Saturday, March 26, 2011

De. Press. Ing.

Geraldine Ferraro has just passed away from complications of her multiple myeloma.

It's ridiculous to be upset. She's had it for more than ten years. She was 75.

But still, whenever I hear of someone passing from this.....and it happens on my email group.....I get bummed. I mean, it is incurable. I'm on and on about this friggin' transplant, but all it's only pushed me into remission, not cured me.

So I am going to switch to the Comedy Central channel and eat this strawberry poptart. I wanted the last of the blueberry pie, but my Dad beat me to that.

I have to call Grace tomorrow and sing happy birthday. We had her party today - and it was fun - but tomorrow is her actual birthday.


  1. "I'm on and on about this friggin' transplant, but all it's only pushed me into remission, not cured me."

    You don't know that. Neither do the doctors. No two humans are exactly alike. No two react exactly the same way to medicine, and certainly not to advanced treatments like stem-cell transplants.

  2. I don't envy what you are going through, but there is A truth hovering around the edges of your ordeal.

    Thoreau noted: “When it's time to die, let us not discover that we have never lived.”

    Even now you are one of the liveliest people I know of.

    You aren't sitting in some dark room feeling sorry for yourself, yer trying to get that pie!!

  3. Every time I hear about someone dying from MM... I think about you. I think "Thank GOD it wasn't my friend, Maggie. She's too mean to die on me."

    Love you- mean it.
