Tuesday, March 15, 2011

And Here I Thought I Was Closing In On 50.....

.....but I guess it's closer to 15.....

We were sitting at the dining room table when my father announced -

"Your mother and I have decided that if you can't eat 3 meals a day, you can't go to D.C. in April"


  1. What's that old saying? Laughter is the best medicine. I remember when I was a kid there was a cartoon with several characters, including the villain Dastardly and his dog Muttley. I will admit that you (and your dad) just made me do my Muttley impression.

  2. My Dad loved The Wacky Races!

  3. Thanks for that link! I forgot to say that NO one has ever heard my Muttley impression except for my big sis.

  4. It is about time someone laid down some rules. You are out of control, and NOT self-regulating. Admit it. We both know it!!!!

    Oh, and I was laughing a while ago about Willie Whistle. Remember him? One internet reference I read called the show "irksome". That about summed it up.

  5. It's OK. At fifty six, I get that from my youngest daughter and the two granddaughters!

  6. Bostonmaggie, I bumped into your blog as I was looking for some information on Hamilton McWhorter, the Ace pilot. He and my mother were first cousins. I read through your postings and comments from readers, trying to figure out "Just what sort of person IS this?" I confess that I gave up. Your blog is so interesting and eclectic that I was unable to find a common thread. But every thread I followed turned into something surprising and intriguing. Are you a friend of one of Hamilton's children? Did you attend the 90th birthday pary for Louise? My wife Kammy and I had hoped to, then I wanted to send our daughter in California in our place, then we were just no-shows. We love Louise. Anyway, I'm in Athens, Georgia, where Hamilton (though you may call him "Mac") was born. Write to me, please, if you care to. I'm at . Thanks for the great blog!

  7. I'm just glad to see there is some adult supervision in that house!!!

    P.S. Let us know when they leave town for the weekend and you throw a kegger.
