Tuesday, February 01, 2011

It's Done

I would have taken a picture of all the hair, etc....but I think I was a little in shock. Besides, you know how fast my father cleans things up.

It was just too much to go though anymore. At lunch I had to pick a hair off of the tablecloth....gag me!

So there was polling. I counted everyone who voted on Facebook. The majority being "Shave it now"

I sent texts to the inner circle. Grace, my mother, Jennifer, Debbie and Frankie were "Wait/Do what you want". Frankie actually said "Just wait until I am gone" LOL. Genevieve and the favorite Naval consort were "Shave it now", but made up for being the minority by being pushy. They are both type A/leaders.

I wanted it gone, but I was still stuck on the "What if it stops falling out again" idea. After all, it did stop once. And I am so non-compliant with what they expect to happen. Plus, those who know me will tell you - I suck at the 50/50 questions.

But in the end, hating the general messiness won out.

I am not completely bald, my Dad buzzed it with a half inch tool. The FNC told me not to do it myself because of my tremor.....of course, where do you think the tremor came from? I could feel him shaking, lol.

But it's done and now I can feel like when I swiffer the floor and vacuum the carpet it will stay clean for more than a few minutes.


  1. I would have taken a picture of all the hair, etc....but I think I was a little in shock.

    I shaved my head the minute I lost the first clump. I felt somewhat embarrassed at first until my Bostonian friend at the gym, a trainer, shouted, "Gurl u got guts!!!"

    When the weather warms I hope very soon for all of the East Coast), buy the biggest earrings you can find and enjoy the sun.

    Sometimes, I still think of shaving my head because I enjoyed the freedom of being bald... no product to worry about, just sunscreen and a razor.
