Tuesday, March 01, 2011

I'm Back With My Parents

They released me yesterday afternoon. Jen and Grace loaded me up and brought me back to Charlestown. My father met me at the gate and took my arm. I was perplexed, it wasn't icy. But just walking into the house, climbing the curb, the two steps from the street to the yard and the three steps into the house.........exhausting!

I was in bed by 7pm. Except for a few phone calls around 9pm, and trips to the bathroom, I slept until 9:30 am.

I'm gonna shower now. I am so happy and grateful to be back here.


  1. Did you get your new suit and ten bucks?

    Welcome home.

  2. "They released me yesterday afternoon. "


  3. And I'm so grateful to read that you are back home!

  4. Maggie, I'm glad you're back home - it was great to read that. Oh, and sleep as long as you want to, OK? No reveille for you for a while. Give 'em hell! All the best, John Harvey

  5. Thank you everyone.

    You know, speaking of reveille, the first thing I want to do when a morning is over 40....is go to Colors down in the Navy Yard. I miss that.
