Saturday, April 09, 2011

Laptop Separation Anxiety

Thursday at my appointment we talked about the problems I am having with sleep. My body is all confused with my sleeping around the clock, lack of schedule and exercise, etc. So Kate reels off a bunch of solutions about good sleep hygiene. I must pay attention because I am stuck staring at the ceiling for two and three hours trying to fall asleep. I have never had this problem. I was so good at falling asleep that if it were an Olympic event even the East German judges would have given me high marks. I have fallen asleep in cars, trains, at the movies, in the middle of was effortless.

So Kate asked if I blogged in bed. Before I could answer Jennifer piped right up - "Oh yes!" Of course I blog in bed! Mary Ripley referred to the laptop as my lover because I told her that since I began chemo it's been on the other pillow every night.

So the laptop was banished to the first floor. Yesterday I didn't even check email because I was too tired to go down there. Now today, when I was packing to come down to Jen's, my Dad asked me to leave it so he could look for something online. He knows Jen has multiple computers.

I have not been separated from the laptop for more than a few hours since I got it.

Oh! The pain!


  1. You and your laptop are coming up on your one-year anniversary :)

  2. WHAT?!?!?!? No laptop? What about MEEEEE?!?!?! What about MY needs?

    (How's THAT for sounding like an aviator?)

    Enjoy your weekend. Get some sun if you can.

  3. 1st Anniversary is paper, right? I will have to get a card for my laptop.

    YM - I am never not thinking about you!

  4. Aren't the planning a concert at the navy memorial for you anniversary?

  5. GARSH! "Blush*
