband" thing you speak of?

    I have a Rotation -

  3. LOL well I guess that puts to rest the whole husband issue. I see you are low maintenance.
